[3.6] Vieira's Magma Orb Miner (Guardians,Shaper,Uber and uber elder viable)
Lvl 84 now, Loving it.
I have belly chest and 5-Link, aiming for Kaoms and 6 link, XD gotta keep making them chaos stacks. Also have the acid bomb effect, PRETTY GREEN FIREWORKS YAY. Beautiful. Thank you for the guide and also the survivability suggestions from other players, I'm keeping an eye on this thread all the time. I am finding 8 and 9 a bit hairy at times. But i still have 4 more life nodes to take. Also the picture drawn in paint is spot on. XD |
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I was thinking that a cheaper version than Kaom's Heart could be Carcass Jack + Kaom's Roots.
The damage is comparable, if not bigger and you can use the remaining sockets for Smoke Mine - Increased Duration to compansate the missing movement speed on the boots. Furthermore you COULD reallocate an area of effect wheel for more life. Instead, you can take the chaos resistance/life nodes next to the fire damage nodes instead for 5 points. Or you can leave out the templar area at all and go to the Scion life wheel. I don't know if that's a better choice. You'll have less life overall (you get ~ 190 energy shield though, so you profit from the ES/life wheel more), and you'll have less resistances as the resistances from Carcass jack hardly compensate the resistances you'd get from rare boots. Any ideas? Последняя редакция: olsev_baiden#2790. Время: 30 авг. 2017 г., 4:04:28
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Thanks a lot, after giving it a few days to learn and get proper gear , I killed The shaper today easily ... not even thinking what to do since I skip all of his shit cuz of the insane damage.
The only tweak I did was removing leap slam/faster attack and putting those on a second weapon set " Brightbeak/Prismatic Eclipse " for insane movement speed. along with the portal so I freed 3 slots from main gear and used Immortal call/CWDT/Increase duration to help when doing Uber Lab and mindless T15-T16 farming since they eliminate any one shot pack if you werent paying attention. |
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" The only problem I see in using carcass + kaom's is that you dont have movement speed on kaom's roots, and it really makes a difference. This build, as most miners, lacks mobility, and the speed helps a lot. About the life wheel near fire damage it is a good option. It may even be worth to lose some mana instead of AoE to get those nodes. The ES from carcass will indeed scale a bit with es nodes you already have, and will help a little. IGN: vieira
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"Good to know that you beat shaper easily! For shaper i thought about getting a tremor rod but I think it wouldn't be worth because you would have to think where to put the mines all the time, and you already have a good damage with sire's. Your tweek is a good option. I'll probably try brightbeak+prismatic later too. I'm not a good fan of CWDT+IC because in my opinion it's only really usefull against porcupines. If I do that setup I may use the free slots for some other utility like smoke mine+IC or something else. One other thing, how are you doing on chimera? It's the only guardian I struggle a bit. IGN: vieira
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How well does this build perform with:
- no kaoms - 5L - mediocre gear aka about maybe 4k life and 1k mana or so - no head enchant - maybe level 16, 17 gems w/o quality so basically, does that build work and is it strong and fun with "selffound" gear (a 5L Sire shouldn't be a problem, but a koams + lvl 2x/2x gems and the head enchant might be one for me)? build looks super fun, but I don't want to "waste" time for something that starts being fun only very late in the character progress, so that's why I'm asking. |
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" Yes, its doable without a kaom's. You can use any chest with a decent ammount of life. 5L is enough for most of the content. The enchant really helps... I'm not sure how it would be without it. You will lose a lot of area, but on bosses it won't make a huge difference. The quality on gems doesn't give so many benefits, but the level does. Since almost all of the gems have a more multiplier, they multiply with each other, so you will lose a fair ammount of damage with gems lvl 16. And the magma orb has to be high level. Everything scales from it, so a level 16 magma orb won't give you a good damage imo. Overall, if you have 4k life + 1k mana (you will probably have more than that, at least 1.8k), and a 5L with at least magma orb lvl 19 or 20 you will have a good clear speed, but will have trouble on bosses on t12+ maps. IGN: vieira
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" That's why I considered Smoke Mine - Increased Duration. But it feels clunky to do that every 10 seconds. Right now I use Smoke Mine and have Leap Slam with Brightbeak in Offhand, even with 30% MS boots Smoke Mine only feels smooth when using it together with a quicksilver flask for 119% MS overall. The switch to Offhand feels not as clunky as laying a Smoke Mine every 10 seconds. Guess I have to save more currency for a Kaom's Heart then. Regarding Mana, good advice. Maybe I'll not use Soul Siphon anymore. I didn't choose Deep Thoughts as well as Mind Drinker while leveling and it felt fine. I always had and have enough Mana or enough charges for Lavianga's Spirit. Not sure if Dreamer can also be left out. I'll try and see. Последняя редакция: olsev_baiden#2790. Время: 31 авг. 2017 г., 2:00:04
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" For chimera i change the instant heal shock potion to a 2.7k regen pot with stone golem since the only way he could kill me is during his hide and seek phase --- the damage he does during that phase is not one shot and stone golem + the 2.7 health regen pot can cover the bleeding until you find him and if needed the other instant heal pot, but generally with brightbeak+prismatic i find him in 2seconds because of the insane mobility . Stone golem is also tanky i like him for chimera more than fire golem. the add phase is no problem with your build :D Spam magma orbs till next morning :D PS: Let me know how you'll use the extra slot if you use the rightbeak+prismatic combo Последняя редакция: Priyora#7198. Время: 31 авг. 2017 г., 9:39:03
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" I was struggling with chimera because of the hide and seek phase, but with brightbeak+prismatic it will be probably easy indeed! I did switch to brightbeak + prismatic and it is great! That was a great tip. I'm using smoke mine + inc duration now. Smoke mine helps a bit, but I may test something else instead. The good thing is that smoke mine + inc dur is in my boots with detonate mines and spell totem, so inc dur also affects the totem. IGN: vieira
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