Path of Nerfs

I understand where these changes are coming from and could expect in general most of them.

I just hope the new skills are good enough people totally forget, these types of changes always feel really bad for those people invested in those builds.

I'm not sure on the xp stuff but i guess you have to offset the new map mods, i hope it works out to the same xp if not more tbh , people were already picking the least painful map possible to just grind that stuff out.
Whatever army I have, I'll lead against them...
...until I've won or I'm dead.
• Level 38 VS The World •
• Crafting Service •
Последняя редакция: colwyn#4736. Время: 4 дек. 2017 г., 20:15:35
Please, nerf bisco's collar.
I don't think the "Vaal Pact" nerf was needed. Basically this means to me that if you fight a boss that will deal 95% of your life without additional damage mods and critical strikes, you basically will just die now. You also moved it into a more convenient location on the tree as well for players. You could've put it up by "Ghost Reaver" to make it more of a pain to get for people. But that is only my opinion on the subject. Build and item nerfs will always happen.
themozzer написал:
hazley написал:
luke6666sama написал:
My concerns are continuosly being buried by people who have $0 - $50 supporter packs and highest characters at level 90 who have only been playing for ~2years so i will have to repost. I WANT AN ANSWER GGG.

chris why do you keep nerfing things? do you just want us to play vanilla sunder builds for the rest of our lives? seems like such a waste considering how much potential the game has for more creative builds. CAN WE HAVE CAST ON CRIT BACK ALREADY? why does it matter if certain builds are OP in a game that is mostly just gonna be played as single player or co-op anyway?? It's not like PVP is a real thing, nobody cares!

Meanwhile we still have builds like traps and mine builds running rampant and one shotting end-game content like atziri, shaper, and uber izario. how is this fair??? i've been supporting this game since closed beta (look at my supporter packs) and i only end up playing less and less patch after patch simply because there just aren't enough fun builds for me to try anymore

why???? back then when i played HC i would roll 10-15 builds each league. now i can barely justifying rerolling more than 1 character because nothing interests me anymore. your NEW content is made obsolete becausee you're changing and forcing the meta too much. you guys need to relax on the nerfing. this game should allow players the freedom to play and create what they want. PLUS, most of these things being nerfed are mostly high-end stuff that majority of players won't be able to achieve anyway, or takes a lot of time/currency investment in order to achieve. I understand nerfing broken and cheap builds but nerfing items like acuity or old builds like CoC just doesnt make any sense to me when there are builds that currently exist that take low currency and time investment to achieve power levels even higher than old CoC (eg. GC mines).

im sorry but if this continues i dont think i can continue to support this game. I am at a point where i am starting to regret the thousands of dollars $$$ i've thrown at you guys because the game just isnt as fun anymore.

P.S. i am fine with the exp nerf, never cared about 100 and 100 should have never been so easy anyways

I would like to hear an answer from GGG for this post as well, since my line of tought is the same.

GGG can we get an answer for this?

Think this is a good and solid question, explained in an adult and serious way. I would like to see GGG answer it in the same manner, please.
Последняя редакция: korppi1#0037. Время: 21 июня 2018 г., 16:06:13
Chris написал:

  • 95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
  • 96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
  • 97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
  • 98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
  • 99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

I saw this coming. No way could you make the mapping experience better without nerfing my xp gains. So a few racers don't like the race to 100 because it's getting too fast and you once again, nerf everybody in the bracket. Granted, at these numbers I'd still probably be 100 a few times if I would just stop dying to stupid things (but thats my fault more than yours). Bah humbug to penalizing only the top levels of experience.
LaiTash написал:
No i've seen my girlfriend who just started playing this game...

Wow. Sexism much? The classism is real. Your entire problem is new people being able to enjoy a powerful character in what is lets be honest a single player game.

This is about control for you people and nothing more.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Nice nerf, want buff earthquake and groundslam
LaiTash написал:
LaplaceNoMa написал:
LaiTash написал:
Meanwhile i see no nerf to spectres. Is this for real?

>seriously implying that spectres needed a nerf

Are you per chance an avid VP user?

No i've seen my girlfriend who just started playing this game this league playing an unkillable 11k EHP 75% block/spell block character who could also kite shit with shield charge while spectres tank and melt everything including shaper into oblivion.

Meanwhile a melle-range skill that uses your health gets a triple nerf. Wow, just wow.

You mean 11k EHP that have literally zero mitigation and provide way less actual EHP than some eva/armour-based character with ~6k HP?

You mean the 'unkillable' character with literally zero leech and only surviving due to block, with pretty much a sneeze from some problematic affix'd mobs killing them in one-shot way before any DD mob can even look their way, if it doesn't get blocked?

You mean 'kite shit with shield charge' with such a great speed that you finish the outer perimeter of Poorjoys when your rotation party is already TPing back to town with their movement skill speeds?

You mean 'melt everything' as in like only bosses, pretty much like many other boss-killing builds (and worse than some of them, especially the lab-running Izaro-oneshotting ones)?

Dude, try actually playing the fucking game instead of watching your girlfriend run white maps and create the illusion of an overpowered build.
Последняя редакция: LaplaceNoMa#3989. Время: 4 дек. 2017 г., 20:14:38
Odds_ написал:
Yeah, players are obviously weaker than ever, which is why they're clearing content 10x as fast as they used to. lmfao

Oh, is it pull bullshit stats out of your ass day already? Pro gamers and no-lifers might be clearing content faster than ever, I don't know, nor do I care; the vast majority of the playerbase is certainly not experiencing that phenomenon. In previous leagues I got 36+ challenges and leveled multiple characters to 90+, but this league I leveled a dozen characters to maps and with each one I fairly quickly got bored by the overly long boss fights and constant one-shot bullshit (more often than not accompanied by multiple simultaneous slowing debuffs being applied to my character). Unfortunately, each league we just keep getting more nerfs to player damage and defenses, more garbage mechanics like bullethells, and more buffs to mob and boss damage and defenses, so the endgame has become as boring and tedious as leveling to endgame used to be (and will be soon again, once the novelty of the new acts wears off).

On the plus side, I've been able to invest a lot of my time recently in Elder Scrolls games.
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".

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