[3.0] Wand’s Guide to Wanding – Comprehensive Overview of Wanders
i guess what im saying is a rare wand is basically the last thing you should upgrade, if ever.
see that is a really really good wand. its one of the best you can get in the game currently. so its kinda fked up to compare piscator's to it, but sure, do it cause you got it. majority of people will never see a wand like that in their life. if you were to try to sell that right now, you could easily sell it for 30exalts, which is almost 1200 chaos. a more reasonable price for a rare wand is something akin to a 6L, so lets say 400c. for 400c you will not see much improvement over a good piscator's, if ANY. for instance, your wand in my build would give me an added 64k dps vs shaper. for it to give you 300k dps you must be hitting essentially 3-4 million DPS already. what does it give you % wise? for me its 11.9%. for 1200c i'd rather upgrade somewhere else. multiple places for that amount. just for comparison, i used your exact wand in my setup on PoB on a 5L with my current somewhat cruddy jewelry. i have 466k dps vs shaper on barrage with all buffs/flasks etc. however, if i swap back to piscator's, upgrade my jewelry to opal ring (mid roll) with max roll WED being the only other mod. so just implicit and one suffix, which sell for like 150-200c or something (400c total) and upgrade w/e chest you're using to a 6L and use a 6th support (say 500c just to be safe) for 900c compared to your wands value of 1100-1200c, my damage now sits at 653k dps vs shaper. this is what im saying. if you're going to upgrade wand, it should be the absolute last thing you should upgrade, if ever, because of the insane cost it takes to get such a minuscule difference. |
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I appreciate your contributions to this thread, I see you posting here often. However, a lot of what you have posted here is wrong. As I have responded to most of it (Pierce / VP), i'm only going to focus on your more recent statements about rare wands. By the way, you're using Immolate on your Barrage setup, and it's doing literally nothing since you don't ignite enemies, since you use Elemental Focus. " If you actually read the guide, I only recommend purchasing a rare wand AFTER upgrading your jewelry. At the point you should switch to a rare wand, 300c in jewelry is nothing for this build. End game opals will cost you over 1000c each, easily. And a good rare wand, will cost MUCH more than 400c. Once again, if you actually read, I say a good rare wand will cost 20+ ex (700+c). " Actually, there is a good starting rare wand for sale on poe.trade right now for 26ex (1100c). T1 lightning / fire multimodded. If we put that in your CURRENT setup vs shaper (291k DPS), it goes up to 321k (30k increased, about 10%). And for the record, the best wand in HSC right now is 3T1 Ele prefix, 38 multi, 34 chance, 12% AS. Using that wand would put you at 381k (about 35% increased) even though you have absolutely 0 WED on your jewelry. IGN: Desreien / Wand / Science #1 Wander Guide: 1979794 Последняя редакция: Science#2786. Время: 9 сент. 2017 г., 13:56:44
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I cant seem to roll the right colour sockets on my belly of the beast, keep getting 2 red instead of 2 green.
What could be a good alternative (red) Is a max level empower a good alternative for slower projectiles? Последняя редакция: aryllia#4974. Время: 9 сент. 2017 г., 13:56:11
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" The only good red link for barrage is WED. If you aren't, use Vorici's 1B option from the bench. Doing this it's an average of 140 chromes for 3B2G1R. IGN: Desreien / Wand / Science
#1 Wander Guide: 1979794 |
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I will try that, thank you
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" It worked, you are my hero! |
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Hello, where you have the craft : "x increased elemental damage with attacks skills" ? I looked at the wiki but I did not see him at master.
Why take you damages of cold on your wand? Increased lightning damage is not the best ? Sorry for my english and tank you for you post ! I like your build ;-) |
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" Okay I completely unspecced acro and put the points into life, and have to say I like this better. I have a lot more close calls without acro, but less one-shots which is my main goal in terms of defense. Also, I think one thing that's left out of a lot of the current wander guides, is that in my experience a rare wand with Lightning and Fire is much stronger then Lightning and Cold. This is because of Wise Oak interactions (which I think should be in your 5 for max dps setup). Dying Sun + Vinktars makes it pretty much impossible for your max cold res too much up, so that's my reasoning for fire damage. But yeah, wise oak super strong. DS+Vinktar will make fire/lightning dmg hurt much less and then cold damage gets mitigated by wise oak. IGN: dbk or BONGSANDTHONGS if you prefer Последняя редакция: datbabykilla#7760. Время: 9 сент. 2017 г., 14:51:50
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" it isn't wrong, its just different. but i have my reasons. i have a LOT of game knowledge as i've been playing since open beta and i like to think i can put it to good use. the pierce thing, i don't need pierce support because again im a SCION version (which i think is the best version, but personal opinion). i get free pierce. thus im free to use another support. this does come with much higher mana cost, however. as for VP. i don't use VP and i currently still don't. i've cleared all t15 maps multiple times including double boss dark forest and double boss overgrown ruin WITHOUT vaal pact. it is absolutely viable. in fact i spec'd into vaal pact to test the difference for a good half a day of mapping. and i failed all of my t15 clear attempts with VP. i respec'd out of it and i honestly feel safer this way. i wasn't running overly crazy map mods either. but a fact of my personal experience, feeling, and opinion is that VP is 100% not required. you can do just fine without VP, and i even prefer it. have you tried playing without VP? before you were saying its essential to all wander builds etc. you can't just say that if you haven't tried it both ways. i have tried it both ways and i prefer not using VP. if you have tried it both ways, great, but you can't just blanket statement say its required. it clearly is not. " my recent statements about rare wands were nowhere directed towards you or your OP. they were directed to the conversation with others regarding rare wands and their opinions of them, which is why i was quoting them and not you or your OP. we all know that wanders can be the most expensive to gear, and if you're at that point of upgrade to squeeze out the last 2% bonus dmg, then sure spend 4000c on a wand and 2000c on jewelry. w/e. " lol yes i am not saying a 1100c wand wouldn't up my damage, but a 10% increase for 1100c is fucking horrible and i'd rather use that currency to upgrade anything else or gear and entirely different build like a ngamahu's raider or EA HoG farmer, etc. im just saying it isn't worth it. 35% inc dmg oooo so good, except it costs you a mirror. with that cost you can get a build that farms shaper/HoG/guardians/breaches all day long that out performs this build six ways from tuesday in every aspect. edit: oh right, about immolate. i ignite with KB so i get the increased damage from immolate on my barrage. it isn't fuckin rocket science. my barrage cannot apply ignite but i can still apply ignite and get the bonus dmg on barrage. Последняя редакция: xMustard#3403. Время: 9 сент. 2017 г., 15:06:06
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" And thats personal, while other builds may outperform a wander in those things like you said, I for one have way more fun playing my wander than any other character so I am min maxing my gear to the extreme since It's the most fun I've had in PoE, to me it's worth it to spend every bit of currency on a wander just because I have more fun playing it. |
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