[3.2] That Doomfletch Life | 3.1 VIDEO GUIDE UP! Tree/PoB | All Content | Reviews

sendantes написал:
i d like to point out: mirage archer may be the most awesome bow gem in the game. i dont think i have the words to describe how awesome and fun it is.
that freaking archer sees mobs from outside of your screen. he just shoots at everything. you all yhave to try it if you have not yet.

hahahaha yes, I use mirage archer on my 6l barrage instead of slower proj now
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Hernot написал:
Well if smn could help with improving my dps, i took raider because i'm kinda lacking of exalts.

I'm no wearing abyssus because I take so much dmg, don't have secondary 6l doomfletch yet just swapping barrage for tornado.

If you could help me what should i change 6.1k hp atm.

unlock your character sheets and post your gear here
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alevil1234 написал:
Could i also play this even if i dont want to balance my resists?

You could, but you're not allowed to complain about how your deeps isn't enough

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Penetros написал:
kwagam написал:
In guide there is writton "with pathfinder our flasks will last very long", but to be honest the only duration increase I see is 8% minor node in ascendancy. Am I missing something? Is there anything else that will make flasks last longer?

I'd take druidic rite as well another 20% increased.

Correct, it is enough
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Ceratoidei написал:

Power creep is real... I guess legacy crit multi is finally done

100% finished version still less damage than sol locket, and ofc +4all attributes less since legacy implicit.

Great elder mod tho for real, it's a prefix tho so you either gotta give up wed/flat light/life/flat phys to get it.
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Последняя редакция: Ahfack#1969. Время: 18 дек. 2017 г., 21:18:29
FlufflePuff22 написал:
why abyssus btw?
isnt starkonja's better?
giving boost almost same like abyssus

install path of building and you tell me what you find yourself ;)

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abyssus is the most damage no matter what
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ellisd88 написал:
Hakyu написал:
So I have been trying this out in Abyss league and I have found the dps to be somewhat lackluster, in your guide, ur showing us dps with mirrored items and non nerfed bow. Playing in abyss witht he bow nerf I really feel like we have 0% crit, or close to it anyways, with no crit on ammy or ring I have around 20% crit chance and 300% crit multi, on the screen shot of gear your using, you have a single crit roll on your ammy for 36% global crit chance, but your pob shows 64.76% effective crit chance. I have no idea where you get a flat out 45% crit chance on me when I am following the exact tree. Now you can argue that I dont have +1 barrage and +1 arrow on quiver, but I just feel dumping 40-50ex into a build like this should feel a bit better than it does. Totally respect you and your build, and this isn't a post dissing your build, I'm just wondering what I did wrong with mine.
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also I have a pretty shitty steel ring, but I had to use it to balance resist for wise oak.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to salvage this toon! Thanks!

PoB shows crit factoring in diamond flasks being up. Ingame tooltip does not.


Quality your flasks

You're not using herald of ice / assassins mark / curse on hit. Why do you have inc crit linked to blasphemy in your boots? wtf?

get +1 arrow drillneck for your barrage setup

try to get a useful enchant on your helm or find one

Abyssus give 50 flat pys, your helm gives 19 flat phys with your jewels

if you don't have 2 6l's, your barrage should be the 6L, your TS should be the 5L
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haenic написал:
Can someone update the leveling section? Or maybe add the Raider version before transitioning to the GG one?

There is tons of notes about it between the extensive reviews section and the actual "leveling section" with extensive notes about leveling as raider.
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alevil1234 написал:
So Why Mirager Archer Over SP? because in PoB u have less damage with Mirager Archer
Same goes for Pierce over Elemental Focus.

Mirage Archer is not calculated in damage output at all in PoB on barrage

Pierce? We don't use pierce in barrage, we do use ele focus.

We don't use ele focus in TS because we want that shatter from HoI. Enemies can't be frozen with ele focus
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Последняя редакция: Ahfack#1969. Время: 18 дек. 2017 г., 21:30:08
Gnomen_Kind написал:

What do you think about this jewel for non-Legacy doomfletch to gain base crit is it viable? For the old 3.0 Build with inc crit?


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