[3.0] Wand’s Guide to Wanding – Comprehensive Overview of Wanders
" Duelist leech nodes / Atziri's Promise / Vessel of Vinktar IGN: Desreien / Wand / Science
#1 Wander Guide: 1979794 |
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I'm a new player here on my 3rd character trying out this build with Scion. I'm still missing the pricier pieces of gear, only 5L, and very little gem quality. I'm just starting to hit the point on the progression curve where this build starts to shine. I love how snappy movement is and how quickly it clears. I'm comfortably blasting through T8-10 maps without dying. The only major threat I'm hitting is corrupted blood, but that's true for most builds. I took an extra leech node as a temporary measure, since my damage isn't there to stand toe to toe with bosses otherwise. I love being able to easily handle elemental reflect. I'm excited to see how things go once gear up a bit more and clear uber lab to finish ascension, giving me an extra 6 passive points to allocate.
Leveling up to get to this point was a bit of a slog. Early levels are fast as usual, as I just slapped on a unique bow and blew through things. The 40-67 grind was a bit more painful. The build requires a lot of long travel in the passive tree, and there isn't enough meat accessible early on to feel strong. Mana was an issue. With high attack speed and little investment into mana nodes, I had to run clarity aura for a long while. Mana leech isn't accessible until later, and even with a little on gear, the damage in middling levels isn't high enough to leech properly. Flasks are useful, but mana flasks compete with health flasks early on. I think the lowest point of the build was taking on Doedre the Vile in act 8. That fight just took forever. I probably should have re-gemmed to make a barrage totem or something to just take her down fire and forget style. By the time I reached the end of act 10 though, things were picking up and I murdered Kitava without dying at all. Merciless lab was still quite a chore though as I hadn't picked up enough life nodes yet to survive bad luck in Izaro fights. |
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Thank you for the guide. I would like to start as a Scion, but as I have never played one ... do I just save my passive points until cruel lab to start allocating in the ranger path (after getting the life and other nodes in the scion path)?
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Because the one above me said He struggled with mana while lvling...
I highly suggest to get a thiefs torment. That Ring is op while lvling for any attack build.the life and mana on Hit is just too great. Just lvling that build and its great already except some bosses sometimes kill me cause I am pretty Glas canon yet and Run a lot of uniques so not much life but that's not the fault of the build i guess :). Edit: btw. If you get bosses some how infront of a Wall you can destroy them with Kinetic blast. Sadly doesnt work for kitava. Последняя редакция: rossko#0686. Время: 5 сент. 2017 г., 12:16:13
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" It isn't practical to save the points. You'll need that power while you level. You will want to bridge the gap between the two disconnected sections using 3 points in dex nodes. Since you get about 20 free refund points, that isn't a problem. You'll refund them later once you finish the ascendancy for the ranger section. You can do that when you finish merciless (3rd) lab or take elementalist instead and finish out the ranger path after uber lab. I took elementalist first so I can ignore reflect on maps, but most people probably finish the ranger path first, as it will mean 5 extra passive points (2 from the difference in path nodes, 3 from refunding the 3 dex nodes). While you're at all, you can actually invest into other passives earlier on to make leveling easier and refund them later. I took extra leech that I intend to refund once I've got my damage where it needs to be. |
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" you can get to the ranger area without specing into starting from ranger start until uber. i personally went assassin/deadeye. mostly for the added crit chance which really helps in your crit, your power charge generation, and the free maim. i don't care about reflect so elemental is basically null and void for me. im more interested in the new helmet. it does seem to be BiS. i currently have a pretty damn good helmet for life/resistances and am using an essence of hysteria crafted gloves. however the new helmet should still add about 20k dps to my KB setup depending on the support gem i want to use. my next upgrade is probably going to be to get the new helmet and atk spd craft gloves until i hit a good life roll with accuracy or something. im mostly getting pissed off with rings. im doing my best trying to craft anguish coral rings to hit a life roll. i've crafted about 40 coral rings trying to get either t1 life or WED of some sort, and honestly i haven't gotten much in return. zero t1 life roll, zero WED rolls, not very good rings in general. its fucking insane. i'll probably just buy double life corals with needed resists and just leave the dmg off of them. however even with 38% belly, and almost 700 flat life from gear alone, i still am only sitting at 5,305 hp. i might look to sac a bunch of dmg and pick up scion life wheel. i still die to one shots here and there depending on map mods. my damage seems pretty good. i just don't know what would be best at this point, to maximize dmg as much as possible to kill as fast as possible in order to avoid dmg, or make myself able to survive longer fights to kill with lower dps. |
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I did a Scion Wander and well, I am disappointed. Very disappointed. I can clear all maps easly, but bosses are a trouble. For example at lvl 85 (!) I have still problems to kill Bog's boss. But I am easly killing Orchard's boss, so I don't know where is a problem.
I have over 5k life and overcapped res, but still I am fragile. Argus almost oneshotted me. Uber-lab... I cannot do it. I just can't come to third trial. Izaro is not a huge problem. He hits hard, but I instantly leech myself to full life. Another thing, accuracy problems and crit chance. I have 94% chance to hit but I feel like I am missing a lot of missiles. Crit is problem too, although I have 52% crit chance. If I don't crit, I can't leech to full and I'm dead. If I'm out of flasks (which happens on almost all bosses), fight is over. Clearspeed, this is great! And only this makes me feel powerfull. Althought I feel it is fast, I can't reach high movement speed. I mostly followed Mathil's build, but I was reading this guide to find advices, any tips, etc. I don't know what I am doing or I did bad, but wander isn't a powerfull, whole-content-viable character in my hands. I just wanted to make a good character to farm currency. If it's still possible, please give me tips. If not, I'll sell all the stuff I have on this character and make a MF windripper build. With my Blade Flurry physical guy I can do HoG, farm Atziri's, farm uber-lab, farm t15 twinned, farm t16, and it is possible to kill Shaper and uber-atz (I didn't do that yet, because I can't 6link my chest. Yes, previous things I mentioned I did on 5 link only). Have a nice day, exiles. |
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Nice build OP.
Just wanted to add a few things as well, which you can feel free to add in the guide as well. 1. If playing scion, blue dream/nightmare is a good option for power charge generation which allows you to run enlighten and HoL which is a pretty big dps boost. Alternatively, it allows for a second curse option for more effective dps. If running the first option, just have to be a bit more cautious about shooting into the air if you don't have a mana leech vinktars. Also, according to pob, this setup is by far the highest dps setup of the three. 2. Wand shopping is annoying. Crafting is even more so. I bought (and sold) about 10 different wands so far to test with and was surprised by a few things. First, most players are sorting wands by ele dps only, that's probably a mistake as crit chance and multi are very valuable, as is ias. A 220 ele dps wand that has a t1/2 crit multi and Crit will vastly outperform a 280 wand with neither (build dependent I guess). Lastly, the t1 lightning roll is super important. I bought a t1 cold/fire multimod one, but that wasn't as good as the fail slam (yay mana) one that I have on my character now. Working on crafting a better one now. |
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" Few things:: 1. This, despite what people claim, is not a budget build that can take you to shaper. However, it can, at lower gear levels, farm currency insanely fast. Stick to yellow maps, alch and go, wear biscos. Make improvements as you go. 100c an hour should be easy to achieve. Unid c recipe should do that alone. 2. You NEED thunderfist or tempest binding. 3. Without a 6 link and better gear, boss killing is not worth. Just skip and onto the next map. 4. You are scion, but not using the effectively free res and access to the life wheel. That's a rather large mistake and will allow you to free up resists on the rest of your gear. |
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GL with sustaining 4 frenzy charges on Shaper\Guardians if you are not Raider. Those are literaly half of the barrage dps which translates to survivability. Also, no pen node near Vaal pact? You rmting enogh to skip those or 6% ele pen and ele dmg is not worth 3 skill points? And about 4k life on full evasion? Dank memes you've got there.
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