[3.1][The Volatile Poet] Smoothly cast Volatile Dead! Fast clear speed! Now with Uber Lab video!

Anyone do a comparison to inquis? I mean I like the idea of moving faster as pathfinder ( move speed is clear speed after all ).

And what’s the draw to poets pen? It feels like you are giving up 3 support gems for your VD?
shahmat1972 написал:
And what’s the draw to poets pen? It feels like you are giving up 3 support gems for your VD?

You're giving up 3 supports, but gaining 3 (4 if level 100) gem levels.
"Though evil endures, and legends don't die, the hero exists in a blink of time's eye"
This is one of the most fun builds I've ever played! Also very resilient. I'm L81 and have died 0 times and don't even have Kaom's Heart yet.
All that and a bag of chips!
shahmat1972 написал:
Anyone do a comparison to inquis? I mean I like the idea of moving faster as pathfinder ( move speed is clear speed after all ).

And what’s the draw to poets pen? It feels like you are giving up 3 support gems for your VD?

Inquisitor is capable of 10-15x the damage and you give up some clear speed for that but it is by no means slow.
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
Dahakar21 написал:
Which Skill do you use to level the Char?

U can rush with whatever u want ( I used lightning arrow almost act 5 ) then u can use both wand all the way ... They rush U very smothly!!!
I’ve been using this build for several days now, had a lot of support and friendly advice from Wyncote. As someone that struggles with change, (I usually play warchief builds.) I can easily say the transition of change was effortless.

As many people have mentioned; this build is extremely fun to play! There’s something that’s extremely satisfying by watching those angry big fireballs just out of their way and explode in mobs faces! I would really recommend this build to anyone who fancies a change. I’ve reached further into the game more than I have ever done. And I’ve been able to see a lot more of maps, bosses and actually experience things that I have never came across before.

Thanks for the build!

TLDR: +1 To build.
I have been playing around with this build and I went Raider Ascendancy. I find having phasing and onslaught always proc'ed that I flow through mobs much smoother. Also, I switched out Immortal Call for Warlords Mark. It really helps with fights where you know you are going to get hit. Having the life leech from Warlords Mark makes it possible to face tank just about every boss, including Izaro. Also, I started my toon with the intent of her being a bow user focused on projectile dmg, evasion, and movement speed. To accomplish this better, I am using Queen of the Forest Destiny Armor. I currently have all resists maxed and am working on getting chaos resist. At lvl 73 right now, I'm clearing maps very quickly with little to no down time. I hope this helps you tweak your build even more. With my setup, I'm finding that I have no use for Vaal Haste or Decoy Totem. I still have them there, but I barely use them.
is elemental damage with attacks on belt necessary? we kinda using spell so i don't think this will add to the volatile damage or the unearth since they're projectile and spell
Im farming shaped Vaults and strugglinfg sometimes on boss fight so i wonder how to improve single target dmh
RE: djsilverstreet's suggestion of a Raider version of this build:

I think it's cool that you are having a good time with a Raider version of this build. Be sure to let me know how it goes once you reach Guardians or Shaper. One thing to note is that Poet's Pen is gated by a cooldown, so an attack speed faster than the cooldown can be counter-productive.

RE: marc2777's query about the ele dmg with attacks on the belt:

You do not need the ele dmg with attacks. It doesn't help this build, except maybe frenzy dmg, but we don't care about that.

RE: DeeMonk's trouble with shaped Vaults:

There's three minor things I noticed while looking at your character. One: You are using Magma Orb instead of Cremation in your Unearth weapon. Cremation does a lot of damage, I'm not sure if Magma Orb is better. Two: I use a 21/20 volatile dead gem. That helps the dmg a little. Three: I use two life flasks and a mana flask with instant recovery to help get through near-one-shots. Looks like you have more utility flasks. Finally, have you been keeping track of which mods are on the maps that are more difficult? Like, "no regen" or "elemental reflect"? Know what hurts you the most would help me advise you.

Also, who's looking forward to Bestiary League? I am!
Последняя редакция: Wyncote#0240. Время: 21 февр. 2018 г., 12:36:28

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