[3.3] CI Caustic Arrow by Paige | SC/HC | Immortal | Guardians/Shaper | AFK Uber Labs | T17+

fakado написал:
Ah that's right i forgot about the +1 being seperate and that it works with all gems. I took a few more points out of tree as I'm slowly respeccing and am now on 6.8k ES. I did uber lab earlier without paying attention to mechanics and wasn't getting one shot so I guess I'm not too worried about squishiness anymore, damage is main priority.

I'll have a look around for a +1 bow for ED so I can start the switch.

I've also been thinking about replacing Mirage Archer as I don't super zoom zoom speed run through maps so he's only somewhat helpful in clearing out last 2-3 mobs per pack and completely useless in boss fights.
So I was thinking what about having a blue socket on the weapon instead for Conc Effect / Inc AoE swapping. With Inc AoE and +1 arrow from quiver, I imagine clear speed might be around the same, and Conc Effect adds a ton of damage to help with bossing. Curious what your thoughts are on that?

That, or Chain. I haven't tested either so I'm not certain, but people told me Chain is good.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Ah chain might be good too. I suppose later on when you have 100k dps like in your PoB, it's probably more important to have better clear speed from mirage archer/chain, so I'll be looking to switch to that once I'm around the 70-100k dps range, until then I might stick around with conc/inc aoe to get some extra damage so I can lab farm more efficiently.
Thanks for your responses :)
OhhPaigey написал:
Quarie написал:
Hello! Currently playing the build in Beastiary and having a blast. Quick question tho, with the new ascendancy for trickster the new "escape artist" seems to be alot worse then the previous one that gave you 250 es and 500 evasion. Is it still worth going for the escape artist node or just skip it? Also is it still possible to get to 8k ish ES without that 250 ES node that we had before? (I'm totaly noob at CI builds)

Thanks for awesome build!

Escape Artist is a great defensive choice, so I recommend taking it by default, with a 300~ ES helmet, that's 3000+ Evasion Rating. It also lets you potentially use a hybrid chest, which is a big buff from patch 3.1, and finally it reduces the amount of times you'll be getting stunned, which a few people disliked about the build in 3.1, we mostly relied on Evasion & damage to avoid getting stunned, now it's actually built into the ascendancy. Technically, our maximum ES potential raised quite significantly if we find a powerful hybrid chest. 3.2 Was a buff all around, not a nerf, in any way.

Hello! With the Escape artist node wouldn't Atziri's Splendour Sacrificial Garb be a amazing choose for chest armor? Or is the high price not worth it?
Quarie написал:
OhhPaigey написал:
Quarie написал:
Hello! Currently playing the build in Beastiary and having a blast. Quick question tho, with the new ascendancy for trickster the new "escape artist" seems to be alot worse then the previous one that gave you 250 es and 500 evasion. Is it still worth going for the escape artist node or just skip it? Also is it still possible to get to 8k ish ES without that 250 ES node that we had before? (I'm totaly noob at CI builds)

Thanks for awesome build!

Escape Artist is a great defensive choice, so I recommend taking it by default, with a 300~ ES helmet, that's 3000+ Evasion Rating. It also lets you potentially use a hybrid chest, which is a big buff from patch 3.1, and finally it reduces the amount of times you'll be getting stunned, which a few people disliked about the build in 3.1, we mostly relied on Evasion & damage to avoid getting stunned, now it's actually built into the ascendancy. Technically, our maximum ES potential raised quite significantly if we find a powerful hybrid chest. 3.2 Was a buff all around, not a nerf, in any way.

Hello! With the Escape artist node wouldn't Atziri's Splendour Sacrificial Garb be a amazing choose for chest armor? Or is the high price not worth it?

The stats are pretty decent for Atziri's Splendour. If you don't need the resistances and that's what you can get, it's not an awful choice, especially with Escape Artist like you said.

The price on those usually go down fairly quickly as the league continues on as more people are doing Atziri, and not many people use the actual chest.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Последняя редакция: OhhPaigey#4471. Время: 4 марта 2018 г., 19:17:16

Playing the bestiary league this is the best i could come up with in the short amount of time.
Aside from gem leveling, where do you think i should go from here?

capped out on res, 6k es, missing the enlighten for the boots aswell
Последняя редакция: Casey_Caseyson#5108. Время: 5 марта 2018 г., 13:22:57
nobodý написал:

Playing the bestiary league this is the best i could come up with in the short amount of time.
Aside from gem leveling, where do you think i should go from here?

capped out on res, 6k es, missing the enlighten for the boots aswell

Upgrade your potions, get a +1 arrow soul strike, better ES body, replace the empower on bow with something that's actually useful, like concentrated effect for more damage. A level 1 empower literally does nothing, especially since you don't have a +3 bow.
Running with this build in HC Bestiary and quite liking it so far.
Leveled with CA all the way, most of the time with 4L Silverbranch and I'd say it is smooth and without much troubles. Slower than dedicated leveling builds but doable.

Just be careful with Merc Izaro and A10 Kitava. A5 Kitava almost got me as well. At act 9/10 I used enfeeble instead of Despair, damage was still very good.

I did the respec to CI at 71 level and this is my current gear:

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Capped resistances, 6.2k ES. Just starting maps.
Thanks for the build! Let's see how mapping will go. Got so many upgrades to do :)
Hello! 7.4k ES and so far missing imprecense, dying sun and additional arrow on quiver. Tried tier 9 elder today. The guardians was pretty easy but the Elder was impossible for me atleast. First time fightning the Elder but i died super fast from the dots and even when i survived for about 2 mins i did like 3% of his hp. Noticed that he has chaos resistance, maybe someone with more knowledge can comfirm if it's impossible or really hard to kill Elder with Chaos dmg builds.
MaSterX_BG написал:
Running with this build in HC Bestiary and quite liking it so far.
Leveled with CA all the way, most of the time with 4L Silverbranch and I'd say it is smooth and without much troubles. Slower than dedicated leveling builds but doable.

Just be careful with Merc Izaro and A10 Kitava. A5 Kitava almost got me as well. At act 9/10 I used enfeeble instead of Despair, damage was still very good.

I did the respec to CI at 71 level and this is my current gear:

Скрытый текст

Capped resistances, 6.2k ES. Just starting maps.
Thanks for the build! Let's see how mapping will go. Got so many upgrades to do :)

I'm trying to level as CA, kind of stuck around 42 with low dmg.
Think I need to rework some things.
Quarie написал:
Hello! 7.4k ES and so far missing imprecense, dying sun and additional arrow on quiver. Tried tier 9 elder today. The guardians was pretty easy but the Elder was impossible for me atleast. First time fightning the Elder but i died super fast from the dots and even when i survived for about 2 mins i did like 3% of his hp. Noticed that he has chaos resistance, maybe someone with more knowledge can comfirm if it's impossible or really hard to kill Elder with Chaos dmg builds.

I did a tier 7 Elder and got him to like 30% hp before I ran out of portals, was pretty crazy to basically do so little damage to him/his adds with 25k dps on CA and 22k dps on ED, that innate chaos resist he has is a tad unfair.
Once I have a level 3 empower I expect it to be easier.

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