r3dd09 написал:

I NEVER try to 6l stuff. got this in under 200 fusings. a friend put in about 250 himself. I'm so ecstatic.

bought it cheap right before heading to bed. It's 2:45 now and I'm pumped!


I was dumb and didn't have PoE as the main scene, but my reaction should be good enough.

EDIT: in the last hour, my group has 6l'd My chest, Disfavor, Soul Mantle, and a Belly... What a crazy night!!

Holy thats a nice chest, it has to be better than Inpulsa right? And gratz man!

A quick question, is Damage on Full life better than Ancestral Call for single target?
Последняя редакция: lagevogel#5481. Время: 13 марта 2018 г., 6:55:26
Hi m8, love the build with Deadeye!
Have some questions about the clearspeed setup though. I think that Gathering Winds and Rupture are both must haves and Far Shot is really weak, as well as Endles Munitions, which, while giving +1 proj, also lowers MS dps with the stupid inc aoe buff. So I was left with the really good Fast and Deadly and Powerfull Precision. Im unclear about the interaction of PP's pierce mechanics with Frost Blades. Initially I was using Lightning Strike, which synergises really well with it, but Frost Blades is just so much superior for clearing. Does anybody knwo if FB will benefit from PP properly?

I also would love to try Wild Strike, but it converts all phys dmg to elemtnal so there is no way to make it work with Rupture, right?
Последняя редакция: InFeCtEdGuY#6106. Время: 13 марта 2018 г., 7:51:39
lagevogel написал:

I got lucky and bought a 6s inpulsa 4r-2b for 30 chaos a 5 days ago and yday I 6linked it. I'm really feeling so much more powerfull now, but I can't help but notice the new Loreweave like Eathb said.

You think it's worth to sell Inpulsa and buy the new Loreweave?

And could someone check my profile to see what else I could improve, should I focus on better weapons now?

I made the choice yday to keep the boots without bootspeed and use whirling blades as movement skill and so far I don't miss the movespeed. Ill switch the quicksilver flask for a Vinktar I think.

Congrats on the 6L. I think your gear is okay for this stage. One of your claw is in the low side of APS, ideally you'd get >2. I'm not sure what your total life is but it looks somewhat low. If you feel you are struggling for life, you can opt for a dual socket Lightpoacher (2 solid hp jewels) or a Starkonja's.

BTW I would upgrade the boots and try to get >25% movement speed unless you really need the resists. A decent boot lab enchant goes a long way when it comes to dps and movement speed in general is an important piece of our defense since we're using manual dodging a lot.

kapin77 написал:
You are playing Deadeye, how is the clear speed compared to pathfinder?

PF with decent flask micro would clear faster.

lagevogel написал:
r3dd09 написал:

I NEVER try to 6l stuff. got this in under 200 fusings. a friend put in about 250 himself. I'm so ecstatic.

bought it cheap right before heading to bed. It's 2:45 now and I'm pumped!


I was dumb and didn't have PoE as the main scene, but my reaction should be good enough.

EDIT: in the last hour, my group has 6l'd My chest, Disfavor, Soul Mantle, and a Belly... What a crazy night!!

Holy thats a nice chest, it has to be better than Inpulsa right? And gratz man!

A quick question, is Damage on Full life better than Ancestral Call for single target?

This is absolutely nuts. The crit chance and elemental damage makes it like significantly better than the Inpulsa. Congratulations! Loved your reaction, I think I was the same way when I 6L my first chest in POE (Belly of the Beast in Abyss league).

In what took me half of Abyss league to build on, you may be pretty close to bridging the gap of my Abyss character in basically the start of Beastiary. FWIW, I feel a Molten Enchanted Starkonja's or Lightpoacher with 2x T1 Life jewels are necessary with a chest like this due to the lower life pool (yes I'm aware of the ES as well).

As this Chest is not an Inpulsa's and doesn't require a pre-req like shock, I would go into a 3R-3B setup where Elemental Focus replaces Ancestral Call. Damage on Full Life does offer the most damage but it is quite reliant on... well being on full life. Not the most realistic scenarios and it'd only be something I'd go for if you had been stacking attack speed and have very very good gear.

InFeCtEdGuY написал:
Hi m8, love the build with Deadeye!
Have some questions about the clearspeed setup though. I think that Gathering Winds and Rupture are both must haves and Far Shot is really weak, as well as Endles Munitions, which, while giving +1 proj, also lowers MS dps with the stupid inc aoe buff. So I was left with the really good Fast and Deadly and Powerfull Precision. Im unclear about the interaction of PP's pierce mechanics with Frost Blades. Initially I was using Lightning Strike, which synergises really well with it, but Frost Blades is just so much superior for clearing. Does anybody knwo if FB will benefit from PP properly?

I also would love to try Wild Strike, but it converts all phys dmg to elemtnal so there is no way to make it work with Rupture, right?

I am currently running Rupture, Gathering Winds, Fast & Deadly, Powerful Precision. Frost Blades does benefit from PP but it doesn't really feel any different from Far Shot. I was convinced in this thread to take Rupture over Endless and I agree with the change. The damage difference and extra leech power is too good to leave out. I do think Endless has a place but it'd be for a pure Molten Strike build that doesn't use a secondary skill for clearing.

I have actually had the same thought with Lightning Strike and it is something I plan to try but am low on chromatics/jewellers right now. I will say that Frost Blades with Ancestral Call and Multistrike clears pretty damn quick and that was with using Far Shot, Endless and Powerful Precision. I know without a doubt that Lightning Strike works amazingly well with PP. If I were to test it, I think the set-up would be Multistrike-Increased Crit Strikes-WED. I tried to make Wild Strike work in Abyss but it just wasn't good enough at clearing for me. The only advantage I found was that I got to use Molten Strike less to hit beefier packs.

I am not sure if Tempest Binding is in Bestiary league but if it is, it's a helm I'll be hoping to jump onto as it's links are so damn good for clearing.

About my current progress, my 'blind' build using the new Uniques has hit a wall, suddenly finding myself getting 1shotted often. I want to make changes but it's realiant on a seller going online and it appears that he hasn't been online for a while.
Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 13 марта 2018 г., 9:55:02
I'm currently a full frost blades evasion-based raider running Avatar of the Chase, Rapid Assault, Way of the Poacher, and Avatar of the Slaughter. I was thinking about switching to this build because it seems tankier while doing decent damage since I was unable to do a T15 Elder on the current build. Do you recommend staying as a raider or switching over to deadeye. Also what gear do you recommend getting first? I only have about 2-3 exalts to switch over and I'm really not sure what to do. What gear can I salvage from my current character to reduce cost. Would it be better to dual wield claws or use claw+lycosidae? What DPS on our frostblades are we aiming for in order to clear? I was thinking that I would have to buy a new chest piece, new helmet, new gloves(probably go with the unique lightning gloves), and new abyss jewels. Thank you so much for your help!
Current Gear
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Последняя редакция: AccidentalChaos#0140. Время: 13 марта 2018 г., 16:17:13
Eathb, have you considered going phys claws? Don't want to do work on a tree if you've already done it and didn't like the outcome.

Current gear update. I'll post my jewels later.

First Bestiary league Chimera kill:

Again note how the Chimera was blinded for the entire fight and his melee skills did nothing against me. A bit higher dps this time as some of my gems have reached 20/20.

AccidentalChaos написал:
I'm currently a full frost blades evasion-based raider running Avatar of the Chase, Rapid Assault, Way of the Poacher, and Avatar of the Slaughter. I was thinking about switching to this build because it seems tankier while doing decent damage since I was unable to do a T15 Elder on the current build. Do you recommend staying as a raider or switching over to deadeye. Also what gear do you recommend getting first? I only have about 2-3 exalts to switch over and I'm really not sure what to do. What gear can I salvage from my current character to reduce cost. Would it be better to dual wield claws or use claw+lycosidae? What DPS on our frostblades are we aiming for in order to clear? I was thinking that I would have to buy a new chest piece, new helmet, new gloves(probably go with the unique lightning gloves), and new abyss jewels. Thank you so much for your help!
Current Gear
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You've got the most important unique for a Raider (or PF) set up and that is a Lyco so I think you'd be good to roll with that. I definitely think the switch is doable for you. Your claw needs a big upgrade and whilst Dark Ray Vectors are nice, it's only a minor dps upgrade over solid Lab enchanted rare boots. Your gear requires a bit of trading off to be more 'elemental' but I'm sure if you're willing to do a switch you'd be able to sell them and use the currency to respec a bit. I don't know the exact numbers you need in Frost Blades for clearing but based on the comments in the thread so far, Lightning Mitts with the 4L setup appear decent enough. A Rat's Nest actually works well in this build but I do think Lightpoacher's and possibly a Starkonja are upgrades.

About the Elder fight, I did White elder in the early stages with my eyes closed only to find out that I died at the end. I had not realized that they have added new moves to his skillset so he's suddenly become dangerous (or I just need to learn his new moves).

r3dd09 написал:
Eathb, have you considered going phys claws? Don't want to do work on a tree if you've already done it and didn't like the outcome.

I tried building one but all my attempts were downgrades from the elemental setups. I don't think Molten Strike is the right skill to use for phys type builds. BTW your gear looks awesome and I think you're good to go against Shaper.
Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 14 марта 2018 г., 9:49:51
Nice build! Playing raider version of this and I have killed red elder and shaper with ease. No need to have +3 molten enchant or dying sun for end game content. This was my gear when I killed shaper

Nice build, i tried to do rider version avatar of the veil. In lategame i respeck in avataar of the chase and slaughter or mb deadeye.
Any advice to improve my damage? I can spend a little ex now for this, and more later.

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Awesome build, been toying around with this myself after seeing it. Any advice on where to go with my gear currently? I'm definitely low on health though I have a few more points (and a jewel) that will help get to 5K, I definitely am lower than I need to be (a T1 life abyss in my vise would go a long way I'm sure).

I've been playing with Farrul's and I like it, I probably want to find the cat at some point (only seen the crab and avian) to be able to craft aspect on a jewelry piece.

Any advice you can give?

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IGN: TsukiZap

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