Path of Nerfs

Coolmer написал:
Chris написал:

Experience changes for high-level characters
Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time. In 3.1.0, this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99 that have the following effect:

  • 95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
  • 96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
  • 97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
  • 98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
  • 99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

LoL, I already don't have character above lvl95 and I am here from 2012, because after 95 grinding xp is boring to me and most my builds can own content with lvl90 or less so it is pointless.

You with that nerf moved level 100 boundary a bit far for 99% of PoE population and you repeat similar xp nerfs from patch to patch, making this game more boring not harder.
Those less then 1% who rlly dont play game and enojy in real meaning "play all content", will still got that 100, because passing 1.000.000 "poorjoys", "beacheads", etc is not real progression and I think it don't deserve ladder. Brainless progress don't need to become meta.
I know only that, many of those lvl100 on ladder still can't kill shaper, many cant own guardianas at all, so did they won game and deserve place on ladder?
Ty for making game more grindy not harder.

Um, dude what? I don't know of a single racer that gets to the top of the ladder each league that hasn't done all game content and can farm. If we just look at streamers alone that are in the top of each league/race there isn't a single 1 that has not farmed shaper extensively. You said it yourself you have never had a 95+. So chances are you never would either. You said you farm just fine at 90. So then there is no reason you should be complaining about content changes that will never affect you because you don't play on that level.

Overall I think the nerfs mentioned here where all needed. Vaal Pact has been far to powerful for far to long. Rise of the pheonix is the ONLY shield for RF the only thing I see this nerf doing is massively decreasing the damage ability of RF by forcing people to go for more max res nodes instead of damage. Which might make this gem into a very rarely used skill again.

Looking forward to tomorrow patch notes to see what kind of buffs we are getting!
no one cares....................................
Последняя редакция: RedStark#3273. Время: 29 дек. 2017 г., 7:39:49
SeriousLus написал:
I`m almost finished with my build and you ******** are nerfing Wither and Dark Pact?!?!? WTF
And i was actually thinking of putting money into this sh** - thx for providing me with enough reasons to stop playig this "game".

Found a VP DP zerker! :D
Pyridoxine написал:
B4ngg написал:

Anyone can tell me the reason why i must go to the Uber Atziri?

to get this

if u spend ex on that u shoud put them in minions its the only thing they hadn`t changhe
_TANIA_ написал:
Pyridoxine написал:
B4ngg написал:

Anyone can tell me the reason why i must go to the Uber Atziri?

to get this

if u spend ex on that u shoud put them in minions its the only thing they hadn`t changhe

or time regret etc for character that use this
KuraiArashi написал:
Coolmer написал:
Chris написал:

Experience changes for high-level characters
Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time. In 3.1.0, this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99 that have the following effect:

  • 95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
  • 96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
  • 97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
  • 98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
  • 99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

LoL, I already don't have character above lvl95 and I am here from 2012, because after 95 grinding xp is boring to me and most my builds can own content with lvl90 or less so it is pointless.

You with that nerf moved level 100 boundary a bit far for 99% of PoE population and you repeat similar xp nerfs from patch to patch, making this game more boring not harder.
Those less then 1% who rlly dont play game and enojy in real meaning "play all content", will still got that 100, because passing 1.000.000 "poorjoys", "beacheads", etc is not real progression and I think it don't deserve ladder. Brainless progress don't need to become meta.
I know only that, many of those lvl100 on ladder still can't kill shaper, many cant own guardianas at all, so did they won game and deserve place on ladder?
Ty for making game more grindy not harder.

Um, dude what? I don't know of a single racer that gets to the top of the ladder each league that hasn't done all game content and can farm. If we just look at streamers alone that are in the top of each league/race there isn't a single 1 that has not farmed shaper extensively. You said it yourself you have never had a 95+. So chances are you never would either. You said you farm just fine at 90. So then there is no reason you should be complaining about content changes that will never affect you because you don't play on that level.

Overall I think the nerfs mentioned here where all needed. Vaal Pact has been far to powerful for far to long. Rise of the pheonix is the ONLY shield for RF the only thing I see this nerf doing is massively decreasing the damage ability of RF by forcing people to go for more max res nodes instead of damage. Which might make this gem into a very rarely used skill again.

Looking forward to tomorrow patch notes to see what kind of buffs we are getting!

BUFFS ?! WTH are You talking about ?!

ES / CI is flat dead.

1/4 of the passive skill tree is junk now.

1/4 of the gems have no point at all, or practically not useful anymore.

1/5 of the unique items went a rubbish.

What buffs are you talking about. We are speaking here about a devastation of the game, but you stay positive ?! Great.
I was silenced for telling the name of USA president for 40 days.
I was silenced for stating "I am Jesus" for 5 days.
Maybe it is time the deeds of the moderators to become public, so peoples understand that they hired a cheap mods which enforcing their "woke" agenda on players.
Последняя редакция: BlazeSTX#1437. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 4:46:04
Necromancer Are you ready for tomorrow?
I'm shaking.
Pyridoxine написал:
B4ngg написал:

Anyone can tell me the reason why i must go to the Uber Atziri?

to get this

how many times you farmed Uber? You can easily get a 10 times mask, go into a huge minus on the money, but then return everything when you get the gloves. The cyclone is dead, the ax is with it
thanks for the post Chris. Looking forward to the full patch notes

(✿ =‿‿=)
_TANIA_ написал:
Pyridoxine написал:
B4ngg написал:

Anyone can tell me the reason why i must go to the Uber Atziri?

to get this

if u spend ex on that u shoud put them in minions its the only thing they hadn`t changhe

Animate weapon lul

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