Path of Nerfs

Strandedmoon написал:
Well, I feel good with the new Nerfing post, because I didn't go after 90 lvl and probably I won't do it soon. :)
With these changes people can become a bit more equal in PoE, because there are builds that are far more powerful than others and destinated only for end-game/boss killing. It's all about diversity in builds and having fun from playing.
Still, I play for fun. It's good I don't have any more motivation to go go beyond lvl 90 or even 85 :), but my recommendation is the death's loss of experience to be revised.
These changes are good, because this way people can play more in parties and going for loot together.
Right said, the nerfs on this post were predicted by experienced players and it seems, nerfing will go further, but I really don't care - it's noone's life mission to play PoE and lose real life.
The game becomes fully grind with more grinding at higher levels. 99 % of players won't go beyond 90 lvl I suppose.
Probably this is idea... some chosen to take it all from leagues and trade after.. I don't know.

Imagine the outrage if they nerfed loss of experience to deaths beyond 10%. People who die at level 80 already complain about the 10 minutes of lost experience. Even at 95, a death sets you back like an hour of experience if you are chaining decent maps.
Vampiruga написал:
Whiners! I have a good news for you! Its not full list of nerfs, so you can whine another times in future!

People with brain! I have a good news for you too! Tomorrow we can see list of buffs and we can do conclusion about all of this!

Vampiruga написал:
Not all people reaches 3rd lvl... And you whine about 95-100 bracket. GGWP

And you talk with no content own? Who are you? Your 13 challenges said you play whole one day in Harbi or less and you talk like u know something.
You will again do same, play one day and come here to give us your honorable opinion on patch 3.5 notes?
Thank you for your spam.
Последняя редакция: Coolmer#1879. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 4:34:38
GGG choose meta every season for supporting prices on regret orbs on non-league leagues lol
Seriousley Chris .. fron this Position i nerf now my lust for your mtx .. cause you nerf all builds i created and i am not the lvl 100 guy in 4 days... this guys find another way to Show you that they smarter casuse they Play the game not decide how to played !

realy it was the last mtx with i supportet you now !

it is over !!
If you not affraid of the Devil.. then you dont need a GOD !
Последняя редакция: ONE_OF_A_MILLION#1329. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 4:33:13
Srsly what's with all the nerfs...

I was expecting to make a character in the new league, go kill Hillock for instant lvl 100, go on the beach kill some zombies for guaranteed Uber/Shaper fragments and top tier uniques as a bonus, get a free hideout with all masters max lvl. Finally after all of that which would probably take me like 10-15 minutes (Keep in mind this is an absurd amount of playtime for a casual player who's play-sessions usually consist of logging in the game and then logging out with less than 5 seconds in between) I start running Shaper/Uber with my starting gear! As soon as I load in the map I expect everything to be dead and all the best loot (Dying Sun/Disfavour and a few hundred EX with a mirror or two) already in my inventory (Expect the same for all other content in the game after the first two zones) all achievements and challenges for the league automatically completed of course.
Only then would I be happy with the state of the game!

Oh well... back to Clicker Heroes I guess LUL! :)
Streaming is bad for the gaming community, the top streamers get perks due to bringing in new players, which leads to them having some leverage with the direction of the games they stream. Not to mention, they make their living off it, I wouldn't be surprised to find that all the RMT in the game originates from them too. As an example, who has the time to farm like 1000 exalt and sell it for real money for someone to buy on a site?

As for nerfs.. I'm not sure you are aware GGG, but a "nerf" insinuates that you made a mistake when creating the thing you wish to nerf in the first place. It is basically saying "oops, made that too strong, better quickly fix that before it gets out of hand"

What you're doing is not nerfing, as it's not a knee-jerk reaction to a design mistake, what you are doing is altering the established meta, on multiple occasions, to align it with a percentage of the playerbase. Which makes the other percentages, very upset.
Omygosh xD

My new build is compromissed >.<
With this culture of nerfing the most played/fun builds you are becoming Diablo, and thats reason is what made me stop playing it.

Also i was planning to aim for lvl 100 in this league for first time in 4y playing this game, i guess it wont happen.

Up to you.
"My" To-Do LIST about PoE:

* Don't support to GGG with money anymore from now on!..
* ... Instead, buy a "dozen games" with the "same pay amount" you think you're supposed to support!

(Rev. #004)

"When you reach the top, get ready to drop!"
Последняя редакция: BeeAntOS#0260. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 4:56:31

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