[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Another quality of life on 3.3.0 is the 'always attack without moving' toggle switch. I don't have to start up the numpad autohokey for GC mines anymore since I'm using a tkl keyboard.
So im trying to play the ll version of this build, and just figured i import the PoB and get the tree that is used for the build. But that seems to not be the case and its very unclear what tree is used, Send help
I know this is for GC, but i'm having quite some trouble in finding room for upgrades in my current Arc Mines..

Here's the PoB at level 90 in Incursion, hydra/chimera down with no trouble, but definitely not fast.
Последняя редакция: GeeQT#7973. Время: 2 июня 2018 г., 21:31:03
Right at the beginning the PoB tree looks different to the IG tree. Saboteur seems like a good skill to pass on, what is going on there?
Hey Windz, got a question.

I see your tree is more in favor of arc. Are you considering to switch to an arc miner (due to arc boost on single target & farm) or is it just more simple to farm with arc mines then switch to a solid GC miner for high end game content farming ?

I'm really considering to switch to arc mines but i'm new to mines and bad at theorycrafting things so it's hard to make a choice.

Are you considering to switch to an arc miner (due to arc boost on single target & farm) or is it just more simple to farm with arc mines then switch to a solid GC miner for high end game content farming ?

Not Windz, but I'm in A10 now with arc in a 4 link, GC in a 5 link and it's working well enough. I'll put IC in a two link, and work around with the gem set-up, but arc is clearing pretty well right now and quicker (it feels) than GC. But I'm also playing SSF (more or less) and haven't even gotten one of the GC jewels yet to socket, so that might change.

Thanks for a build =)

what you mean arc mines in this video? what gems, can not find that gem. Or what gems you mean?

GZ with Fenix )
koldmialj написал:

Thanks for a build =)

what you mean arc mines in this video? what gems, can not find that gem. Or what gems you mean?

GZ with Fenix )

I may be misunderstanding, but if you mean how do you get 'arc mines', you attach 'Arc' to 'Remote Mine Support', and that'll let you toss around arc mines. (Or any other skill for that matter).
Doomantia написал:
Another quality of life on 3.3.0 is the 'always attack without moving' toggle switch. I don't have to start up the numpad autohokey for GC mines anymore since I'm using a tkl keyboard.

how does this work?
arherter написал:
Sorry if I'm being redundant, but, is it mandatory to have 2x the long winter? I mean, does the extra burst gives more dmg? Moreso, why the helm enchant + 2x long winter?

i believe you are refering to the LL pob. I am guessing he updated an old one without looking at it in detail. There are some outdated things in there. For example in adition to the excess conversion he has a CWDT setup with a warcry. Watch out :)

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