[3.15] For Scion - Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

nhantheman написал:
Should you prioritize flat phys or flat fire damage? I can't get PoB to work in order to check it.

Prioritize on flat physical as damage is scaled based on base physical damage.


MartyMcFlyHigh написал:
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im having fun with this build, I went slayer pathfinder though and using blood rage. I need xoph amulet, anger gain watcher eye and rare rings, will change tree a lil with more levels, anyone have ideas for what else I need?

edit, is pathfinder bad? raider seemed good only for bosses.

Raider provides way more damage than Pathfinder so definitely go for Raider. Boss damage is what you want to focus on. :)

On your gears, definitely Bronn/Loreweave for chest. Well rolled Opal/Steel rings (refer to recommended rares section).

Check out the flasks section too for recommended setup.


Expulsive3 написал:
There is no "Slayer overleech" on a scion, 200hp/sec for 2-3 seconds IT'S NOT SLAYER OVERLEECH, stop saying it.

Slayer ascendancy for Scion provides
Culling Strike + Life leech effects are not removed on full life + Cannot take reflected physical damage

The highlighted text is the overleech from Slayer.

The leech is definitely not 200 hp/sec. If you are using Vaal Pact and your life regen per second is 2700. The overleech per second will be 2700 hp/sec.

The more leech % you have, the longer the duration last.

E.g. 2% damage leeched as life will last longer than 1% damage leeched as life.
My plan is use 2 curses with blasphemy. look this planner what you think: https://poeplanner.com/AA4AAQsADhAAAILyl5tdqJp7w1pSSshuqrXyNZLYvXJsbEYyCXgNwBpvO6lud-MB3ITZR369NmVNvqeplIdqdcvqYre2jX5DMcMzWhrawS5T02907QUteu9M_04qI9NvJ49gmmpbrxR1pMIY26aNdU5l8FivNuiGYCKvOFN25zpSMn68nxiR_EsUTQ48FHHZfIIH-Ovz3WhlZFLBo-JhMHdZ_uoYdqzPfvcykn3cI5hv5c9yqayqWfMaOJBVJy862DD4gpvkVXflogAEs_Afcg-Ub2ZUZp760hZv42odFK-Nj0anCNgkVkiboRhqOVJYB5stXzmK8MSCsKsCX6QMYN6ou3tulyHBfCHQRCX3fQAAAAAA
NoobPlayX написал:
My plan is use 2 curses with blasphemy. look this planner what you think: https://poeplanner.com/AA4AAQsADhAAAILyl5tdqJp7w1pSSshuqrXyNZLYvXJsbEYyCXgNwBpvO6lud-MB3ITZR369NmVNvqeplIdqdcvqYre2jX5DMcMzWhrawS5T02907QUteu9M_04qI9NvJ49gmmpbrxR1pMIY26aNdU5l8FivNuiGYCKvOFN25zpSMn68nxiR_EsUTQ48FHHZfIIH-Ovz3WhlZFLBo-JhMHdZ_uoYdqzPfvcykn3cI5hv5c9yqayqWfMaOJBVJy862DD4gpvkVXflogAEs_Afcg-Ub2ZUZp760hZv42odFK-Nj0anCNgkVkiboRhqOVJYB5stXzmK8MSCsKsCX6QMYN6ou3tulyHBfCHQRCX3fQAAAAAA

If you intend to run dual curse + Elemental Overload, this will be a better skill tree:

Instead of Dual Curse with Blasphemy, I would recommend this:

Corrupted Tombfist with Curse on Hit With Elemental Weakness +

Blasphemy + Enfeeble (or 2nd curse of your choice) +

Herald of Purity + Herald of Ash
Последняя редакция: kira1414#3753. Время: 30 авг. 2018 г., 20:01:48
thanks for your review
hey there!

thank you for this guide, im using it as league starter for this league and so far im liking it and its currently still really cheap. now im saving up for a xoph's blood.....strangely went up from like 6ex to 9ex in just a few days. not sure why....

well anyway; i wanted to ask what do you think about using anger instead of herald of ash if you have enough mana?

Последняя редакция: darclon888#6834. Время: 6 сент. 2018 г., 12:28:42
darclon888 написал:
hey there!

thank you for this guide, im using it as league starter for this league and so far im liking it and its currently still really cheap. now im saving up for a xoph's blood.....strangely went up from like 6ex to 9ex in just a few days. not sure why....

well anyway; i wanted to ask what do you think about using anger instead of herald of ash if you have enough mana?


I would go for Anger + Herald of Ash and drop Flammability. But Anger is only really good if you have Watcher's Eye with Gain #% physical damage as extra fire when affected by Anger. Otherwise, Flammability (or Enfeeble) + Herald of Ash is better.

You can also go for Herald of Ash + Herald of Purity.
yeah i think i will go for anger + herald of ash once i got that watcher's eye

thanks for your input

sorry may i ask about the 2 different golems in the video(s)? are you using another build for the videos or am i missing something?

Just a quick one if you can't afford either the impresence or xophs is it better to get a rare or something like a carnage heart ?
darclon888 написал:
sorry may i ask about the 2 different golems in the video(s)? are you using another build for the videos or am i missing something?


The build started off as Slayer + Elementalist and was later changed to Slayer + Raider.


Ladoona написал:
Just a quick one if you can't afford either the impresence or xophs is it better to get a rare or something like a carnage heart ?

Yep. A rare amulet with high life roll will be fine.

You can also use fossil crafting to get amulets like this:

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