[3.10] For Scion - Goddess Sword Spinning in Flurry (Cyclone + Blade Flurry + Frost Blades)

When some rare will drop i will switch but right now its just... well... garbage.

Im testing both, also Ignomon affects all skills not only Frost Blades and add fire dmg to all, so from Her Embrace point of view it should bring more profits but its just mine (retarded) thinking.

Also Cold to Fire conversion ever croddes Your mind?
de99ial написал:
When some rare will drop i will switch but right now its just... well... garbage.

Im testing both, also Ignomon affects all skills not only Frost Blades and add fire dmg to all, so from Her Embrace point of view it should bring more profits but its just mine (retarded) thinking.

Also Cold to Fire conversion ever croddes Your mind?

I picked Karui mainly because of movement speed and it buffs Frost Blades too. While leveling, I will want to get to map asap. :)

Cold to Fire gem will make you lose damage.
kira1414 написал:

I picked Karui mainly because of movement speed and it buffs Frost Blades too. While leveling, I will want to get to map asap. :)

Cold to Fire gem will make you lose damage.

To me to much movement speed = too chaotic gameplay, i prefer a little bit slower pace ;)

TH for response about CtF.
Shaper ring is great for this build.

Just got a shaper ring dropped while playing this build in a T11 Shaper map.

Slapped some chaos on it and I got this:

There is no life roll on it (which is a pity), but due to Frost Blades large AOE, this curse helps greatly for mapping.

For those who want more survival, a iLvl 80 Elder's ring can roll level 12 Warlord's Mark curse on hit.
Retarded questions round 3 ;)

1. Is there any max level for CWDT+Immortal Call setup? Or should i just maxed it?

2. Isnt a good idea between around 50 to go for some intelligence nodes around Templar? Because mana gets very limited at one point.

3. Pantheon - power that revies flasks life - it is applied only to life flasks or to all types? If only to life then what is the point of it? Wouldnt be better to go for reflect reduction?

THX for answers in advance :)
Последняя редакция: de99ial#0161. Время: 4 янв. 2018 г., 23:07:41
de99ial написал:
Retarded questions round 3 ;)

1. Is there any max level for CWDT+Immortal Call setup? Or should i just maxed it?

2. Isnt a good idea between around 50 to go for some intelligence nodes around Templar? Because mana gets very limited at one point.

3. Pantheon - power that revies flasks life - it is applied only to life flasks or to all types? If only to life then what is the point of it? Wouldnt be better to go for reflect reduction?

THX for answers in advance :)

Ans 1: Level 1 for CWDT and Level 3 for Immortal Call.

Ans 2: As your character gains level, you will deal more damage and be able to sustain the mana cost of the skills. At level 90, the skill tree alone will provide you 90 int. A single 30+ int ring will be enough.

And for leveling, you can consider using Elreon's rings or Praxis. E.g.

Ans 3: It only applies to life flasks. The main point of it is that the anti-bleed life flasks are great to handle trials and lab traps.

There will be sticky situations and you can wait for the life flask to refill before proceeding. And in 3.1, single reflect mob in map is no longer an issue. You will just re-roll maps that roll the reflect mod.
kira1414 написал:
Shaper ring is great for this build.

Just got a shaper ring dropped while playing this build in a T11 Shaper map.

Slapped some chaos on it and I got this:

There is no life roll on it (which is a pity), but due to Frost Blades large AOE, this curse helps greatly for mapping.

For those who want more survival, a iLvl 80 Elder's ring can roll level 12 Warlord's Mark curse on hit.
well, you can use ass mark coh herald of ice to map, but i recommend to stick to hatred-herald of ash-arctic armour-enlighten setup. If you have muns, grab shaper's gloves corrupted with ele weakness on hit(3-4 ex), otherwise curse bosses manually
Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact!
de99ial написал:
I checked them but i really, treally, really dont like too many active skills and Orb of storms is like that. So i was thinking about automated process

CWDT+Blade Vortex + Power on crit + Chance on bleed.

But also gonna try Kek suggestions (about more dmg on full life switch).
i thought for a while and here is gem setup i came up with: helmet blood rage-ele weakness-ice golem-enhance. Gloves: hatred-herald of ash-arctic armour-enlighten. Boots:whril blades fortify-faster attacks blood magic. Chest warchief-blind-cull-faster attacks-maim-portal 2onis with frost blades and bf setups. We pick bleed at sword nodes, so we don't have to pick it as gem
Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact!
kira1414 написал:

Ans 1: Level 1 for CWDT and Level 3 for Immortal Call.

Ans 2: As your character gains level, you will deal more damage and be able to sustain the mana cost of the skills. At level 90, the skill tree alone will provide you 90 int. A single 30+ int ring will be enough.

And for leveling, you can consider using Elreon's rings or Praxis. E.g.

Ans 3: It only applies to life flasks. The main point of it is that the anti-bleed life flasks are great to handle trials and lab traps.

There will be sticky situations and you can wait for the life flask to refill before proceeding. And in 3.1, single reflect mob in map is no longer an issue. You will just re-roll maps that roll the reflect mod.

THX for answer, still something to say.

1. Really?? Wow im oveleveled as hell :) I thought lvl 9 for CWDT and 11 for Imm Call (also Molten Shell at 14 just because is kinda usefull) are kinda "at the point" from my experience but had to claryfie.

2. If i find Praxis i will consider it :) Also maby try this Eleron ring.

3. Anti Bleed can also be used on hybrid flasks (my favourited) and mana. I like hybrid because in heat up situations i just mash numerical keybords without thinkin if i hit right one ;) About reflect - since build recommend Slayer that creates nice synergy.

Kek_is_love написал:
i thought for a while and here is gem setup i came up with: helmet blood rage-ele weakness-ice golem-enhance. Gloves: hatred-herald of ash-arctic armour-enlighten. Boots:whril blades fortify-faster attacks blood magic. Chest warchief-blind-cull-faster attacks-maim-portal 2onis with frost blades and bf setups. We pick bleed at sword nodes, so we don't have to pick it as gem

Honestly speaking im kinda used to this current setup. I use Cyclone for Fortyfie, then FB to finish up, also drop totem in the middle. With hard targets i switch to BF and do as above. Ice Golem i have under middle mouse so recalling it is not a problem (also skin i got from christmas box looks nice), and Leap is for moving between terrain types (Cyclone can be used for escaping amobg with insta life flask). Vaal Lightning Trap is just to fill it up and im gonna change it to Vaal Sum Skel (its nice for creating many targets for mobs in some situations). I also use arctic armour and herald of ash because currently mana pool is just to small, later will probably make some changes :) But thx for suggestions, gonna test it anyway :)
Will post recommended gears with my rates in defence, offence, budget and stat pressure(i mean that we must get 6k hp, capped res 90 hit chance, 70 eff crit and enough int for conc effect)

Defence 5
Offence 3
Budget 5
Pressure 2
Other options

Rat's nest
Defence 3
Offence 4
Budget 4
Pressure 2

Defence 1
Offence 5
Budget 3
Pressure 3

Rare helmet
Defence 5
Offence 1
Budget 2-5
Pressure 5

Shaper's touch
Offence 5
Defence 5
Budget 5
Pressure 3

Other options
Spiked rare
Offence 3-4
Defence 4
Budget 2-3
Pressure 4

Tombfist 2 sockets (we drop portal and enhance)
Offence 3-5
Defence 3-5
Budget 1
Pressure 1-5

Rare, no alternative

Chest :
Rare Astral plate
Offence 1
Defence 4
Budget 5
Pressure 5

Other options:

Offence 4
Defence 3
Budget 3
Pressure 4

Deaths oath
Defence 4
Offence 5
Budget 4
Pressure 3(trade dire need of int to dire need of c res)

Defence 4
Offence 1
Budget 2-3
Pressure 4

Shaped astral plate(phys taken as cold)
Offence 1
Defence 5+
Budget 1
Pressure 4-5

Elder Astral plate (crit to atc)
Offence 5
Defence 4
Budget 1
Pressure 4

Offence 2
Defence 5
Budget 4
Pressure 1

Offence 4
Defence 4
Budget 5
Pressure 3

Stigyan or darkness
Offence 3-5
Defence 3-5
Budget 1-3
Pressure 2-5

Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact!
Последняя редакция: Kek_is_love#6156. Время: 6 янв. 2018 г., 8:23:43

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