[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

What should I change? I feel like I get hurt so much so fast still.

Armor 660
Fire resist 90%
Cold resist 82%
Lightning resist 73%
Chaos resist -18%
HP 4213
Shield 909
Последняя редакция: Flownado#2325. Время: 31 дек. 2017 г., 8:30:40
I see this is a common question about the squishyness... What is MoM?
Edit: Oh Mind Over Matter. I still feel squishy.
Последняя редакция: Flownado#2325. Время: 31 дек. 2017 г., 8:27:45
Pyroclasms написал:
Rackham_ написал:
Hi there!
So I've played this build in harbinger and I loved it!
Because of that, I started this as my second character in abyss softcore. I'm level 80 now, planning to do uber lab (to get blinding assault) and I have quite a bit of currency to spend (I'm also working on 6L Carcass, which I'll definitely get).

What could I upgrade? I have 4.5k life, 1.7k ES and 1.5k mana, 14.8k damage with inc. AOE, 23k with conc. effect (hideout, hatred on).
My gear:
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Cheers and waiting for your suggestions!

Shaped dagger single gain 40% as extra cold or dual cold/lightning multi modded or buy one that has those 2 mods, gain 40% extra cold and lightning then you can multimod it yourself, expensive but worth it or find a shaped ilvl 81 or above them craft it yourself with alterations once you're happy with the first 2 magic mod use a regal and pray for one of the gain extra affix, if not scour then redo.

Next is the gloves. Get a nice rare pair with high health and also an essenced one with socketed gem have extra attack speed and slap your shield charge in there, it'll remove a bit of the chunkiness of you have a dagger with attack speed on there at 0.28 on SC you won't have an issue with it. If you go and upgrade the gloves, get 2 X of the gc jewels, the long winter, they're awesome, increased AoE and gives you full physical to cold convert where you can always have conc effect if you have a carcass.

For helm, get a shaped on with place an additional mine. They're worth it.

Thanks a lot! I'll be working on that dagger and other gear you mentioned.

Flownado написал:
I see this is a common question about the squishyness... What is MoM?
Edit: Oh Mind Over Matter. I still feel squishy.

Doesn't matter what you do, this build is squishy unless you run queen of the forest and go high evasion which turns it into a different build altogether. The gist of this build is kill things before they kill you. You're not meant to facetank.

And I've crafted a few of these badboys.

Had some spare time figured, might as well give it a shot lol since they reap quite a decent amount of currency from sale.
Yeah that's how I've been dealing with things so far. At least I bite hard.
Some personal tips on how to not die :
- have 109 all res in hideout
- use an "of warding" (immune to/removes curses) flask on maps with vulnerability/enfeeble (maybe temporal chains if you don't use brightbeak)
- use spell totem+remote mine in breaches, abysses and against null portals
- use Lavianga's spirit
- avoid no regen maps (it's doable but annoying)

Hope these help ! :)
I see some of the advice here about not dying, but wanted to ask a little different scenario.

I originally started out with this(https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1998668/page/1) build, got to 90 and beat a red tier elder for the challenge. I am finding that the tier 12-15 maps are a bit tougher, not impossible but just more trouble than they're worth.

I switched to the Windz build recently and have found that while the DPS is nice, the movement speed loss and getting hit way more often change feels worse, but according to what I've been told, the Windz build is better.

I only have about half the DPS that Windz does and that's fine, I can only take 3-5 solid hits on a tier 12 map with no mods before I get rekt. I can only deduce that the 12-15 maps will be even harder than before. Could anyone take a look at my character(Veliose) and give me any insight? I am feeling like I've reached the capabilities of this build unless I shell out 10-50ex for the craziest of crazy items.
Also be sure to abuse that massive aoe and reach, you can pretty much offscreen packs with this build once you get the feel for it.
KouboMog написал:
nicky2tymes написал:
Still leveling, but having fun so far. I was 5 linking gc,remote,minefield, PtL (conversion),and trap/mine damage. I got Tabula, and was wondering while super budget like I am, should I roll inc. crit for 6 link for trash versus inc. area if the aoe seems ok? I ask cause inc. Aoe gem doesn't seem to add much that I can see. I'm using conc. for bosses still.

Also, it seems that PtL has the "extra" damage mod that is hard to beat on top of conversion. Is the long winter jewel for conversion and aoe better than replacing inc. crit with PtL? Yes I'm sure I could pob it but, on phone away from pc (shitty phone). Thanks in advance.

You have your answer : PoB :)
I used it myself to know what to use in my 6em slot. Better with CritMulti except for Shape. Shaper is the only one (for my build) where i have a bit more damage with Cold Pen than CritMulti.

Ahhhh crit MULTIPLIER gem. Away from pc so thx for the info!!

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