[3.0] BF Raidslayer [HC/SSF Viable, Budget, 9K Life, ~1M DPS, 75% PhysRed, 2 Purity, 30% B/E]


Just a build that is for the SSF / HC players out there. Pretty simple build overall, get a good DPS claw (like Scourge) and a lot of health on gear.

What makes this HC viable? 9K life, fortify, 30% block/evade chance, 75% physical dmg reduction, run 2 purity's, reflect safe, good leech, endurance charges, lots of defense flasks (basalt, granite, stibnite), arctic armour, Can even throw a blind on your Ancestral Protector.

What makes this SSF viable? Need very little resist on gear, you only need ~120% resist on gear across 6 items, so on average 20% resist on an item. Crafting is pretty easy, just get as much life on an item as possible when alting, then regal it and hope for str/resist/phys dmg, and mastercraft a mod onto it. Essence crafting helps here too. Jewels are pretty easy too, roll a life mod and some sort of damage (multiplier, attack speed, area dmg, melee dmg, etc.)

You don't really need any unique except Lycosidae for a lot of DPS, but even that could probably be replaced if you spec into some accuracy. There are five recommended uniques, Starkonja, Lyco, Belt of the Deceiver, Lion's Roar and Witchfire Brew, which all have pretty good drop rates. The only item that should be somewhat hard to get is a good claw, but anything above 250 DPS should run fine. Having a 5L instead of a 6L loses about 20% DPS.

Lots of room for improvement in the gear from what I posted, that is just a very budget template for gear. The main cost being a 6L (which if you just buy a 6L with the right colours and some life should net ~60-120c). If you run SSF then of course you must craft your own 6L, but still gets decent DPS without it. Of course if you get better gear you might want to remove some of the resistance nodes on the passive tree and replace them with life/DPS nodes
Check out my 3.0 Melee CI Inquisitor, I kill Shaper on a 1 Link!

Последняя редакция: Divini#6008. Время: 29 окт. 2017 г., 10:59:34
Last bumped29 окт. 2017 г., 18:34:02
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