[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

onomastikon написал:
Hey can I ask for some advice please? Pretty please?

How are you people keeping your AG alive on t16s and shaper? My AG *never* dies on t15 -- just like my Zombies, I only lost a total of 4 on about 25 t15 maps -- but the AG (and zombies) die ALL the time on every single Guardian. My AG is currently in Fortify + Minion Life setup, I suppose I could do a 4L and add empower to it, but that just seems like a waste. I am thinking of dropping AG (and zombies) for t16+ -- what do you do?


The AG issue is that it can and will die to certain stuff, you can avoid all of these with convocation and occasionally popping consacrated ground under him etc.

When it comes to dropping AG altogether, althought the build is perfectly capable of running pretty much all content, it still leaves a bad taste to run without it, mainly because there isn't anything as useful you can do with those 3-4 sockets. It is indeed a love hate relationship

About links, I'd advise running empower 3 before fortify, fortify doesn't reduce damage from damage over time and that is often the stuff that hurts your AG
Hey I just wanted to stop by and thank you for this build!

Just downed guardians and shaper at lvl 84 with a tabula still equipped, this build rocks.
Should I use ending hunger?

Also when running maps how many Wickermen should I run if I have 4 spectres? 2 wickermen and 2 takuhama?

Also how does it feel running -40 chaos res? Do you get close calls?
Последняя редакция: ProfessorGanymede#4171. Время: 23 сент. 2017 г., 23:48:04
Does anyone else run victarios?

I saw someone running this. Curious if the charges are that much more dmg etc? I thought I read somewhere else that it was nerfed or patched or something>?
Последняя редакция: NecropK#0118. Время: 24 сент. 2017 г., 2:06:41
ProfessorGanymede написал:
Should I use ending hunger?

Also when running maps how many Wickermen should I run if I have 4 spectres? 2 wickermen and 2 takuhama?

Also how does it feel running -40 chaos res? Do you get close calls?

I run -40% chaos. Soloed pale council in 6man party - one of bosses was using essence drain and blight. By solo I mean all were waiting at portal. Nobody else entered arena but hp scaled x6
Последняя редакция: Inferius90#2484. Время: 24 сент. 2017 г., 3:40:52
This really is a bit overpowered imo. Killed Shaper on my first ever attempt (on any character) with 5L lvl19 gems with no quality. Used all portals cause I was terrible at dodging shit, and had to finish him off with lvl45 specters (which kinda says it all about the power of this thing imo).

I was using Zombies 4L for a while instead of CwDT, cause I find it easier to just self cast desecrate + max level offering. Right now I'm just using a 4L Stone Golem with Blind and Minion Life. Also using Blas+Enfeeble instead of CoH, but turned that off on Shaper to have more mana instead. I actually survived some slams.

If I didn't have to spend anywhere between 2 minutes and 20 minutes summoning the damn minions every time I log on I'd be playing this non-stop. Yea I've actually had a 20 minutes bad streak at worst on getting all 4 minions to spawn. Thought I was doing something wrong, but no they spawned eventually.

Thanks for sharing!
What spectres to use for act10 kitava kill other then wickermen. 3 wicker seems slow for killing bosses.
Последняя редакция: dAINJEL#3276. Время: 24 сент. 2017 г., 6:42:53
hedonist написал:
onomastikon написал:
Hey can I ask for some advice please? Pretty please?

How are you people keeping your AG alive on t16s and shaper? My AG *never* dies on t15 -- just like my Zombies, I only lost a total of 4 on about 25 t15 maps -- but the AG (and zombies) die ALL the time on every single Guardian. My AG is currently in Fortify + Minion Life setup, I suppose I could do a 4L and add empower to it, but that just seems like a waste. I am thinking of dropping AG (and zombies) for t16+ -- what do you do?


The AG issue is that it can and will die to certain stuff, you can avoid all of these with convocation and occasionally popping consacrated ground under him etc.

When it comes to dropping AG altogether, althought the build is perfectly capable of running pretty much all content, it still leaves a bad taste to run without it, mainly because there isn't anything as useful you can do with those 3-4 sockets. It is indeed a love hate relationship

About links, I'd advise running empower 3 before fortify, fortify doesn't reduce damage from damage over time and that is often the stuff that hurts your AG

Thanks so much. According to PoB, the life bonus that the AG would get from Empower 3 is about 19%, and that would also be in a 4L with minion life. I can try to see if that 19% more life will make a difference, but he was gone pretty quick vs guardians (and again, never even a dent taken in any t15 boss).
But I don't have a minion helm. Before, I was using Skullhead, and now I'm using this:

Can I ask a really naive question please? Would this be worth re-rolling for +2 minion gems mod? I'm otherwise happy with the life and resists (would have preferred dex to int, don't need the ES, would rather have mana, but whatever). And if I chaos it -- I can't accidentally overwrite the enchant, right?
Thank you
Underrated stats: Basic human decency, small quantum of respect, microportion of compassion
Последняя редакция: onomastikon#6270. Время: 24 сент. 2017 г., 5:27:34
A question for gurus. Currently, I have the following link setup planned:

6L spectres
3L movement (+fortify +faster attacks)
4L CoH setup
4L zombies setup

That leaves me with the following things - free 4L, free 3L and potentially unset ring(s). What I want to do is somehow juggle the following gems there:

Convocation, flesh offering, bone offering, clarity/purity, desecrate.

What would be the best way to go about this, potentially snucking in some CWDT setup while still leaving a second BO for manual casting?
LaplaceNoMa написал:
A question for gurus. Currently, I have the following link setup planned:

6L spectres
3L movement (+fortify +faster attacks)
4L CoH setup
4L zombies setup

That leaves me with the following things - free 4L, free 3L and potentially unset ring(s). What I want to do is somehow juggle the following gems there:

Convocation, flesh offering, bone offering, clarity/purity, desecrate.

What would be the best way to go about this, potentially snucking in some CWDT setup while still leaving a second BO for manual casting?

CWDT(1 lvl) + Immortal Call(3 lvl) + not linked desecrate
bone offering+inc duration+convocation+faster casting
clarity in ring

You don't need cwdt+bone offering
neither flesh offering

You can check my profile
Последняя редакция: Inferius90#2484. Время: 24 сент. 2017 г., 12:39:38

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