FlirtyChair написал:
Daanvhulst написал:
Hi guys,

Can someone tell me why my shaper dps is only 30k? I've sunk a decent amount of currency into him, but I see budget builds claming millions of shaper dps...

Could someone tell me what to upgrade? (I know the rings should be opals, but i'm live searching for the right one, with the resists I need.)

I have around 7 ex to spend.


there is a problem in POB with point blank (and to some extent molten strike). under configuration in the "for effective dps" section, with molten strike magma balls selected as main skill on far left panel, you need to tick "projectile travel distance" up to 1, then it will take it into account. doing that alone takes your dps to 48K, levelling wrath, herald of ice, and your molten strike+supports to 20 puts you at 55K. Even then POB doesn't calculate actual molten strike damage well, I guess because it doesnt think multiple projectiles will hit the same target (for example, removing +3 projectiles from helm doesnt change POB damage). I don't really know exactly how well it works, but this thread
has a calculator that claims to account for projectiles and point blank. using your POB with levelled gems, that calculator has you at 300k dps without flasks, 539k with

Hey thanks a lot for the answer man! Makes sense. Guess i'll try my first shaper then :)
Последняя редакция: ___Gubbins___#4697. Время: 22 апр. 2018 г., 4:16:24
I would like to get stronger on the defensive side. For one, that means more life. Right now I am at slightly below 5.600 life. Getting more life would be very costly at this point, so the best way is in my opinion to improve it by adding one jewel at a time, as those are not particularly good.

But that's only one step. I have at this time the following safety measures:

1 jewel with blind on hit
Cast when damage taken + Enfeeble + Immortal Call
Arctic Armour
Aspect of the Cat
No vaal spell to help me dodge because I can't use them often enough.

Kind of defensive is the whirling blades + faster attacks + fortify, but I can't seem to be able to work with that. So this is where a 3-link could become free - if you have a better suggestion?

Lastly, I can not work with that link to the shaper-damage calculation. i can't enter anything into that table. Any suggestions there?
Donnerdrummel написал:
I would like to get stronger on the defensive side. For one, that means more life. Right now I am at slightly below 5.600 life. Getting more life would be very costly at this point, so the best way is in my opinion to improve it by adding one jewel at a time, as those are not particularly good.

But that's only one step. I have at this time the following safety measures:

1 jewel with blind on hit
Cast when damage taken + Enfeeble + Immortal Call
Arctic Armour
Aspect of the Cat
No vaal spell to help me dodge because I can't use them often enough.

Kind of defensive is the whirling blades + faster attacks + fortify, but I can't seem to be able to work with that. So this is where a 3-link could become free - if you have a better suggestion?

Lastly, I can not work with that link to the shaper-damage calculation. i can't enter anything into that table. Any suggestions there?

You have a few jewels that have no life on it, it may be costly but it contributes quite significantly to it.

Replace Farrul's Bite for a Starkonja's or Lightpoacher's (with 2 jewel slots with life). Craft Aspect of the Cat onto one of your rares. I know the build creator likes to put Less Duration with the Cat skill but for me it's a really minor difference. You get a decent uptime of max Frenzy/Power charges regardless.

Arctic armour is fine but if you really want better defenses, then it's to link Blasphemy-Enfeeble-Enlighten. It's a really strong defensive mechanics especially when you take the Acrobatics nodes. Otherwise with Arctic Armour, it works better with a CWDT-Temp Chains rather than Enfeeble.

You'd be over 6k life with those changes.
Последняя редакция: naegipetfaraoona#1790. Время: 22 апр. 2018 г., 7:59:24
Donnerdrummel написал:

Lastly, I can not work with that link to the shaper-damage calculation. i can't enter anything into that table. Any suggestions there?

the link is to a protected google doc, it is preventing changes so that the calculations can't be messed up by other users. you can go to "file -> make a copy" to download a copy of the file to your google drive which will be editable. There are instructions on the sheet, but you should only change green boxes, and each column is for different configs to compare. also be sure to toggle off point blank in POB before you enter your damage on the sheet so you dont double count.

Again though, its just a google doc I found, I have no idea if its accurate. you should be able to see all the calculations to check for yourself, but i dont know enough to check it for validity lol.

for reference my nonflask dps on that sheet is 600k and shaper melts for me. I think that sheet also doesnt take into account ancestral call doubling shenanigans so maybe double(?) your damage(?)???? molten strike is hard to calculate
Последняя редакция: FlirtyChair#4947. Время: 24 апр. 2018 г., 16:01:22
Anyone have any experience playing this build with a Slayer/Raider? Trying to figure out which version I want to play for flashback and cant decide between Deadeye, Raider, or Slayer/Raider. The overleech just seems so strong. How is it for a league starter?
Последняя редакция: dperls#3294. Время: 25 апр. 2018 г., 8:01:12
Sorry for MIA, have only been playing POE when I have nothing to do and want to relax a bit, I'll try to answer some questions in the mean time (if I didn't it means others have answered it!).

FlirtyChair написал:
Just wanted to chime in and say thanks for the build. I decided to try to freehand brew my own molten strike build this league even though i'd never played melee before at all. after realizing i basically screwed everything up i regretted to your build and been loving it, easily killing up to t15 elder and shaper (uber elder eludes me but I think that's down to my mechanics abilities >_<). this build has insane clear speed and melts bosses, very impressive.

just wanted to add my two cents on a few things. for reference here is my character
and path of building
I have moved slightly away from your exact build as far as gearing, so some of these comments may just reflect differences in our builds.

First of all, I have quite different thoughts on claws. you recommend only 2.0 or more attack speed, and I do recognize that there is some safety in that, but the build attacks sufficiently quick without such high attack speed requirements on weapons. By far my better of two claws according to path of building is

and it only has crafted 15% attack speed. I havent done a ton of experimentation, but I think my claw priority is more like 2 good elemental damage mods (prefer lightning as one) > (shaper) gain % phys as ele (again lightning prefered) > (shaper) elemental penetration > attack speed (15% crafted is okay) > crit multi = crit chance. in my experience these claws are better damage and cheaper than 2.0 APS high ele dps claws.

secondly, you say that you found loreweave to be by far the best chest for dps, I can't make loreweave come anywhere near farruls fur in my POB, but again might be up to our differences. Farrul's fur giving permanent frenzy and power charges has been so cool for this build, i can't imagine changing to loreweave (for the record, I did also try inpulsa's which was also very good)

overall though seriously great build that im really loving to play. like i said i breezed through red elder and shaper. not only that, but one member of my playgroup is making level 100 his league goal (that's part of the story of why i have a headhunter...), so we are speed clearing maps for experience and this build completely carries speed clearing as well even with extra hp on mobs from party size.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you're enjoying it. I somewhat agree with the claw stats, IMO at least one of them you'd want to get ~1.8aps but if POB stats are giving you better stats and you feel like you're zooming around the map and leeching quite often then stick by that. I agree that Shaper penetration is really good for this build. The Phys gain one is interesting as this build really shouldn't be getting much phys damage itself.

Uber Elder is actually very doable and more of a need practice fight. Back in the day, players had trouble with Uber Atziri but it's just a matter of learning the fight, although expensive. If you want an easier time, I suggest getting Kaom's Roots, Purity of Ice (replace Herald) and a Taste of Hate flask. Uber Elder became pretty easy especially with Kaom's Roots.

dperls написал:
Anyone have any experience playing this build with a Slayer/Raider? Trying to figure out which version I want to play for flashback and cant decide between Deadeye, Raider, or Slayer/Raider. The overleech just seems so strong. How is it for a league starter?

If you scroll through the pages, someone has posted a POB link with Slayer/Raider ascend and it looks ridiculously strong. More damage than even the Inquisitor version.

I did this as my league starter for Bestiary and it was fine for me. It's inferior to going with Molten Strike for levelling until you get a 4L for both Frost Blades/Molten Strike. The only real expensive required levelling unique for me is a Thief's Torment as you may run into mana problems but other posters have said they have rectified it by using a Claw with Mana gain on hit.

It depends on what you want tbh. Scion is the best at bossing like for every other build, Inquisitor has the most damage but less life and clear speed. I aimed for an all-round class which was why I made this a Ranger.

I honestly don't think overleech is necessary. We launch so many Molten balls that you're almost always on full life and that is without Vaal Pact (hey overleech!). Your choice though.
How do you sustain Divination Distillate with this build?
What is the difference between this and other variants of the build that uses cold damage and those cold nodes?
Hi, Donnerdrummel here. I'm not at home, and with my password being so strange, I created a new account instead.

mistuhdo написал:
What is the difference between this and other variants of the build that uses cold damage and those cold nodes?

If you are referring to the frostblades part of this build, I believe that the rationale behind using frostblades simply is that it clears away the rubble fast even without investing a lot in the cold part - even with only 4 links. In this way, I assume that the main difference is that this build does not care about the cold nodes, as the rubble is reduced to sand quickly without them, and the stronger enemies get to feel the might of the molten strike in a six link, while we are refilling life extremely quickly via life gain on hit. Frostblades would suck at this part.

Other than that, cold damage does not really matter as far as I know.

Apart from that, my net value in bestiary just rose by a lot. It turns out, Farrul's Fur's permanent power- and frenzy charges are so attractive, that the fear of it going out of the game put me in a position that I am now rather rich. Also, since the price of headhunter is lower than I remembered, I could now sell the furs, buy Headhunter and then some and do funny things with it.

I won't.

Playing with this build is too much fun. :-)

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Bunny to help him
(")_(") gain world Domination.
Последняя редакция: Ersatzdrummel#3820. Время: 11 мая 2018 г., 4:17:53
Thx Donnerdrummel. Another thing about the cold nodes is that it's just not required. This build is pretty much full elemental, no phys conversion. It's kind of a waste of skill points, plus ele builds are quite a bit cheaper than phys convert builds atm.

Zelniq написал:
How do you sustain Divination Distillate with this build?

I don't. I've stopped using it and only really take it out for no-leech/no regen maps.

Just in case anyone is interested, I'm going to be taking Mathil's manual bomber elementalist which uses the same concepts from this build for the Incursion League https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2141349. FWIW, the build clears faster than this build and has significantly more life (~7kEHP) whilst only marginally dropping in single target.

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