[3.2] That Doomfletch Life | 3.1 VIDEO GUIDE UP! Tree/PoB | All Content | Reviews

Ahfack написал:
If you don't use abyssus use lightpoacher helm, next choice starks
different chest ofc with more life :D belly or elder rare or something!
steel rings
no enchant on boots, 10pen ideal or 16ias/leech/stun
point blank for sure

lots of work to be done!

Have abyssus, but its 42% and not enchanted yet. I'm now reselling it for 40% and will run lab for enchant next. About good steel rings - I haven't found any good on poe.trade this league.
So first I'm changing my abyssus, then getting 5l belly?
Just a quick levelling review of the build.

Got to level 80 on the build and it wasn't the easiest levelling experience but as long as you have some experience of levelling characters its not too bad but for a newbie I think you'll have issues.

Made it work with goldrim and a tabula rasa and since lioneyes jew was so expensive didn't go down that route but did balance my elemental resist for wise oak. Didn't go vaal pact either as it didn't suit my playing style

Once i got my 5 linked doomfletch prism everything has been pretty smooth for both boss and
mobs for the moment. ( doing low tier maps ).

This isn't a bad build but it might just be that bow builds just aren't as good as others but since this league was a 'hunting' league, i thought the bow build would be a good fit the theme. If you want a quick mapper then this is def a good choice even though if you want to follow the guide perfectly then its going to cost you an insane amount of currency.

I went for deadeye instead for the extra arrow and tailwind.

This is my equipment
Последняя редакция: ninedeadeyes#2466. Время: 11 марта 2018 г., 16:03:56
Im new and got a question , in the tree theres taken a skill Soul Raker (buffing claw damage) is it actually in the build ?
Hello hello

I really want to try a bow build with tornado shot, I have a question :

Do you think it's possible to get to T15 maps with 5ex budget build ?

Thanks !
arcadiyan написал:
Im new and got a question , in the tree theres taken a skill Soul Raker (buffing claw damage) is it actually in the build ?

Yes, using Lioneyes Fall jewel.
Ahfack написал:

Great cheap leveling chest for us! Great flat phys, crit, elemental damage, some life, some all attributes, already comes 6socketed, and the recipe to get it is hilarious:

Vendor a whole inventory of unique rings lmao

well that's actually not that bad
phx написал:
arcadiyan написал:
Im new and got a question , in the tree theres taken a skill Soul Raker (buffing claw damage) is it actually in the build ?

Yes, using Lioneyes Fall jewel.

So thats the right tree ?
arcadiyan написал:
phx написал:
arcadiyan написал:
Im new and got a question , in the tree theres taken a skill Soul Raker (buffing claw damage) is it actually in the build ?

Yes, using Lioneyes Fall jewel.

So thats the right tree ?
my accuracy is starting to getting lower, right now at 90%, i'm with 3k accuracy, should i invest in passives to increase it or 90 is still fine?
Kinda newb so please explain to me like i'm 5.

I don't really understand the point of cold conversion for the nodes and the watcher jewel.
Doomfletcher's strength lies in the fact that it gains 100-110% elemental damage of each element. So by converting ur physical to cold, wouldn't you be losing damage?

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