3.0 Blast Rain Scion [Everything viable, mostly cheap and nice scaling progression]
Hi everyone
Incipit: Hello guys, it's RevengeForMyPanda here,29 yo boy from Italy, this is my first guide EVER. Also sorry for eventually English language error, it's not my first language and I'm really trying to be more specific then I could. Hope you enjoy and feel free to give advices, modify something and critizice anything that doesnt sound good to you. One of the greatest "indirect" helps writing this guide has been provided by the TS build from Neversink :) I studied my own path basing a lot on his guides, so thanks bro :) Pro's & Con's + Funny, fast paced, satisfying + Cheeeeeeeeeeeeap, mostly upgradable during the leveling and end game gear is not THAT expensive + Quite tanky(at least gives you time to heal back + Can kill Guardians(Done already) and i think Shaper too(with proper gear) + Kinda safe since it's a high range char + It's a Scion + Doesn't give a f*** about dmg reflection - Not a newbie oriented guide(need to know how to manually dodge things, so need to know enemies and their attacks) - Not a facetank yolo build(need to manually dodge and retaliate at the right time) - Needs to respect what can kill her So first: what is this build about
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This build comes after lots of tryings done by me in order to setup a fun, mostly cheap, fast paced and actually working build for my fav char, SCION (playing her since release :) )the whole build plays around Blast Rain (for sing target) and Lightning Arrow (for trash farming).
This is NOT a melee bow Build. This is NOT a facetanking boss yolo build. This is NOT an high crit chance based build, but when it does crit, it's party hard :) Not the highest dps ever, not an unstoppable oneshot endgame boss killer, but Guardians fight at my level (85) it's a 5-6 min battle with no deads usually, Shaper still needs to get kicked tho, i have no guts to go in there and do the job atm :P Let's go more in dept with the other sections ^_^ Why Scion and not Ranger
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Simply 'cuz i LOVE Scion, she's so versatile and fun to play, she starts from the middle of the tree and goes whenever she pleases.
"But a Ranger could had done things better" yeah, sure, probably sure, the final tree will be Ranger based so i guess that playing this build as a Ranger would be same if not better! Feel free to try ^_^ Defensive Mechanics and explanation
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1) With this build we will use Queen of the Forest paired with pretty nice high evasion gear and Grace aura, that will conflux into an high movement speed, this will be our first layer of defence: movement speed, if shots will not hit us, they cannot hurt at all.
2)Evasion in general, so that hit that will HIT could be evaded anyway. 3)Achrobatics 'cuz why not, that 40% dodge is sexy 4)Phase Acrobatics + Atziri's Steps 'cuz those pesky spells will sometimes be dodged 5)Arrow Dancing because this is not a barrage/point blank/Chin Sol build :* Offensive Mechanics
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Ok so, the offence here is "stay far away from enemies, dodge manually their shots and retaliate at the right moment". Not much more to say.
Gear of choise
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Mandatory uniques:
1)Queen of the Forest 2)Lioneye's Glare 3)The signal Fire Quiver Queen of the forest has been explained before in Defensive mechanics, it comes with some nice resistances, HP and HIIIIIIIGH evasion, also, the more you stack EVA the more you will run speedy! Lioneye's Glare is my fav bow, it is SEXY, nice dmg, nice AS, and works GREAT with elemental damage, also, has been buffed with "Far Shot" in it <3 The signal Fire is a great great quiver, no need to buy a maxed out rolls, it will still make skyrocket your dmg to the stars! :D {Here i need to write down a note, pick this quiver up ONLY when your HP will be around 4800, otherwise you will find and wear an HP, ele res quiver with some crit chance and multiplier eventually} Non mandatory uniques: 1)Starkonja's Head 2)Atziri's Steps Starkonja is, in my opinion,the best defensive/offensive helmets for a ranger: it comes with high HP, nice EVA, nice attack speed, bonus global crit chance and some Dex that is never a bad thing to have some more Atziri's Steps because have Spell Dodge (Perfect with Phase Acrobatics), nice HP, 30% mov speed and High Evasion {Note for enchantments: take a "+X% +1 blast rain explosion" on HELM and a "X% ele penetration if you haven't killed recently" on BOOTS Luxury Gear: When it comes THAT moment in which you will want finally to ascend to be a dps God then you will buy or craft an Harbinger bow with 400+phys dmg, local crit chance, global crit multiplier, Attack Speed and +x% ele dmg with attacks. On your jewelery you want nice ele rings with crit chance, HP and ele res. On your amulet you want one with HP, ele res, phys dmg, crit chance, crit multiplier and some ele res if you can affor all that. Rest of the Gear:
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As you can see, our uniques are pretty a lot, things could get complicated when it comes to cap resistances, so try to abuse and maximize HP and ele res on the rest of the gear:
Amulet-->I have a Lapis rare amulet with HP, some strenght, some phys dmg and a 30% crit multiplier and it's doing pretty fine till the time i will find a decent upgrade ^^ Rings-->Try to take a couple of diamond rings with some dmg(phys or ele it's still ok), some hp and ele res! Belt-->A leather belt will do a nice work with some HP and res till the moment you will get a Rustic Sash with HP, ele res and elemental dmg with attack skills! Gloves--> Try to take some nice EVA + phys dmg + HP + ele res on gloves (yes it's hard i know this will be our weak point, but EVA gear is still cheaper then the other kind of defences <3) Quiver--> Try to gain a Spike-point arrow quiver with HP, ele res, some crit chance and crit multiplier till the moment you will feel ready to switch to The Signal Fire quiver :) Ascendancies and explanation/experimentation:
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First move to Ranger ascendancy tree, pick up Deadeye, then go up and take Elementalist Ascendancy in Witch path, then close with path of the Ranger.
Deadeye because i feel safe to play that ascendancy, ALSO it synergises pretty well with Lioneye's glare(Far Shot + Deadeye's Projectiles gain Damage as they traver further up to 50%, Sexy! ;)), plus Deadeye comes with a bonus projectile and some proj speed. Elementalist for some Ele dmg penetration, the bonus golem that is a nice add to the party, Elemental conflux that is kinda useful at times and that nice niiiiice 50% Reduced Elemental reflected damage! Ok now, if you are not planning to run ele reflect maps i guess you can switch Elementalist with EXPERIMENTAL Assassin or Inquisitor for more crit, Berserker for more base Damage and some nice atk speed + life leech eventually. I just figured out Elementalist was the safest but eventually will work great if not even better with something else. Bandits and Pantheon:
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Bandits-> take 2 skillpoint or eventually Krajdin
Pantheon-> Garukhan, Solaris (but feel free to change as you feel better) Flasks:
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Just take 2 HP potz: one with no freeze and one with no bleed, an Atziri's promise, a Wise Oak and a Quicksilver flask with increased duration(we will be moving A LOT)
How your tree should look like without "Path of the ranger":
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How your tree should look like with "Path of the ranger":
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In the final tree you see I picked up the claw cluster with Soul Raker in it, and the jewel just down there, in the jewel node put in a Lioneye's Fall jewel, this will make all those nice nodes for claw up there to apply to bows! <3 <3 <3 Gem setups:
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6-link Blast Rain 3G/2B/1R:
-Blast rain -Elemental damage with attacks supp -Physical to Lightning supp -Slower Projectiles supp -Concentrated Effect supp -Faster attacks supp 6-link Lightning Arrow 4G/1R/1B: -Lightning Arrow -Elemental damage with attacks supp -Greater multiple Projectiles supp -Ice Bite supp -Physical to Lightning supp -Faster Attack supp {EXPLANATION: Ice bite keeps our Frenzy Charges up all time while trash farming, it's just great} 4-link auras and buffs 2G/1B/1R: -Grace -Hatred -Herald of Ash -Enlighten {EXPLANATION: "Why 3 buffs if you can't sustain them all?" Switch Grace with Hatred for faster map clears and go grace again when fighting bosses or harder maps! :) } 4-link 3G/1B: -Lightning golem -Ice Golem -Blink Arrow -Faster Attack supp 4-link 2G/2B: -Frenzy -Culling Strike supp -Curse on Hit supp -Elemental Weakness {EXPLANATION: Frenzy helps us to keep our Frenzy charges up and running during long boss battles, applies a VERY useful Elemental Weakness that will just increase to the stars our dps vs bosses and last but not least Culling Strike means that you dont need to manually take to 0%HP an Hydra guardian before the ice balls on the field hit and kills you!} Where is Vaal Pact in this setup?
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I'm not a Vaal pact lover honestly, it kills you when it comes to those maps with lots of Desecrated soil if you have no life to leech around or potz available, i see some Hp regen more handy, and the high life leech with those "%increased life leech per second" down there at Vitality Void works just great. But again, feel free to go vaal pact if you can play it with, it's no problem really
Build Goals atm Level 86 now:
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Dps atm and PathOfBuilding link:
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So, well, ok, dps as PoB says its around 500k on blast rain (in effective DPS) with MY actual gear, it counts as 96k~ per Blast Rain explosion, PoB reports no more then 4 explosion, but with a "Blast Rain has 75% chance for an additional blast" on helmet, explosions become 5, so I guess it should be 500k~ DPS.
Here's the link: https://pastebin.com/BEsrEU1n Videos:
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To be upped
All right guys that's all, i hope you enjoyed that very simple guide, I loved to write it down, and again feel free to criticize and advice for better options and adjustments. Also write in the comments if you want some more explanation to be added. Plus if someone knows a program to make ingame videos, some light ones that wont drop my fps to the ground would be greatly appreciated so i could up some quality video too. Wish you a great day and have a nice farm :) xxx RevengeForMyPanda Последняя редакция: obsiwolf#1295. Время: 3 окт. 2017 г., 10:35:38 Last bumped20 нояб. 2017 г., 23:23:43
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Seems good I would suggest any other ranger asc than dead eye tho as added projectiles do not work with Blast Rain and and the time it takes for BR to fall is capped.
Also why use P2L with Blast Rain and signal fire already converting 100% of your damage to fire. A Fire Pen gem here or Ele Focus (since your using HoA and burn is not a ailment) would probably significantly increase your dps. |
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