[3.0] Wand’s Guide to Wanding – Comprehensive Overview of Wanders
" If you can't / don't want to stick to regular maps after 94 then you can just start rotas, both Poorjoy's asylum and Beachhead are good, except in one case you can relax a bit, in the other one with random groups it might be harder, PJ can be really rippy with the wrong group. I don't have the maths for both but my guess is PJ still more efficient than Beachhead actualy. About people messing up with rotations: The thing is with Rotations except if you already have a regular group that want to go 100 you are going to be all days ( for a while ) with random players. Some of them will be in these rotas to get their level 100, some others just to complete endgame grinds, some others just here to get carried and leech some xp or farming etc ... So what i did is i decided after few runs to organize them myself, because i wanted to be the most possible with players that wanted their 100 and then willing to play efficiently, instead of looting whole boss room, taking a coffee between each amps etc ... same mindset, same goals. And it went really fine, aslong as you are explaining others players those are xp runs, fast paced when asking for players in 820 you will most likely find the right guys. Be sure to notice them about movement speed too, or it will be a mess for them. And well you will make friends that will group again etc ... At 97 i just stopped to pick any currencies except exalt and divines, same for harbinger pieces in boss rooms except helmets ones ( for economy reasons ). A support is obviously more than welcome specialy actualy since there are a lot of wander and they benefit A LOT from auras etc ... There has been badtimes too, players that come here and just leave after one map ( ty for the scam ), the scorching ray bug has been terrible aswell, i had to set a policy and deny SR users to join further parties ( crashing client and sometimes the whole party ) this has to be fixed ASAP. Some players really overreacting too, coming in party with 3K hp build and blaming everybody when they were dying ( shitstorm of insults etc .. ) but at some points you won't be too much disturbed by that, because the xp bar still grow. If i had to do it again i would eventualy choose to find a regular group for day #1 till last. I would also setup an AHK script to call bearers / harbingers / danger / drops etc in chat. And i would like to do it in regular maps, Beachheads is a one time run. I won't do it in any other league it's boring. In conclusion, people are rarely messing up with rotations. In most case the party's leader is messing up with them if he doesn't explain clearly what those runs are aiming for, why players are here etc ... If you want your 100 you gotta go fast ! ZOOM ZOOM ! I'm used to play most likely alone or duo party since four years and grouping this league for these rotas has been one of my best experience in Path of Exile, except Friendlist is way too small ahah. Can contact me in pm if you have further questions, you should be able to find Poorjoy and Beachhead xp spreadsheet around on forum or reddit :) ( 20 rotations between level 99 and 100 ). Good luck! Helio Hf :)
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Easy question. Which wand is best?
Both are giving me almost the same sheet dps. My gut tells me that the second one would be better. PoB is also giving me very similar values... Should I just pick one and sell the other? Or is there a better option? Rest of my gear for reference:
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IGN: Sogano Последняя редакция: Tr0j4n#3072. Время: 25 сент. 2017 г., 17:38:34
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Thanks for the awesome write-up Helios! I generally avoid other players like the plague in PoE but I may give it a try since I don't really give a shit about drops at this point. I mostly just want to keep progressing with the build since it's ridiculous.
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" I'm sure you will get to it ! :) be patient and if a rota goes wrong, the next one will be surely better no worries :) Best of luck. Hf :)
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Beachhead rotations are indeed ridiculous exp, decided to try it yesterday and got around 45% on a full rotation (6 maps) at level 93, drops were pretty meh and it's cancer playing on US gateway with unstable 200ms + negative fps, definitely worth the exp though, took like 30-40 minutes.
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hey, im kinda new in poe and i use this setup but i do not understand some things
how do i trigger onslaught? i've got it linked with herald of ice, assasins mark and curse on hit to be honest i don't see assasins mark trigger as well so how does it work? |
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Additional elemental damage from Herald of Ice triggers Assasin Mark. You might not see it, because you one-shot everything. I have a question of my own about budget upgrades. I have little to no currency. My question would be - is it better to save the currency and follow the Upgrade Priority from the guide or should I get a few cheaper upgrades first? I'm asking, because 6L or Bisco Collar are out of my reach for the forseeable future. |
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" to be honest as i made some more levels ons started to trigger once a while... not offen tho buy still it does a trigger a bit |
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if the build is based on lighting damage, then why herald of ice not the thunder one?
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" Herald of ice is better for map clearing due to the shatter explosions, also easier to apply curses. Also herald of thunder gives a bit more damage, better for endgame bossing. |
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