[3.1] Quill Poison Raider | ALL map mods | Fast | "Tanky" | 3M DPS | Facetank | 100+ arrows/second

wanna see clear map video with this build like channel/strand if comeone can record pls
Carnoso написал:
OP Pastebin link is removed. I wonder how you get 1.2M Shaper DPS?
While no pastebin link i get stuck at 360k Shaper dps with barrage. Same tree and same items.

His link works for me. Keep in mind that a) he calculates with Unbound Ail., Deadly Ail. AND Vile Toxins (instead of Chain) and b) full 90% chaos damage increase from Wither is taken into account.

When you import your character to PoB, it only calculates Wither at 6%. (I forgot how to change that.)

schnaxxel написал:
Carnoso написал:
OP Pastebin link is removed. I wonder how you get 1.2M Shaper DPS?
While no pastebin link i get stuck at 360k Shaper dps with barrage. Same tree and same items.

His link works for me. Keep in mind that a) he calculates with Unbound Ail., Deadly Ail. AND Vile Toxins (instead of Chain) and b) full 90% chaos damage increase from Wither is taken into account.

When you import your character to PoB, it only calculates Wither at 6%. (I forgot how to change that.)

I approve, this is the actual char of OP

I import this char in POB, activate all flask, activate "shaper on", change Barrage lvl 5 for a 20/20 barrage, chain by Deadly elments 20/20, no frenzy he have just 266k in shaper, 566k with all frenzy charge Up...
try ourself and activate just a real value :
disable Wither he have now 3 curse activate (wither despair and temporal chain) choose just 2
Barrage have 7L i think POB see 2 time lesser poison, one in chest and one in the link barrage, try disable the other one

Aseki2013 написал:

Hi guys. What I'm missing?? I dont understand why do I have so low dps... (besides def ofc)???

I think you went for "additional curse" & "Mind over matter" path way too early (That's should be around level 77 or 85

1) I noticed that you're missing a few poison jewels. Here's a few example and recommend stats for the jewel:

- Increased damage over time (recommended)
- % max life (recommended)
- Increased damage with poison (recommended)

Example of 1-4 chaos or 1 alch jewels if you can come across.

This is my current jewels (I probably pay like 5-15c for these, because people neglect their potentials lol)

Other optional stats you can look for:

- Increased attack speed with bow (Stack poison faster, but optional)
- Increased poison duration(Increased your max damage by small percentage compared to Increase damage with poison)
- Chance to hit poison (Kinda useless since you already have 100% chance of poison, but eh it goes with your poison duration)
- Increased % maximum mana (Cheap alternative % hp replacement if you have MoM)

Also, your gem's levels is at not that high yet. If you're manage to get them around level 18-19 without quality. Your poison damage cap would be around 65,000 poison with max frenzy charges + onslaught.

Example of my level 74 current build (havn't update it for level 77 and a few jewel has been changed)

Here's my recommendation what you should do. These are the 2 things that you should do for now.
1) Level up your gems to level 20
2) Buy cheap poison jewels
3) Get access to those jewels slot in your passive tree. ( I noticed you're skipping those jewel slot )

BIG THX for your time and effort its gething bether xD
Nvm - answered my own question.
Последняя редакция: ryder911#0819. Время: 31 янв. 2018 г., 11:03:14
Just curious - do you have enough mana to run haste with MOM?
How does this build actually deal with being stunned? A lot of mobs stun me and then I die pretty fast... am I simply overlooking something here? :(
partypea написал:
How does this build actually deal with being stunned? A lot of mobs stun me and then I die pretty fast... am I simply overlooking something here? :(

Brine king pantheon helps alot, but doesnt make you immune. If I noticed I got stunned i try to fire off one last shot then get away from the mob I am near - helps alot if you already have the phasing ascendencys
I change other little change for upgrade damage and stop depend frenzy for poison (for boss it's better)
I go Pathfinder (now 153% poison with flask active, 65% no active flask)
I change gloves (we generate no frenzy :
is useless) for this little, more DOT, bleeding ennemy explode (this is awesome in map + damage up vs bleeding ennemy) :

Upgrade stuff :

Pastebin for POB : https://pastebin.com/tbkLBDwx
byakuya44 написал:
I change other little change for upgrade damage and stop depend frenzy for poison (for boss it's better)
I go Pathfinder (now 153% poison with flask active, 65% no active flask)
I change gloves (we generate no frenzy :
is useless) for this little, more DOT, bleeding ennemy explode (this is awesome in map + damage up vs bleeding ennemy) :

Upgrade stuff :

Pastebin for POB : https://pastebin.com/tbkLBDwx

If you have raider ascendy you will gain frenzy on kill on white and blues and then on hit for unique / rarte monsters.

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