Yo, my mate has an issue with one of the suggested bows, the Dommfletchs Prism Royal bow.
He tried to simulate what the DPS difference would be in PoB, and it showed a big buff to damage. So he bought it, but the numbers was super low. He went back to PoB and noticed his DPS actually was super low in there as well, with the new bow. It's like the last affix with the elemental damage is disabled/not simulated, and is marked with red. You can see the images I attached. The first one is the bow he bought and actually has in his inventory in game, the second picture is the one with the bow added from the search-feature.
It seems to work, in terms if clear speed, but it's odd it's not getting simulated probably. You know why that is?
СообщениеMania#10056 марта 2018 г., 7:34:37
Mania написал:
It seems to work, in terms if clear speed, but it's odd it's not getting simulated probably. You know why that is?
Path of building bug. It inserted wrong passive description. Edit item and replace that passive line text to "Gain 100% of Bow Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element". Looks like PoE itself now uses "Weapon" instead of "Bow".
Последняя редакция: phx#5241. Время: 6 марта 2018 г., 9:03:15
Сообщениеphx#52416 марта 2018 г., 8:46:14
hi some stupid question,was wondering why PF instead of new Deadeye? just need to know the difference,, and why Doomfletch instead of Death opus or some other bow..thank u
Сообщениеmohamed94#78136 марта 2018 г., 9:26:18
mohamed94 написал:
hi some stupid question,was wondering why PF instead of new Deadeye? just need to know the difference,, and why Doomfletch instead of Death opus or some other bow..thank u
Doomfletch - because its passive is too op. As I understand, basic Doomfletch converts your phys to ele and adds it, when upgraded version converts it and adds 3 times of it (each element once). That's basically strongest bow for its money.
PF - its your personal preference now. I'm playing Deadeye for free added arrow and I hate using flasks every second on PF.
Сообщениеphx#52416 марта 2018 г., 9:39:14
I couldnt find any answer to this, so I thought id ask.
Since Im tired AF of Tornado Shot. How does lightning arrow & Ice shot compare to TS? Been using Ice shot til T5 now and it seems to clear pretty fast.
phx написал:
Mania написал:
It seems to work, in terms if clear speed, but it's odd it's not getting simulated probably. You know why that is?
Path of building bug. It inserted wrong passive description. Edit item and replace that passive line text to "Gain 100% of Bow Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element". Looks like PoE itself now uses "Weapon" instead of "Bow".
Ahh that did it, didn't evne notice the strings were different. Thanks a lot! :)
СообщениеMania#10056 марта 2018 г., 10:05:55
exxidus написал:
willianvon написал:
the problem is really my damage right now, not that high, im with prism already but without abyssus it doens't seem to make much difference and if I equip it i take so much damage that can't resist lol
drillneck really adds good dmg?
Well you followed the guide, without reading it .... you skilled the claw nodes even tho you dont even have a lioneyes fall ... which are useless and wasted points, which you can all respec into something that actually gives a boni to you ...
And you NEED Doomfletch Prism, Doomfletch alone is bad - every rare bow is better than Doomfletch. Get the Prophecy and upgrade your bow to Doomfletch Prism
King of the Hill like the other guy said is pretty OP if you dont have lioneyes for the claw nodes you invested in
Other than that, my gear was more or less the same with ur level and i sliced through everything - Its more about learning your role ... at first i died a lot, but the more i played ranger, the more i got used to it.
And for sure with lvl 67 no lab done is gg ... lab increases your damage like 100% if not more and normal lab i was able to clear with level 40
willianvon написал:
the problem is really my damage right now, not that high, im with prism already but without abyssus it doens't seem to make much difference and if I equip it i take so much damage that can't resist lol
drillneck really adds good dmg?
No drillneck doesnt add much damage - the +1 added arrow adds much damage if you corrupt drillneck. Drillneck itself is good but not much more dmg than your current.
And the thing you have to have in mind is: dont look at inventory dmg!!! those numbers are useless with doomfletch ... My friend has the same build than me with other bow and he shows numbers at 25k+ dps .. my dps shows 1.5k and I insta kill everything up to T5 maps right now where i am
Yzedd написал:
Yzedd написал:
Hi! I've spent a lot on this build and gotten a lot of gear, however I still feel extremely squishy at lvl 84 and to attempt to make up for this I use Atziri's Promise over The Wise Oak for more sustain, and it gives some good damage too. I'm wondering if this is fine seeing as you say The Wise Oak is the most important flask in the build, yet I feel entirely unable to match my Fire & Cold res - I just can't do it. For that reason I didn't think I could make much use of The Wise Oak compared to the survivability I get from Atziri's Promise. But I don't really know what I'm doing.
Any advice or thoughts?
Nobody has any advice on what to do when you can't match your Fire/Cold when it comes to the importance of The Wise Oak? =/
easy as pie - jewels
You can craft your own jewels with a few alts with the res you need probably res + phys dmg just a blue one or if you want you can regal it to be yellow
Jewels is the best way to go, as it doesnt need tons of currencies ones you get a new equipment piece. Jewels are fast replaced and the rolling is pretty easy
the reason i added the claw node is because of the mana and life leech, i know that without lioneye flare it doens't get the other bonuses.. but the leech helps a lot, thats why
about the lab, i didn't did yet, and this build suggest going to pathfinder which is about flasks i think, is it really the best choice? didn't understood exacly why..
Сообщениеwillianvon#25296 марта 2018 г., 13:09:43
phx написал:
mohamed94 написал:
hi some stupid question,was wondering why PF instead of new Deadeye? just need to know the difference,, and why Doomfletch instead of Death opus or some other bow..thank u
Doomfletch - because its passive is too op. As I understand, basic Doomfletch converts your phys to ele and adds it, when upgraded version converts it and adds 3 times of it (each element once). That's basically strongest bow for its money.
PF - its your personal preference now. I'm playing Deadeye for free added arrow and I hate using flasks every second on PF.
thank u i'll think i'll go deadeye as i hate using flasks same and im a pleb dont have much time to farm the +ex flasks.. what asendancy to take if i may ask?
Сообщениеmohamed94#78136 марта 2018 г., 13:38:58
mohamed94 написал:
thank u i'll think i'll go deadeye as i hate using flasks same and im a pleb dont have much time to farm the +ex flasks.. what asendancy to take if i may ask?
First two Far Shot and Endless Munitions, other ones not decided yet. Fast and Deadly gives most damage so probably will take it (doubled accuracy is so sweet btw), and last one probably Gathering Winds because of Tailwind (attack speed, move speed and evasion).
Сообщениеphx#52416 марта 2018 г., 15:34:22
winter spirit converts phys to cold damage, isn't that a bad thing considering doomfletch needs all phys possible to gain more ele dmg???
Сообщениеwillianvon#25296 марта 2018 г., 20:12:20