i picked this build because i wanted to use the badass skill that is glacial cascade. my clear speed isn't on par with arc but with minefield it feels pretty close to arc. also, the potential max dps for gc is much higher than arc, so you will melt bosses faster with gc.
Just wanted to understand why ppl switch to GC, so as i get in most cases just personal preference or blind copy. Hard to believe GC could be close in terms of speed, while arc autotarget and offscreen. With minefield u cut your dmg alot (the reson you pick GC is dmg, right?). As for visual i agree - GC animation and MTX looks cool.
For me only difference i will notice in uber elder, becouse atm T15 bosses being oneshoted by arc and like 10 seconds for T16 bosses. For sure longer with more monsters life mod but extra seconds compansated by faster clearing all other things. Hybrid mod with spell and chaos dmg gives alot of dps.
I have question for ppl who play arc most of the time - what would be the best endgame shaper weapon for arc between:
scepter with penetration implict or opal wand for dual-weild setup (cuz no shield charge). For faster mapping i will make shield + scepter for shieldcharge.
I wonder if x2 Shimmeron will give more dps.
Both for LL version.
So why don't you do arc trap? I have try it and arc mine and it seem arc mine cant beat arc trap
Mapping is great so far but feels a bit squishy with boss fight, have only 2500 hp.. what to change asap?
you can get a lot more life on belt/boots/shield. you should try to be at 4k life and around 1800 mana.
you really need to 6L your arc. i'm surprised you're at level 84 with a 4L main skill. i would get a tabula until you can 6L the loreweave.
your cwdt and immortal call are overleveled. you want cwdt at level 1 and immortal call at level 3. you can replace the second immortal call with a level 5 enfeeble. arcane surge needs to be at level 6 to trigger with flame dash. fill up your other gem slots so you're always leveling as many gems as you can to sell or vaal.
Последняя редакция: qaizr#7884. Время: 18 дек. 2018 г., 11:52:20
i picked this build because i wanted to use the badass skill that is glacial cascade. my clear speed isn't on par with arc but with minefield it feels pretty close to arc. also, the potential max dps for gc is much higher than arc, so you will melt bosses faster with gc.
Just wanted to understand why ppl switch to GC, so as i get in most cases just personal preference or blind copy. Hard to believe GC could be close in terms of speed, while arc autotarget and offscreen. With minefield u cut your dmg alot (the reson you pick GC is dmg, right?). As for visual i agree - GC animation and MTX looks cool.
For me only difference i will notice in uber elder, becouse atm T15 bosses being oneshoted by arc and like 10 seconds for T16 bosses. For sure longer with more monsters life mod but extra seconds compansated by faster clearing all other things. Hybrid mod with spell and chaos dmg gives alot of dps.
I have question for ppl who play arc most of the time - what would be the best endgame shaper weapon for arc between:
scepter with penetration implict or opal wand for dual-weild setup (cuz no shield charge). For faster mapping i will make shield + scepter for shieldcharge.
I wonder if x2 Shimmeron will give more dps.
Both for LL version.
So why don't you do arc trap? I have try it and arc mine and it seem arc mine cant beat arc trap
In what way do you find arc traps superior to mines? Mines is safer imo as you can off scrren mobs. Mines also do higher damage. With traps I used lightning spire for single target dps. With mines I just use my regular clear setup
In what way do you find arc traps superior to mines? Mines is safer imo as you can off scrren mobs. Mines also do higher damage. With traps I used lightning spire for single target dps. With mines I just use my regular clear setup
Well trap have more mobility although deal less damage. I prefer more Qol so with me arc trap> arc mine and of course GC is for miner. I have never feel the need for lightning spire trap for single target on my last character, but the meta change and arc trap feel clumsy on boss so that why i go with gc mine
Последняя редакция: Hoàng_Lanh#0940. Время: 18 дек. 2018 г., 12:01:00
what would be the best flask in place of taste of hate until i can afford one? wise oak or sulphur? i should be able to get my cold res highest for wise oak.
Hi, can someone tell me what gems setup to take? in this build i see the "gems links" but that is not the same gems setup that i find in the pastebin of Windz
Hi, can someone tell me what gems setup to take? in this build i see the "gems links" but that is not the same gems setup that i find in the pastebin of Windz
The links were based on having the additional mine from the helmet stat. If you don't have the helmet yet, you could use minefield in place of Inc Crit.
i think your dps will be a lot higher if you use hypothermia in place of controlled destruction. hypo gives you MORE damage against chilled enemies. check the "is the enemy chilled" box in pob to see the damage you'll get from hypo.
even with the +1 mine helm, minefield is great for maps. i swap minefield with conc for bosses. i know it's not a popular opinion but try an open area map with minefield and without minefield. it should feel a lot better with minefield and it should be more than enough damage to one-shot pretty much everything.
Последняя редакция: qaizr#7884. Время: 18 дек. 2018 г., 15:28:30