Path of Nerfs

A manifesto purely about nerfs takes guts. Nothing but QQ expected.
Probably would have been smarter to also reveal some buffs or hint towards them. Or... just make a manifesto purely about the buffed items/skills. Everyone will make happy posts and GGG is the best company in the world and PoE the best game in the universe (although this pong game they play at planet Zork is amazing as well). Can't wait to see the buffed skills and decide on a build. Hurry GGG... it's almost Chris-tmas!!
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
Chris написал:
This was one of the most heavily-requested nerfs in the history of Path of Exile

None of the players asked for it. You have mixed up something. You must return life regeneration then.
Here we go again. GGG is catering to the top players ONLY . some of us like to play the game with a chance of getting to 100 some year. But NO. WHY not make a POE elite or something and let us your BIGGEST Player base have some fun . I really do not understand GGG . Every time I save Enough to buy good stuff, Here comes a nerf . GGG is costing us so many hard earned currency and time !

Not a happy camper
Making leveling more difficult? Bad move.

Ive been playing this game since early 2013 and until recently, my highest level char was lvl 88!
Now just because only few streamers, who play nonstop reach easily lvl 100 doesnt mean 99% people feel the same. I bet 99% HAS not and WILL NEVER get character beyond lvl 90! I know you want to make people play more, but this would only make people give up sooner!
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Don't listen crying babies mr. Chris. Go on. Just Go on!
The only point that annoys me greatly is the XP nerf. Why do you keep balancing xp gain 100% on a tiny fraction of players that nolife this game full time 24/7?

Who cares if people that do 48 hour sessions and play nonstop after league start reach level 100 rather quickly? They are sacrificing their health for it after all.

You are making it near impossible to reach level 100 for people that have families and jobs, and likely pay the biggest part of your upkeep.

Edit: Balancing around Beachhead chaining with sextants..
Последняя редакция: visibledark#0732. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 4:23:45
Why are so many people upset that it will be harder level from 95 to 100, especially when so many of the complainers don't have any characters above level 92?

I feel it's like complaining about your CEO getting a paycut because you're sure that you'll be the CEO one day.

I've seen a lot of folks parroting the opinion that the 95-100 exp nerf "ruins the game for the 99.9%."

How so? The 99.9% will never feel the effects of this change at all because they'll never even get to 95 much less try to push past it. Why should GGG take advice on level 95-100 exp balance from players who have never come close to that range?

If you want to set level 100 as your long-term goal then more power to you I suppose, but understand that GGG never intended it to be a realistic goal for more than a tiny handful of hyper-dedicated players. Your character doesn't magically become a demigod or win the game when you hit 100. You don't even get a fancy hat. Why is there so much vitriol about this being harder to achieve? Full disclosure, my highest is 95.0 and I never plan to go further on any character, so it doesn't affect me and never will. I have a lot more fun rerolling a new build at that point than grinding shaped maps endlessly.
As a casual who works a job and wants to have some fun after it - everything that was making my characters feel strong to me is being systematically taken away.

If this game is for people who play it as I work a job, then its clearly not for me.

I am not stubborn or desperate to hold on.

POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences.
I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1.

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