[3.3]Elemental spectral throw pathfinder, good endgame and maps farmer

Hello sir, I am using your build currently. I'm level 74 now. My DPS of ST with gmp is 19k,+ flask is 28k, with sp is 32k, + flask is 47k, Which is very low.
Here is my characters,https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/khachavippoe/characters?characterName=HANSELESPECTRAL , can you check it?
I know I cant use the 2 rings now, but when I reach 80 I will replace them.
khachavippoe написал:
Hello sir, I am using your build currently. I'm level 74 now. My DPS of ST with gmp is 19k,+ flask is 28k, with sp is 32k, + flask is 47k, Which is very low.
Here is my characters,https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/khachavippoe/characters?characterName=HANSELESPECTRAL , can you check it?
I know I cant use the 2 rings now, but when I reach 80 I will replace them.

do you really expect to have 120k dps on lvl 70? You need more lvls mate :)
I don't think level is the main problem, I just got some points in the passive tree, and those points do not give more damage, most of them is for mana.
khachavippoe написал:
I don't think level is the main problem, I just got some points in the passive tree, and those points do not give more damage, most of them is for mana.

you don't have a lot of jewels, which give me ~50% more damage and you dont have lightning damage nodes near witch, you dont have witch's crit multi nodes, your gems are still 17 lvl without quality.
Level IS your main problem ;)
Последняя редакция: 1322837#0234. Время: 26 сент. 2017 г., 8:26:50
Thank you sir.
looking for upgrades sir, https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/khachavippoe/characters?characterName=HANSELESPECTRAL . Just got to lv90 and fill up 6 out of 7 jewels. My DPS with gmp is 56k and 93k with sps.
khachavippoe написал:
looking for upgrades sir, https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/khachavippoe/characters?characterName=HANSELESPECTRAL . Just got to lv90 and fill up 6 out of 7 jewels. My DPS with gmp is 56k and 93k with sps.

now you need quality on all your gems, cause difference between 21/20 and 19/0 gem is huge in my build. Try to get all gems to 20/20 and at least 21/20 add.lightning and ST. And also lvl21 wrath, next your upgrade can be boots with crafted WED9not instead of life pls, your life already looks pretty low :D) and belt with more life and WED. also i'll recommend you to get better flasks, cause you have conversion vinkar(whyyy? :D) and bad rolls on atziri's and wise oak. And, yea, why you don't have Point Blank? This is basicallu 50% more damage vs bosses, but yea, it won't affect your tooltip.
The build looks solid. just 2 things. First Belt of the Deceiver is stronger then a rare belt. Even a 5% pen 42% ele dmg belt is less dmg as long u play with slower proj. 2nd u can switch inc crit with lightning pen for higher overall dmg. I've changed both in ur pob link and got arround 17% more dmg. https://pastebin.com/ecUBAr1R if u want to check:)
Raviqt написал:
The build looks solid. just 2 things. First Belt of the Deceiver is stronger then a rare belt. Even a 5% pen 42% ele dmg belt is less dmg as long u play with slower proj. 2nd u can switch inc crit with lightning pen for higher overall dmg. I've changed both in ur pob link and got arround 17% more dmg. https://pastebin.com/ecUBAr1R if u want to check:)

Thanks. About belt - yes, it provides more damage, but damage is not problem in my build, so, i decided do take more survivability from my belt, cause rare belt is ~80 more flat life than deceiver. But i think ill add it as an option to my belt choice :)
about light.pen - yes, on numbers it is better, but i personally don't like playing with 40% crit chance before diamond flask :D ill write something about this too i think, thx again ;)
Hello, How do you deal with missing Intelligence? do you get it from skill tree? thanks in advance

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