Path of Nerfs

So I've played the game on and off since 2013, steadily since 2015. Every time I see the patch notes, everyone screams about how the sky is falling, everything sucks, and they are quitting the game. Some of you I swear I've seen your complaints before saying the same crap.

I honestly don't care, every nerf I just change up what I am doing and have fun. I have had some complaints (Monster density in maps and one shot bosses) but overall, still really fun game.

Glad you made the changes to VP GGG, I watched as the entire meta became "Can this skill work with VP?" It was dumb and disgusting!

And to all the 'casuals' who are mad about the xp changes, I can understand why since it's harder, but come on! When your argument is 'GGG only listens to the 1%, I was going to hit 100 this league, rip fu GGG never spend money on you again' it makes you sound like a child. First, hitting 100 is an achievement, not a guarantee. I don't even bother because the work required is not worth my time.

In closing, thank you GGG. This has been an amazing game, and I enjoy every minute I get to play it. You can nerf the game to the ground for all I care, I will still make something and take it as a challenge!
nskLantash написал:
JOWH написал:
Well, it's just getting worse. Build diversity further down, probably monster/boss difficulty up again soon. This game was great once and I had high hopes but now...
I cannot even say I'm happy that I've spent money to support you - because all the builds I have played and that I ever wanted to play - I can't just do it anymore because you nerfed so many aspects of the game that it's impossible to do.

The thing that i enjoy nowadays, btw, is comparing posts like this one to posts like "i miss the old days when PoE was actually challenging and fun to play, where any white mob could kill you if you weren't careful, and nowadays it's just the same clearspeed meta with constant powercreep every patch".

I don't really care about meta builds, powercreeap and clearspeed. This is an ARPG so yes, there has to be all this.
But I do care about the devs messing up with build diversity like any other ARPG before. I just checked Diablo 3 again and well - I could play my old build again which I made 2 years ago.
And even IF you are very careful now with proper defense mechanics and stats, you still die onehit from random boss hits (I don't mean boss abilities).
Rip all my vaal pact chars xd
But its a good change!
Последняя редакция: Sarah#0000. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 2:54:43
So many ppl crying "path of nerfs" because their favourite OP skill gets nerfed a little, yet the game gets easier and easier overall for a long time now...
self-righteous fools lmao
96-100 exp penalty seriously? Why not removing those levels completly and leaving lvl95 cap? At least that would be fair for vast majority of players who rarely reaching even lvl95 coz its fucking boring and slow.
SaiyanZ написал:
Atziri's Acuity
Atziri's Acuity has been changed to instead grant Vaal Pact if you've performed a critical strike recently, giving it a slightly different use when compared with the Vaal Pact keystone. It now fills a different role to its previous one and acts as a way for you to avoid some of the downsides of the Vaal Pact Keystone

So now instead of having the downsides of Vaal Pact all of the time, you have the downsides some of the time.... and the rest of the time it does absolutely nothing.

Odd logic.

No.. its means what it has always ment.. the one thing that made acuity special is still there..?
You get VP leech while not losing your Regen. Pretty simple to understand.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
3.1 Patch note :

lower the maximum level to 95 (down from 100) for normal playtime people
Последняя редакция: Ascorpi#0648. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 2:35:11
Juxtap0se написал:
Damn .... 78 pages of talking shit. Come now.
I fell like not a shingle one of this nerfs is going to affect me. Was the community really so reliant on Vaal pact?

You either play Summoners, Totems, Mines, Traps, DoT channeling, or Chaos builds. Or you don't do bosses beyond tier 10.. because pretty much everyone else is affected.

Vaal Pact is one of the few ways to deal with true end game content. T13-16 Corrupted 8 mod maps that you cannot reroll for atlas completion.

There are only a handful of builds that can kill Morgrants(Overgrown Ruin) with 8 mods Or the Trio in Vaal Temple. Torture Chamber's boss with any damage mods like Vulnerability(despair soon) and added lightning, Goddess in Plaza. Really any boss that either has rapid Damage over Time or extremely high unmitigatble burst damage.

If they gave us alternatives for say Freezing pulse, Spectral throwers, wanders, etc.. Then it wouldn't be such a big issue. But they're reducing the number of viable builds and claiming that it's improving build variety, which is why everyone is pissed off.

i gotta say, this is probably the stupidest nerfs i ever seen so far. these nerfs literally doesnt make any sense. this is fkn lame, no offense GGG,this game is great but these changes will make yall lose alot of players and supporters, including myself( not saying im important) vp nerf, barrage nerf, rotp nerf, everything that are useful are being deleted from the game. literally! and more experience to level up? u have got to be Effin kidding me. u know how long and expensive does it take to level up? specifically to 100. not all players are streamers who are actually dedicated to play 24/7.. most of us got jobs u know.. 40% more to lvl 100, like what kind of crap is this? like wth is wrong with reaching lvl 100? its what most players are tryin to achieve and yet they are having a hard time to do so, because of these bad choices of nerfs that affects cheap builds.Yall dont understand how important it is for us how 2.6 VP works, there are alot of players who struggles to level up because of this nerf and yet not everybody plays like ziz or any of these pro streamers.. ffs GGG, fix these mistakes before its too late. forreal!! dont yall realize that after ES and vp nerf, alot of players stopped playing Ci or low life(which makes several builds playable btw). so now we need to resell our current items that doesnt work with the build, which takes forever because trading is dead(mainly standard). then now we cant play life build that leeches instantly.. VP nerf in Es? fine. but now even with life builds? like holy shit!!there is literally nothing left for us to play that is fun. We cant build pure dmg anymore. INSTANT LEECH in vp is literally the most important keystone in this game.. us players would have more ideas to make new builds to share for everybody whose interested in playing something new. Hopefully in the future, u guys would realize that yall should be buffing alot of stuff instead of nerfing em. Man id really like to come back and try these new stuff thats bout to come out, but these nerfs just avoided myself not to. Like its not even worth playing this game anymore. But no offense GGG, ive been holdin onto this opinion for a long time, and this post made me actually take my time to let yall know that these changes arent right. well, this gon be the first time missing a supporter pack ever since i started playing. guess this time its actually worth not buying any of these mtx's because there is no point, at all!! because I spend more time playing when I know that you guys are actually puttin the effort to respond back with actions about our concern for the better future of the game. welp, hope you guys would listen and understand my point, pls dont take this the wrong way, because im pretty sure im not the only one complaining and concerned about the same thing.Im pretty sure the same thing will happen on harbinger, players would want to check out new league just to realize its not even worth playing. So sure that u guys would lose alot of supporters instead of gaining some if yall release these nerfs.Bring 2.6 VP back, everybody will be happy. but oh well, not like u guys gon listen. Id like to say more but it feels like i had said enough. goodluck exiles! we really did got fuckin exiled. lol
Последняя редакция: raawwrr#5136. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 3:42:00

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