[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

Does the fire aura from Wickermen overlap or is running more than one kind of pointless for damage? Right now I have 5 spectres and I'm not really sure what to use as my 5th.
astrartea написал:
Does the fire aura from Wickermen overlap or is running more than one kind of pointless for damage? Right now I have 5 spectres and I'm not really sure what to use as my 5th.

I recall reading somewhere that their RF aura do not stack on a single target so running many wickerman just help with AOE coverage. You may try to test with Dominus or Avarius (yeah, both are High Templars and good dps test subject, poor them)
Just want to say thank you for this guide! Such a strong (and cheap) build. Managed to down Shaper first time ever trying (died 2 times, during the first phase, before I knew some of the mechanics though)... on a 5-link... with lvl 19 gems :) Running Purity of Ice and Dream Fragments. Usually running Bisco's also but gets swapped when facing certain bosses. Setup for Shaper, running with 2 x Wicker and 2 x Vanguards:

Best budget build ever, Shaper down easy, here's my gear:
Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest.
White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test.
Black the beast descends from shadows.
Yellow beauty burns gold.
Does anyone know where i can find chimeral vault monsters and then wich map i could desecrate them ?

Did like to experiment some gems links using them ( for science ).
Hf :)
Последняя редакция: rift1291#7920. Время: 3 апр. 2020 г., 0:50:12
Stihl044 написал:
Someone got some GG or end gear setups we can take a look at with this build?

this is my final gear, I honestly don't need further upgrades for now, some item rolls are just luxury.

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I swap the shield with this one for elemental weakness maps to overcap my resistances

for Uber Atziri I use

and swap vulnerability gem for enfeeble so I don't get affected by her reflection
Is it not worth it to invest 4-5 points to get Whispers of Doom for a second curse?
Which is the best curse for the build?..Im using vulnerability...and one question about vulnerability. Does affect both spectres? (tukohama and wicker) or just tukohama with the scorching ray totem.
yissus написал:
kallell написал:
My final update for the league; as I'll probably play this again in a new league so long as the shit doesn't get nerfed to the ground.

I ended up with some pretty solid gear. I finally riped in HC due to just being pretty careless and not caring if I ripped or not. I actually was a bit relieved as it forced me to take a break from the game. I've done everything deathless outside of hall of grandmasters. What finally got me was an Abyss, but with the possessed monster prophecy, which happened to possess the trio. I did not survive the fight.

Regardless, here are my thoughts on "end game" bosses.

Most map bosses were a joke. Chaos bosses with mods and whatnot could be a bit scary if you aren't careful. The lair wolf boss wasn't too bad but you had to ensure you kept up on anti-bleeds and whatnot.

Pale council was a joke.

Regular Trio/Atziri was a joke.

Guardian's were easy outside of chimera; some of his shit can hit super hard.

Shaper and side bosses were pretty easy. Shaper does have some scary moves but very manageable.

Uber trio wasn't too bad, there are some sketchy moments however.

Uber Atziri i would say is probably the hardest; not sure if it's because I was inexperienced or didn't know the "proper" way to kill her, but i had a few close ish calls.

AG with a +2 ring did fairly well, outside of end bosses. Atziri/shaper/uber atziri/Phoenix all melt him.

Hi..nice review..Could you post your gear for us who are starting the build and see whats the goal for endgame gear more or less?

Sure thing:

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