Eathb написал:
Just a heads up, to anyone that wants to follow my progress through Bestial, I'll have my character profile public. At this point, I will be starting with the Raider ascendency after the changes seen in the ascendencies. Permanent Onslaught tips the scales over PF I feel.

Small chance I re work this to a Shadow-Trickster version if nothing changes from here when patch notes are out because its ascendency changes looks ridiculously strong.

Will Trickster have the same defensive strength of Raider?
Is it needed to swap gems once you get those gloves for frost blade usage? Keeping chest for the MS?
toddmc написал:
Eathb написал:
Just a heads up, to anyone that wants to follow my progress through Bestial, I'll have my character profile public. At this point, I will be starting with the Raider ascendency after the changes seen in the ascendencies. Permanent Onslaught tips the scales over PF I feel.

Small chance I re work this to a Shadow-Trickster version if nothing changes from here when patch notes are out because its ascendency changes looks ridiculously strong.

Will Trickster have the same defensive strength of Raider?

Arguably more, they got huge ES/dodge nodes in their ascendency. But there is a slight drop in life overall. As it stands right now, the Trickster class damage is off the charts, we're talking about deleting guardians in a couple of seconds here. The consensus seems to be that it will not stay as it is when patch notes are out in a day or two but we'll find out then.

FrooostyTheBlowman написал:
Is it needed to swap gems once you get those gloves for frost blade usage? Keeping chest for the MS?

No need for gem swaps. I sometimes switch between Wild Strike and Lightning Strike just out of boredom but Frost Blades is clearly the best at clearing imo.
Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 27 февр. 2018 г., 18:10:09
Eathb, have you seen the new uniques? Do you see any gear changes right now?
Have you thought about going Scion with the recent revamp?
If we go raider would it be Avatar of Chase/Avatar of the Veil?

Looks good but I don't know if I'd miss the flask benefits or not...Decisions decisions..

FrooostyTheBlowman написал:
If we go raider would it be Avatar of Chase/Avatar of the Veil?

Looks good but I don't know if I'd miss the flask benefits or not...Decisions decisions..

I played around with the build a little in PoB, and I'm leaning toward Chase/Veil. The raider changes basically give this build permanent onslaught and phasing - ends in faster movespeed, similar damage and slightly better defenses. I didn't play around with the skill tree at all in testing.
Can this build be done on raider instead of pathfinder? I am not really good at micromanaging flasks...

Also,once beastiary league is out will this be a good league starter? :D
Hatsuyomi написал:
Can this build be done on raider instead of pathfinder? I am not really good at micromanaging flasks...

Also,once beastiary league is out will this be a good league starter? :D

i have played this build as raider (lvl93) in abyss

yes you can play this build as a raider (my raider is 93)
i dont know if it is a good league starter but i think u can start with it
Apologies for the late replies, have been caught up in work and haven't had all the time to theory craft.

I hope this post answers everyones questions.

Keep a watch in my character profile as I'll be using it as a league starter. I am quite confident that my Abyss character can do Uber Elder because both Shaper and Elder are quite frankly a joke for me.

The Pathfinder version is good to go. No changes whatsoever to the build.

This is the Raider POB link I'll be using as a guide (my Abyss equipment):

Yes, I will be using Raider instead of PF and the reason being is that I feel perma Onslaught closes the gap. PF may end up being better and if so, it's an easy re-spec. Just a reminder that my goal for this build is to not top out on dps but be an All-rounder - I want it to be great at boss killing and mapping.

Ascendency order will be: Rapid Assault > Quartz Infusion > Way of the Poacher > Avatar of the Veil

Decided to go for (almost) permanent Onslaught, Frenzy, Phasing. Chase and Slaughter give more damage than Veil but the difference is 3-8%, a trade-off I'm willing to go for to get Elemental Ailments immunity.

Some changes to the skill tree compared to the PF version.
Molten Strike-Elemental Damage /w Attacks-Multistrike-Ice Bite-Conc Effect

This is a lot nicer for our Chromatics numbers and offers the same dps :). If you decide to clear with Molten Strike, you swap in Ancestral Call and Increased Area of Effect for Ele Damage/w Attacks (Multistrike) and Conc Effect

Other tid bits:
All 3 Ranger ascendencies are awesome right now. All will be able to do end game content. Deadeye is inferior to both but it is a great budget version as you don't need a Lyco.

Trickster version didn't calc as much as I'd like. I did theorycraft a poison Assasin build, feel free to check it out: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2093800

I have looked at the Scion changes and have attempted a draft. Right now this is clearly inferior to the current Raider/PF version but the idea of permanent Onslaught, Overleech and Culling Strike is pretty amazing. However the more I play with POB, the more I don't think Molten is the right skill for that setup. I will play 2 characters this league and it's something I might revisit down the line. This is the current draft for anyone who wants to continue with it: https://pastebin.com/LnVSnq2r

Nothing stands out for new uniques. The cat armour looks fun but it'd be pointless for a Ranger. If Lightpoacher's are too difficult/expensive to get this league, it's an easy swap for Rat's Nest.
Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 1 марта 2018 г., 7:01:45

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