[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

xodrul написал:
Hey, couple questions for you GC veterans. Im running Life/MOM - how important is it to have the correct ratio of life to mana? I think it's like .4285. Looking at some other peoples gear and it doesn't look like they are getting close to that.

Also, I've spent like 5 ex on alterations/regals trying to hit the dual added cold/lightning prefix but to no avail. Are you guys just buying that sh*t? Those daggers are pretty pricey and don't wanna spend like all my ex on one :p

Had another question.. I crit pretty much all the time without my diamond flask up and was considering using Sin's REbirth instead, why are ppl running diamond?

More EHP is not necessary by any means for softcore, maybe try it out in hardcore. You could probably replace Yoke of Suffering with Atziri's Foible and get shock chance from something like Valako's Sign. It'll obviously be less damage, but as everyone knows, we have already have plenty, and damage isn't everything.

Crafting your own dagger is worth it, you'll get some decent 3 mod daggers along the way that you can sell to offset the cost. However if you're just starting off, just get a couple swords or claws (sceptres can be a little more expensive). Search for two T1 or T2 extra ele rolls (make sure you check for extra as random element), anything else (crit multi, attack speed) is a bonus.

Diamond Flask is a staple because other flasks just aren't that good. Lucky crit chance represents a huge amount of potential DPS so it's wise to build around that. Extra phys as X becomes less good the more you have of it.

I'm actually really shocked that you have so much crit without Diamond, though. You must be doing something crazy like using a +1.5% crit chest, Increased Crit Strikes, and big crit on daggers.
Последняя редакция: waved4sh#7939. Время: 23 апр. 2018 г., 17:48:52
Hi, im running a low life version and i obviously need more lvls (currrently 84) , i was wondering why my dps is low for gc mine around 40k with flasks and power charges up and stuff, its really confusing me. My profile is public so if any gc miner expert could look at it, that would be great.

Ucero написал:
Hi, im running a low life version and i obviously need more lvls (currrently 84) , i was wondering why my dps is low for gc mine around 40k with flasks and power charges up and stuff, its really confusing me. My profile is public so if any gc miner expert could look at it, that would be great.


You're using Hypothermia which doesn't affect tooltip. Also make sure you're using Conc effect when comparing tooltip to people in this thread. Should also buy a level 21 GC.
waved4sh написал:

Diamond Flask is a staple because other flasks just aren't that good. Lucky crit chance represents a huge amount of potential DPS so it's wise to build around that. Extra phys as X becomes less good the more you have of it.

I'm actually really shocked that you have so much crit without Diamond, though. You must be doing something crazy like using a +1.5% crit chest, Increased Crit Strikes, and big crit on daggers.

I was just going by feel as far as how my crit is.. I'm using a Carcass Jack at the moment with INcreased crit strikes and 2 crit daggers, a kris and a demon dagger, so that's 90%. ANd my daggers give me add't 79 and 93 percent.

Appreciate everyone's input.
Currently trying to craft my GG opal ring and have no idea what to focus/upgrade next anybody got an idea maybe? Just check profile.. can’t link items cuz I’m on mobile.
Currently trying to craft my GG opal ring and have no idea what to focus/upgrade next anybody got an idea maybe? Just check profile.. can’t link items cuz I’m on mobile.

Sad to see with mirrored stuff + 1 gem body ect ("next level stuff") that your dps is shit compared to me, LL is a noobtrap. Change yours gloves for a essenced gloves more attack speed its really important when you play whirling blade

edit : When i said compared to me , it's because we have same value item. Pob sent
All in one service, master craft and boss service
Master Craft Service in SYNTHESIS SC. My IGN: ephlios
Free Maps/Challenges/Shaper/Breachlords/Guardians/Uberlab/Atziri service
Main and vouch thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1975446
Последняя редакция: ephilios#2947. Время: 25 апр. 2018 г., 6:16:32
ephilios написал:
Currently trying to craft my GG opal ring and have no idea what to focus/upgrade next anybody got an idea maybe? Just check profile.. can’t link items cuz I’m on mobile.

Sad to see with mirrored stuff + 1 gem body ect that your dps is shit compared to me , LL is a noobtrap. Change yours gloves for a essenced gloves more attack speed its really important when you play whirling blade

Wellp even if ur profile is private „privatehero“ I couldn’t care less if you got 20more mil dps.. im oneshotting every single boss in the game got a decent lifereg and survive to small missplays .. that’s the build To push To 100.. atleast for me it is. Gimme ur pob link to compare some dps red survivability and stuff..also to ur gloves.. attackspeed gloves would be cool but I’m fine with some Headhunter buffs while mapping bruh
if i want to go for a 1 map shaped atlas strat in the race, what maps (shaped around t10-12) would be ideal for this build's playstyle?
Malaclypsety написал:
if i want to go for a 1 map shaped atlas strat in the race, what maps (shaped around t10-12) would be ideal for this build's playstyle?

As someone who does not like to run the same map over and over I did the whole atlas with this build this league and dit not find a map that felt terrible with it. So it basically comes down to personal preference. What i think are some good maps are Toxic Sewers or the higher version Waste Pool because our gc bursts don't really target the walls and only go in front or behind you along the corridors. You may also base your choice on posible valuable div card drops but there i can't really help you.
Последняя редакция: Phuelo#4798. Время: 26 апр. 2018 г., 4:19:35
Phuelo написал:
Malaclypsety написал:
if i want to go for a 1 map shaped atlas strat in the race, what maps (shaped around t10-12) would be ideal for this build's playstyle?

As someone who does not like to run the same map over and over I did the whole atlas with this build this league and dit not find a map that felt terrible with it. So it basically comes down to personal preference. What i think are some good maps are Toxic Sewers or the higher version Waste Pool because our gc bursts don't really target the walls and only go in front or behind you along the corridors. You may also base your choice on posible valuable div card drops but there i can't really help you.

The two maps you mention certainly feel great, but I'm afraid their mob count stinks. Still don't have data on that, sorry. But I've purchased quite some Shaped Waste Pools this league, ran them with chisels, sextants and Zana mods only to run dry shortly after.

Map drops will probably be better in the May event due to all the additional league mods, but sustaining t14 probably won't happen. That was hard enough during Abyss with its heavy sextanted t14 Vault.

Regarding the original question, I wouldn't go for a single map but rather a range of maps (like one of each from t11-14) because league mods will rotate on an hourly basis and there will certainly be mods that are better than others.

For t10 there are 3 possible choices imo:
Haunted Mansion: one of the most popular maps overall, though the layout neither helps nor hurts GC Mines
Channel: Good layout for this build because of the rather narrow path plus you get Tabula cards all the time
Toxic Sewers: Best layout for this build

Might edit other tiers in later..
Последняя редакция: Solmyr77#1930. Время: 26 апр. 2018 г., 5:35:47

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