jesterx93 написал:
I am running this build with a few tweaks to suit my play style and am having a lot fun.. been running with staff since 28 and just taking my time theory crafting and trying to find secondhand ideas for the boots and the 6 link staff. both are extremely expensive. i don't think you can reach the million mark without them and this will run you at the current prices around 21 exalted I am up for it but in the mean time....
here is the paste-bin to my cheaper starter version with it you can reach arouund 760,000ish DPS. will run you no more than 60 c. Also I have replaced decoy totem with molten shell as it can not be used with CWDT and removed orb of storms ( using a 4 link Volls ^^ ) as manually casting them both gets messy for me =) as a final fun time I changed up to leap slam and gave it culling strike for that extra "leap" against bosses.
Thanks to the op for all the work he did putting this build out there im realy loving it
I don't think Voll's protector is a good choice. New shaped rares with flat crit to spells is awesome.
Decoy totem will help against hard bosses (Izaro, Dark Forest boss etc.)
Сообщениеastahaus#33842 янв. 2018 г., 11:58:28
astahaus написал:
Ascendancy Points (Why Assassin+Slayer):
Assassin is mandatory cause we won't spend 5 skill points just to link tree + it gives crit chance boost and power charges.
Slayer for more survivability and ability to kill Atziri(1% reflect during normal phase is pain ass)
Raider is optional and can be good choice if u won't run Atziri
in what order are you selecting them? priority wise for leveling?
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
Сообщениеjesterx93#21432 янв. 2018 г., 19:31:02
Got this atm and done T14 today with 0 Deaths.
Advices to optimize - why not :)
Leap Slam is the best i think, cause fortify is good for survivability. But the Slayer -50% refl. dmg reduce...
I try Raider soon, cause sometimes i jump into 1 mob and die instantly..
Последняя редакция: Psy_Freak#2572. Время: 3 янв. 2018 г., 11:21:58
СообщениеPsy_Freak#25722 янв. 2018 г., 20:17:24
jesterx93 написал:
astahaus написал:
Ascendancy Points (Why Assassin+Slayer):
Assassin is mandatory cause we won't spend 5 skill points just to link tree + it gives crit chance boost and power charges.
Slayer for more survivability and ability to kill Atziri(1% reflect during normal phase is pain ass)
Raider is optional and can be good choice if u won't run Atziri
in what order are you selecting them? priority wise for leveling?
Get to Path of the Shadow 1st
Сообщениеastahaus#33843 янв. 2018 г., 5:36:14
Psy_Freak написал:
Got this atm and done T14 today with 0 Deaths.
Advices to optimize - why not :)
Leap Slam is the best i think, cause fortify is good for survivability. But the Slayer -50% refl. dmg reduce...
I try Raider soon, cause sometimes i jump into 1 mob and die instantly..
Try to get more life on tree and gear(and cap resists); maybe rare gloves?
Use inc. aoe support gem for mapping and conc. effect for bosses.
Fortify is not bad, but takes some time to get since we have no attack speed bonuses.
Сообщениеastahaus#33843 янв. 2018 г., 5:46:02
Thanks :) Will look forward to new gloves.. But dont want to miss die Crit Bonus :/
СообщениеPsy_Freak#25723 янв. 2018 г., 7:36:54