[3.1][HC] rogueyoshi's Frostbreath Cyclone (All content on a budget, 500k-1m+ Shaper DPS, 10k+ EHP)
I am really enjoying the build. It really hits its' stride in maps I feel. Also, what change would you make to use sunder instead of cyclone?
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" Drop Arctic Armour (can use Herald of Ice instead if you can spare the Mana). Swap Increased AoE / Conc Effect / Hypothermia for Multistrike if you prefer that playstyle. Then depending on your gear, swap Lycosidae for 3G Prismatic Eclipse. studying for GGG's C++ technical exam...
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Have you tried using a 4l orb of storms with inc crit - curse on hit - frostbite or w/e curse you want to use? should be easy to maintain with cyclone and will proc ele overload pretty reliably.
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" You can definitely do it, but for EO we actually have CWDT + Blade Vortex, and Cyclone itself. Plus, we are kind of link-starved... Mandatory: 6L Cyclone 3L Shield Charge + Faster Attacks + Fortify 1L Arctic Armour Strongly Advised: 2L CWDT + Blood Rage (Insane Leech from Arakaali soul when combined with a separate CWDT + IC) 4L CWDT + Blade Vortex + Blind + Immortal Call (Insane EHP Gain from Blind, frenzy generation, insane Leech with Arakaali, protection from certain one shots, and EO proccing) Possibly replacable: 4L Warchief (30% More DPS (43% with Culling)) 3L CWDT + Frost Bomb + Duration (18% More Shaper DPS) The thing is, I don't think an Orb of Storms COH setup will give more Shaper DPS than either of those replacable setups (even with Dual Curse). But you will have slightly more reliable EO proccing against Attack-based Bosses for sure. EDIT: Yeah, only 7% More DPS for Frostbite and 8% More for Elemental Weakness. Not worth it. studying for GGG's C++ technical exam... Последняя редакция: ログよし#2777. Время: 28 нояб. 2017 г., 2:16:27
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" While it's unlikely that GGG will remove or redo Elemental Overload AGAIN that's a pretty serious chunk of damage. Ultimately if your builds squishy as is with that kind of damage if you lose that large of a chunk your survivability is going to take a pretty serious hit too. Which wouldn't be an issue on anything you can still 1 shot but on anything you can't 1 shot it's going to be a huge issue. Not saying the build wouldn't work in 3.1 I'm saying it's a good idea to wait to see the changes to the passive tree prior to posting about the build especially if your trying to get your build noticed. It's a good baseline idea for sure. Tweaks will need to be made. Which is why I ask "Why post it now and not wait for the changes to be released"? Less work and you release an up to date relevant build that goes with the incoming content? " Hm... Did you maybe skim over his first post? Or don't remember what you read? Maybe you should go back and read his post again. He clearly mentions the passive tree/things on the passive tree at several spots in his post. (for example he mentions "Elemental Overload" at the start. Then he has links to several passive trees). Ultimately you very clearly missed the entire point of my comment. Try again. |
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" Alright cool. This is what I was looking for. Still leveling the build up as I have been sick so I'm barely playing. I was just curious if it was something you tested. Thanks again. |
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" I was referring to the post he made answering the guys question about whether this could be a league starter. Either way your post has little to no point as I said before because you solely base your argument on whether or not the tree will be changed which could be said for literally every build possible. Unless you went and made this same comment to literally every build tagged as 3.1 and mentions league starter build then all you really did was single this post out for no reason. If you want to argue that people shouldn't tag builds as league starters before patch notes are released, then that's fine, but you should probably make a forum post about it as a whole and not just reply in a single thread about it. This is the last reply I'm going to make about it because I don't want to derail the thread, but feel free to PM me if you want. |
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I played this in mayhem until mid-maps and it felt pretty great. Got bored from mapping as usual so can't really say how it plays in reds but I had no problem mowing down exiles, breaches and invasion bosses en masse.
Did some slight changes: 1. Started with cyclone from lvl 30. Random two-hander and cyclone linked with ele, added cold and onslaught support is good enough to get to 50. The onslaught support really makes it feel smooth until you get the speed boost from the frenzy charges. 2. Not playing HC so I kept the Herald of Ice. Pack shattering just sounds so great with it. Also I linked curse on hit Warlords Mark with it for some cheap invulnerability during breaches. Additionally I added Onslaught support to it which allowed me to drop the silver flask. You get a pretty good uptime of onslaught during normal mapping (8s) for only 2% more mana reserved. 3. Didn't use shield charge. Imo all those movement skills are all just too fiddly to use, feels pretty fast with a max speed quicksilver flask, onslaught and max frenzy boots. Some questions: How do you deal with bear traps? The only thing that killed me was the exile with the bear traps and during mayhem I got that guy way too often. -_- I get stuck, can't leach and boom, dead. Not that I can even see the traps on the ground... Mana. I took the mana cluster Essence Sap for the +2 mana per enemy hit because I'd run always out of mana during cycloning. Maybe I did too short steps with it but it just feels much more fluid holding down the right mouse button with the cursor near me character so I can change directions immediatly. |
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So I played the build until level 70-71 before I quit. I enjoyed the build, but I'm not sure the point of the build tbh. I know I didn't get very high level but I don' think that would've changed my mind on the build.
My biggest issue with the build is the conversion or lack thereof. Until you get ele weak on hit hrimsorrow/burn you're only doing 40% cold damage which is what you're scaling a bit in the tree with the pen/ele dmg nodes etc. My other issue was MoM. Obviously I didn't really get to test it too much, but I don't understand the point of it. In my mind, I would rather just have the potential of having 200% or so life in the tree and not worry about MoM. This would also allow for the use of hatred and/or herald of ice (can use HoI + Hatred + Arctic Armor with a level 4 maybe 3 Enlighten). Overall the build is fine. I didn't come close to dying a single time, but I was also really fortunate early with gear (6L'd a belly with 100 jewellers and roughly 56 fuse then subsequently yolo vaal'd it for +1 level of gems). The damage was also surprisingly pretty good considering the conversion issues I talked about earlier. P.S. GGG Please make the Winter Spirit and it's prerequisite nodes equal 50% phys to cold conversion or at least make it so all items and skill gem conversions are 60%. Even with Hrimsorrow/burn it would have likely triggered me to be at 90% phys to cold conversion with no real way to make it 100% |
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" Starting Cyclone early is fine, but the best way to go for sure is Brightbeak + Lycosidae + Thief's Torment. This will give you very effective immortality to all but 1shots as soon as you can Cyclone. " I actually recommend using HoI + AA up until you get MoM. " Shield Charge is mostly there for Fortify, but it can mean the difference between clearing a map in 1.5 minutes and 1 minute if you use it right. " During a race like Mayhem, I would keep Leap Slam on deck instead of Shield Charge. " Thief's Torment will take care of Mana up until you get the Mana Leech node.
" The point is stacking flat Cold Damage (combined with Frostbreath's Double Damage against Chilled enemies), not converting the weapon's abysmally low pDPS to Cold Damage. This keeps the costs extremely cheap as we don't need any expensive weapon upgrades, Steel Rings or anything like that. Conversion (and Extra Damage from Physical) give very low returns compared to what you get from flat Cold Damage. " MoM + 5k Life + 2.1k Mana gives more EHP than even having 7000 Life. Hatred is garbage for this build since the weapon has low pDPS (see above), and HoI is lackluster once you get Essence of Horror rings, as they are close to 1.5x as effective as Lv21 HoI, each. Plus we don't have any scaling for HoI so the explosion is not that great. studying for GGG's C++ technical exam... Последняя редакция: ログよし#2777. Время: 3 дек. 2017 г., 4:21:28