Path of Nerfs

typecast написал:
There are plenty of things that should be on the nerf list.

- Reduce Aurabot effectiveness
- Remove Headhunter specific div cards
- Remove Quant Items (especially Bisco's)
- Reduce Sextant radius
- Increase Zana costs
- Decrease travel distances for Whirling Blades and Shield Charge
- Bring skills back to Earth. Sunder, KB, VPS, Barrage (-1 projectile does nothing with so many projectile sources), Spectres, Glacial Cascade Mines (mines in general...), Dark Pact (needs another 10-15% less damage).
- Add PvP damage scaling on 3.x items (see Death's Oath, Allelopathy)
- Cap Projectile Distance

good post.
And as always, there will be new so called "broken" builds...

Funny how everyone is crying like babies, that everything that made fun for them has been nerfed, and the game is now totally unplayable. If you're so upset about change, don't play an ever-changing online-game, go for Doom and so on, there likely wont be any change to these games.

There's so much new stuff coming in 3.1 (shaped/eldar items, new skills/supports, new uniques) that there WILL be new builds, that people will cry about when GGG nerfs them in 3.2!

For myself, I really like the changes, it makes the game feel fresh and gets people to get creative with their builds, keep up the good work GGG!
Ever since I saw that video of a guy who killed minotaur by putting a cup on his mouse then going to the bathroom I've hated the idea behind vaal pact. No reason to ever move, to ever challenge the bosses. You say killing them from 1 screen away(hard to do in some arenas btw) is not fine but killing them by holding down right click and maybe clicking on some potions is all well and good? It is how the game is supposed to be played? What a joke
JinLee1337 написал:
juerk написал:
JinLee1337 написал:
nerfs are good for the game, stupid shit needs to get removed. d3 went to shit because they didnt nerf anything and dmg numbers got to billions, you dont want this happening to poe. btw getting to 100 is probably easier and achievable for more builds now because of the reflect nerf, just takes longer. you will die less because of stupid shit now i imagine, but only people who have expierence in getting to 100 would know i guess.

Ok so:

in 2.6 we had easily around 20 skills which where meta in some point.

T1-T1.5: VfB, VS, HoWa, EK Nova, Wanders (all kind of variants), Signalshot, Volt. LA/barrage, KB mines

also very strong: attack double dipping (Mortem Morsu, King of the Forest) LLRF, Bladeflurry, ED, Golemancer, FNM, Frostbolt totems/mines). I'm surely forgetting a lot of builds, haven't been playing the last two months of legacy.

Ok...Necro support was too strong back then and some things needed some balancing/nerfs. 3.0 we're at most at half of the builds from 2.6 - and that being very generous. Close to all builds from above got removed, and only few builds replaced them (Spectre Variants, new wander variants, GCM, DP). Were all that builds "stupid shit"?

My concern is that by removing some builds again we're just running out of exciting skills to play at this rate. The next patch is probably going to be ok, but what's next? If sunder still remains unchanged for leveling and is the fastest clearing skill in 3.2 due to yet another wave of nerfs, I'm calling it a day. That's sort of my personal limit. I can see that some people would find even this pace too fast and want back to a 4l cyclone meta. That's fine ofc, but not a game I would play.

I somehow don't get the desire to hardcap the players by nerfing the very top without balancing skills for leveling or mapping until level 90. To be fair, the new Shaped/Elder item might be a solution to that.

About faster leveling to 100:

Without VP, Sextanted Shores, Beachheads, with QotF nerfs on top of the exp nerfs? Good luck. The gap between the perfectly organized 6-men-groups and the rest will just grow further, that's it.

yes, i consider most you listed "stupid shit", howa was way to strong (but was overnerfed, that is true). vfb and vspark were stupid, doing maps in less than 30secs is dumb and not healthy for the game, doesnt mean we are back at 4 link cyclone times. double dipping was retarded and needed to be removed, poison is still good and you can still do endgame with it. wanders just got an op helmet last patch and because barrage lost 1 projectile doesnt mean they are dead. signalshot is still strong. voltaxic needed to be nerfed at the time, because of double dipping and how easy it was to bypass reflect, they should bring it back though after the nerfs to said things. there is countless builds that can do endgame and its just a matter of how well.

in terms of the xp nerfs: sextanted shores are still in the game, just need to trade of for what you want to do with your atlas, people got to 100 in 10 days before beachheads existed. vp is no reason at all for why it should go slower because of the reflect nerf, you can do fast builds without qotf. on the last point i am with you, a 6-men group shouldnt level that much faster than 1 person, but that has nothing to do with the xp nerfs

Why is double dipping retarded and needed to be removed? Imo we had enough doubledipping builds at ok-ish powerlevels. Some interactions were indeed too strong and needed to be nerfed but the current state where always (direct dmg > dot) is kind of silly as well.

Signalshot is playable with life now, sure (weaker than 2.6 but still at decent lvl) Granted we had a bit of doomfletch in 3.0, but that's gone now lol.

I agree with you on HoWa. That being said, I would make Howa + weapon+shield-builds playable for CI after VP is gone. Some sort of Ci buff (more multiplier behind CI or higher ES values on armour (i.E. 760 ES for triple T1 regalia) might be enough to bring those builds back. That way we could build a wander for clearspeed (lifebased, QotF, small lifepool) or more tanky + higher single target dmg (ES). Bow/2h/dual wield would still remain life only. It's quite a joke that even CI HoWa struggles with a HP-Pool atm.

About skills being "xy-viable". Sure - I would be quite happy seeing some slower skills get used at the high lvl of content (and having good ST). Some of them could use an overhaul / change of mechanics though.

I don't think, the barrage enchantment will change much. It more of a lab nerf and bows+wanders are still viable if Tornado Shot or KB/VPS survive. Those builds are in OK spot after the nerf but it would be unreasonable to leave sunder/spectres alone, if they go that way. The balancing can't only affect the nearly max-out gear, if there are builds that can do magic with 5-10c in and are better during lvl 60-85). I also hope to see some new skills at the top, granted we only had DP gutted so far.

Somewhat agree on VS/Vfb, but still feel like those two were overnerfed. Hard to balance Vaal skills though.

2) Exp:
Shore -> They moved shore into an awkward position (same with most other good exp maps). Maybe we get a new Shore, who knows. Poorjoys is still in the game, so there's some hope.
no berf for saboteur huh?
hey, this is my quit point. finally you killed all fun stuff yaai
Kostax написал:
So many bitches crying! Let me drink your tears!
Mad respect for Chris and XP nerfs.

Lvl 76 hypocrite has spoken :D.

Nevertheless game is different from Legacy and is less entertaining and much easier due density of mobs and other stuff, which makes some gems looks better but overall game is not bringing emotions like before.

I am curious about next patch as tendency less fun, less gear options, less tree options is still rising. Game is more causal than it was before Legacy - again its not bad, but good either.

This game is now much more focused on marketing and making it open to wilder player base. Its no bad, but to kill fun (builds) only to make players try this and that and try to make them play longer is understandable, but also make game less fun.
Последняя редакция: Rexeos#3429. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 2:14:52
h3llraiserlol написал:
hey, this is my quit point. finally you killed all fun stuff yaai

We both know u wont quit or anyone who claims so :D
Последняя редакция: Pyridoxine#6453. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 2:15:01
Johny_Snow написал:
Ever since I saw that video of a guy who killed minotaur by putting a cup on his mouse then going to the bathroom I've hated the idea behind vaal pact. No reason to ever move, to ever challenge the bosses. You say killing them from 1 screen away(hard to do in some arenas btw) is not fine but killing them by holding down right click and maybe clicking on some potions is all well and good? It is how the game is supposed to be played? What a joke

There are builds in the game which are far more trivial than that. Die at the center of the boss room, watch the boss die. For all the popular endgame content.

Somehow people like you only see the VP builds ;)

Also..there's the precasting thing left in the game (BF/mines). More skill involved than in the other build but not very different from VP.
Последняя редакция: juerk#7020. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 2:16:21

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