[3.15] For Scion - Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam
" The expected rate of Xoph's Blood as the league progress should range between 3 to 6 exalted. I would suggest you to start off with Avatar of Fire path and re-spec when you can afford Xoph's Blood. Avatar of Fire skill tree is capable of killing Shaper too. _____________________________________________________________________________ " Your character profile is hidden so I am not able to access it. The usual culprit will be level 20/20 gems, 6L. _____________________________________________________________________________ " I won't bother myself with Vorici chrome calculator. I find 2R1B on Vorici bench to provide the best chances to get the colors you want. On your gears, you have a very nice amulet. You can continue to use that. Re-roll the lightning damage on the amulet to flat physical damage instead. The rest of your rare gears have low (or zero) life roll. Check out the recommended rares for preferred rolls on the rare slots. And follow the flask setup mentioned in the guide too. They are very important in ensuring better survivability. For Abyssal jewels, look for: - flat life - flat physical - % penetration if you have not kill recently - % increased increased damage against Abyssal monsters Preferred colors for Cyclone setup are: 3R2B1G but it is very hard to roll. What you are using now is certainly fine. And instead of running Flammability, you can certainly run Enfeeble curse instead while you are leveling your character. You can switch to flammability when you are pushing T16+. In fact, even with Enfeeble, you can certainly clear T16. |
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I don't get it this advice:
"IMPORTANT: For both With and Without Xoph's Blood skill trees, you will start to link the bottom section of the tree up when you reach level 75. Once you have the bottom section linked, you can re-spec into level 90 skill trees." Anyone can explain me pls?And sorry if it's a stupid question.. :( Последняя редакция: EdvaldoJr#7280. Время: 14 дек. 2017 г., 17:16:27
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" i tried all that , most of my gems are 20/20 or 21/20. I am also using 2 6l ( axe + belly ) the only difference in gear i have to this thread is i am not using the helm atm (using a harbringer helm for more health ), and using a unique ring instead of a rare. I am up to 90k dps on the tooltop for cyclone but its still under performing i believe i could be wrong ) here is the link to my profile - https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/waway1231234/characters , you should be able to see the scion now ( dont laugh at the helm havent dont eternal lab again to try and get cyclone damage on my devoto's as i suck at all the trap stuff ) Последняя редакция: DD___#2478. Время: 14 дек. 2017 г., 20:37:45
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How did leveling go before Cyclone? And what weapons or other uniquwa are recommended for leveling?
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" Thank you very much! Will do! |
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" Hopefully this explains it for you: ![]() _____________________________________________________________________________ " Looking at your character profile, I recommend: - Replace Abyssus helm with Devoto (Abyssus makes you take 40% more physical damage) - Replace Doryani belt with a rare belt. Check out recommended rares section for preferred roll - Replace The Taming ring with a high life roll rare ring. Check recommended rares section too. - Replace Windscream boots with high life roll rare boots. You do not need Assasin Mark for the extra healing. - Your gems setup are not following the guide recommendation. Check out the Gems section for recommended setup. - For leveling, use Enfeeble curse instead of Flammability. - Also, check out the flask section for recommended setup. To handle Uber lab, use an anti-bleed quick silver flask. Hit a couple of mobs so that Slayer ascendancy kicks in. Hit quick silver flask and run through the traps. Get a anti-bleed life flask for the extra safety net. For pantheon, use Soul of Ryslatha. _____________________________________________________________________________ " You can check out Leveling to 55 section listed in Slayer guide. |
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I'm almost 80 and got this build pretty much squared away. I'm having a lot of fun with it and it's great for maps.
I gave uber lab a try last night and got murdered by the cancer traps at the gold key. You know what I am talking about... those spinning spikes with darts and a switch at each end where you have to pop both switches to open the key room door. Anyway, getting tapped for 25% by a dart, then again by a spike column, all pots can't regenerate fast enough which means a swift death. This happened 3 times before I gave up. I realize I am probably still a few levels and a little health (at 4300 now) short of being really uber lab ready, but the damage is there without a doubt. Besides the cancer traps, I had no problems at all with Izaro or anything else, but got 1-shot by Argus. So I got to thinking. What if instead of Vaal Pact I were to invest in the Hematophagy circle. Combined with Carnage Heart amulet and a couple other pieces with added leech, I should be near the level of leech I need, but can also stack some regen as well as carry Stone Golem for labs. This should help with the trap damage, right? I am just hoping if I can get some perspective from some of you guys who have a better grasp on the mechanics than I do, since Vaal Pact has been nerft into the ground this league. I honestly can't imagine how bad this has affected HC builds. |
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" For Uber Lab, I recommend you to get these flasks: Get anti-curse on granite flask and anti-freeze on another life flask. Increased duration on quick silver and granite flasks are preferred. For handling traps, hit a few mobs so that overleech from Slayer kicks in and pop quick silver flask so that you are immune to bleed during flask effect and run through the traps. Pick Soul of Ryslatha for Pantheon. For Argus, Lion's Roar is great for him as he will get knocked back to the wall and won't be able to attack you. The build does not benefit much from Hematophagy as it only deal fire damage so I won't recommend it. |
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Can anyone look at my character and tell me what should I improve next? I failed my first 3 attempts to do uber lab because Izaro hits too hard. I have around 120 chaos to invest right now. Thanks
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" Check your flask setup. Ensure you are following the guide. Experienced players are able clear Uber Izaro with 3300 life but if you are new, at least 4500 life is recommended. To farm Uber lab comfortably, 5500 life is essential. Always pop Basalt (or Taste of Hate) and Granite (or Lion's Roar) flasks when Izaro pops up from his hole. Cyclone around him in circle so that he will miss his attacks on you. Do not cyclone forward and backward in a line when fighting Izaro or you will likely take a direct hit from him. You can replace Carnage Heart with Impresence amulet (Flammability version) or use a high life roll rare amulet. |
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