3.5 Magic Find Windrippin Boi (Windripper LA/Barrage Raider)
![]() (43 FPS btw haHAA) ______________________________________________________________________________________ With the new nerfs to windripper and queen of the forest the build is now significantly slower and has much less consistency of crits. This means the build will be more reliant on expensive jewels and getting a 6link for the damage and crit consistency, increasing the minimum budget (at least for league) by a couple ex. ______________________________________________________________________________________ I started on the journey that is this build when I realised how much legacy quantity gear on Standard I had and it has really taken me further than I ever dreamed, especially based on previous experience with magic find builds ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Filter I use (updated for 3.4):
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Just copy and paste all the stuff within the pastebin into a filter file to use. ______________________________________________________________________________________ PoB links n' stuff (stuff also being PoB links)
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Level 100 full MF tree:https://pastebin.com/K441qcMM (Lightning Arrow)
Level 96 budget tree:https://pastebin.com/AshdgPNt (with the option to use ice shot or lightning arrow, both work) Level 94 Tornado Shot tree (Uses more attack speed and +2 TS enchant rather than barrage enchant):https://pastebin.com/3LXMBKg1 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Shittily recorded videos!
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Casual breached shaped jungle valley run https://youtu.be/ktUaK4QP9XQ Yellow Tier elder FT Watchers Eye https://youtu.be/LjREBujXL_o Facetanking Minotaur YEET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUq8jp-avVo Low budget burial chambers clear (using gear you can get relatively easily in early leagues) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpeHa7p2Ud8 ______________________________________________________________________________________ First, we'll start with the pros and cons: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Pros ______________________________________________________________________________________
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Can run 100% unique items with relative ease, so the gearing is simple and smooth
Can run maps up to t16 with ease (though the bosses get tricky from t14 and onwards if you dont invest enough) Only a few of the uniques are "mandatory" (And even then the build functions without them) SO MUCH FUCKING LOOT Works so beautifully with MTX (Gore Herald gachiGASM) All the legacy gear I am wearing in my character is just quality of life and makes no dps change ______________________________________________________________________________________ Cons ______________________________________________________________________________________
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Has a low health pool initally (around lv 70-80), can take a while to ramp that up
Has a substantial (For those who consider 4-5ex a lot) starting cost Not SSF viable, sure you can farm the wind cards and the ventors gamble cards but the rest are rare-ish and have extremely rare/no divination cards Cant run on toaster PCs For the build to really feel its best it requires at least 2 5links (or a 5l and a tempest's binding) and a rigwald's quills. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Now that all that is out of the way we'll get into the meat of it, starting with Gem Links: Lightning Arrow: ______________________________________________________________________________________ (In order of importance) Why Lightning Arrow?
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I just personally enjoy the skill, Ice shot and tornado shot are both perfectly viable without really changing the setup much
But other gems have higher path of building dps!!!
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Elemental focus removes our herald of ice shatter thereby some item quantity and map clearspeed and added crit, whilst not the highest dmg is the best for general clearing
Gem setup for t3 burial chambers:
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Its all the same other than I replaced added cold with increased item quantity on standard or mirage archer in league since you dont need as much dmg and the crits are huge QOL, this is for 6 link setup only!
______________________________________________________________________________________ Barrage ______________________________________________________________________________________ (In order of importance) When you get a 6link I would reccomend using it on this first, as the clear skill runs fine on a 5 link ______________________________________________________________________________________ Herald of Ice ______________________________________________________________________________________ (You must have all of these linked, no importance order) and depending on your league and budget (Only available on standard league) or Why Item Quantity/Rarity?
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Herald of ice creates a shatter explosion upon killing a frozen enemy, if this explosion gets the kill on another enemy then it will increase the quantity/rarity of the items dropped,
in essence its just a small quality of life bonus and if you feel you're lacking damage in general you can put culling strike in here to kill some enemies that wouldn't have died otherwise or a portal gem to use so you don't have to carry around scrolls ______________________________________________________________________________________ Blink Arrow / CWDT Immortal Call ______________________________________________________________________________________ (You must have this in at least two 2links) First 2link Second 2Link ______________________________________________________________________________________ Wrath / CWDT Ice Golem ______________________________________________________________________________________ (You must have at least one 2link) First 2link Can be linked to the others or alone and unlinked, it doesn't matter Your last Gem in this helmet/boots/gloves can be whatever you want, I have blood rage in but I don't really use it ______________________________________________________________________________________ Okay now that I have lured you in here with cheap things like gems I will reveal the gear (the expensive-ish bit) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Bow ______________________________________________________________________________________ There is no alternative to this, I designed the build around it, you would be playing a different build if you didn't use it. (though it DOES NOT have to be 6l like mine, I ran on a 5l until even after I got a Headhunter) Useful Corruptions:
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Adds an additonal arrow +1 to maximum power charges Culling Strike ______________________________________________________________________________________ Quiver ______________________________________________________________________________________ This is a really expensive part (though it feels infinitely better than any other quiver), but worry not as there are alternatives! Alternatives:
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Gives some life, attack speed and damage (With some evasion for bonus movement speed) Importantly it requires piercing however so I would use ice shot with one or two threshold jewels for clear while using this You can also use a rare quiver with any combination of: Life, elemental damage with attack skills, critical strike multiplier, critical strike chance (And if you get an item level 80 or above shaper quiver the new "adds an additional arrow" mod) This also provides no additional clear (like fork or enough pierces) so I would once again go for ice shot with threshold jewels for clearing Useful Corruptions:
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Adds an additional arrow Skills Chain +1 times ______________________________________________________________________________________ Body Armour ______________________________________________________________________________________ You do not really want to do this build without having this body armour, it gives incredible movement speed while clearing maps and nothing else can really compete (Though once again it DOES NOT have to be 6 linked) You also may notice that this is a legacy item, don't worry about this since in practice it makes about an 11% movement speed difference when clearing and a 6-7% movement speed difference in hideout. Useful Corruptions (only use if you have a 6l one with one of these mods):
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+1 to level of socketed gems +1% to all maximum elemental resistances ______________________________________________________________________________________ Rings ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ventor's Gambles are by far and away the best choice for our build since they can provide up to 10% increased quantity of items found and up to 55% increased rarity of items found (including the implicit) But these rings are very volatile and can have horrific rolls, you NEVER EVER EVER want to use a Ventor's gamble with negative quantity of items found and having positive rarity is preferable, these can be expensive with high quantity of items found AND high resistances (which we need) so if you cannot afford good ones just go for cheap rings with life and resists. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Amulet ______________________________________________________________________________________ If you cannot afford this then put on an amulet with high life and resists (And elemental damage with attacks / flat added elemental damage to attacks) You can roll item quantity on shaper amulets, so use one with quantity as another option if you can. Useful Corruptions:
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Enemies Can have 1 additional curse (If you have a second curse to apply somehow) +1% to all maximum elemental resistances ______________________________________________________________________________________ Belt ______________________________________________________________________________________ This is probably the most flexible option I use but that is in no way nececcary and there are plenty of alternatives Alternatives:
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This belt provides some quantity which is always welcome, rampage bonuses to help with clear and extra rarity on top (I would not recommend going for the +1 endurance charge version, I just happened to have one lying around Rare belt with life and resists (Probably a stygian vise in abyss league) My standard example: I used one of these to supplement my resistances for a while and they provide some great defensive and offensive stats This gives a nice chunk of quantity and some all attributes, helping a lot of the intelligence issues this build has sometimes. The flask duration and the fire resist are both great bonuses. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Gloves and Boots ______________________________________________________________________________________ These are best in slot but can be replaced by rares with life and resists, or in the boots case, by for a huge clear speed boost. Useful Corruptions:
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+1 to level of socketed gems (Boots and Gloves) +1 to maximum frenzy charges (Gloves) Curse Enemies with level # Elemental weakness on hit (Gloves ONLY USE THIS WHEN PAIRED WITH THE "ENEMIES CAN HAVE ONE ADDITIONAL CURSE" CORRUPTION ON AMULETS) #% Increased Movement Speed (Boots) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Helmet ______________________________________________________________________________________ This is where you get a large portion of your resists, evasion and life as there are no real magic find helmets, so you want something like The enchant on it depends on your budget, I ran without an enchant until after I got my Headhunter, +1 barrage projectile is the best damage enchant you can get now (+2 on standard but I haven't got one like that yet) but also any relevant enchant for the skills you're using should be good (Especially additional secondary tornado shot projectiles for tornado shot and "lightning arrow hits 1-2 additional enemies" for lighting arrow. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Jewels ______________________________________________________________________________________ Jewels provide us with a huge chunk of resists and all-important intelligence so we can run high level gems. Is extremely important to run next to the "Fervour" frenzy charge node as it is there that it provides us with the maximum intelligence, this provides us with 80+ intelligence from 1 jewel.
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I have good enough gear that I oneshot things without wrath so I use some jewels with intelligence on them and replace my wrath for grace to increase my speed since I dont need the abundance of intelligence for wrath and only a little on jewels and helmet can do the trick.
The rest of your jewels should have intelligence, resists and life as is necessary, CHANGE THESE FIRST IF YOU HAVE RESIST OR STAT PROBLEMS. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Flasks ______________________________________________________________________________________ These are great for movement speed and survivability versus bosses, cannot reccomend them enough, a stibnite flask is a good alternative to a jade too. These damage flasks are also insanely good, providing us with over half of our boss dps, if you dont have the currency for a dying sun then use a silver flask (Though dying sun is absolutely the best damage flask we can use). You need freeze immunity on flasks until you get avatar of the veil at which point I still have it on flaks but you can also go for curse immunity to stop pesky temp chains from forcing you to reroll maps. DONT USE LIFE FLASKS, THEY'RE TRASH AND PROVIDE NO TANGIBLE BONUS TO THIS BUILD! Another good flask we can use is a Vessel of Vinktar: These provide us with some nice benefits of penetration and free more dmg against nearby enemies as the shock is removed through avatar of the veil's ailment removal in the ascendancy.You want to go for either the penetration version like I have or the flat damage to attacks version. (Note: The one I have linked is legacy though you dont really care about the old mods unless its double legacy which mine is not) ______________________________________________________________________________________ My Current Gear, all in one place:
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______________________________________________________________________________________ Defenses:
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We stack evasion as both a clearspeed boost and a defence boost versus attack based bosses.
In abyss league new abyssal jewels were introduced to the game which have the stat "% Chance to blind enemies on hit with attacks" This synergises incredibly well with the ample evasion your character, making enemies you blind miss a much larger proportion of the time. I would ABSOLUTELY get one of these rolls on your jewels if at all possible to help facetank attack based bosses. If you run maps like shaped atoll where the boss is completely spell-based I would recommend using a quartz flask with the "of adrenaline" roll for not only 10% spell dodge chance but 10% attack dodge chance as well (plus that juicy movement speed). Whilst I did not have access to elder bases when I bought my enchanted helmet I would absolutely recommend getting an elder lion pelt with an item level of 80 at to use essences of greed on, rolling for life and "%Chance to block spells" Any Corruptions for "+1% to maximum elemental resistances" will give you extra elemental mitigation (Many spells are elemental so this is also a great method of reducing spell damage) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Levelling!
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Might update this section to be more indepth at some point, but for now a quick rundown:
use any random melee weapons and random melee skill at low levels (1-4) until you are able to use quill rain. At this point use any bow skill with as many useful support gems as you can buy from the act 1 vendor linked to the skill in a tabula rasa but make sure you're not using too many support gems that you spend your mana too fast. The best gems you can get from the a1 vendor are probably pierce, added cold, onslaught and increased critical strikes, not sure about the 6th link. The bow skill from act 1 I would recommend the most is split arrow for the free pack clearing potential (this can be swapped out for barrage for bosses). Use quill rain and get support gems that improve your dps until you're high enough level to equip a death's harp (level 32) and if you have damage issues before then make sure to upgrade your jewellery and/or take damage nodes on the tree and you can swap to a xoph's inception at lv 23. You should then use the death's harp until you're high enough level to use death's opus (lv 44). This is most likely the bow you will be using until level 66 at which point you can equip your windripper. Recommended levelling uniques: Tabula rasa (all levels until you equip queen of the forest), goldrim (until you get 75% of all resistances without it), wanderlust (until you get either better boots or a freeze immune flask with sufficient uptime), astramentis (for attributes that you may be lacking, if you're not lacking attributes no need for this), string of servitude [all elemental resistances implicit] (same usage guidelines as goldrim) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Bandits ______________________________________________________________________________________ I take Alira, the crit multi is good for damage and the resists she provides are incredibly important for our gearing to be made as easy as possible. The mana regen she provides is also useful for when you have less targets to leech from. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Pantheon ______________________________________________________________________________________ Major: I take soul of solaris for some additional singletarget mitigation and AoE mitigation because bosses and ice novas from strongboxes are our most common place of dying. I also capture the soul of the map boss "Jorus, sky's edge" to make critical strikes much less effective at killing us. Minor: I take soul of ralakesh for the bleed mitigation while mapping in case you run out of flasks and the mitigation for labyrynths and trials to make sure it is much harder to die to traps. ______________________________________________________________________________________ And now what you probably scrolled down here for: The Skill Tree! ______________________________________________________________________________________ It is important to remember that you can make adjustments to this to get more intelligence from nodes like "Wisdom of the Glade" or resists from nodes like "Cloth and Chain". Skill Tree URL: poeurl.com/bIVW Your ascendancy is taken in this order:
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![]() Way of the Poacher: This is our frenzy charge generation and the core of the raider ascendancy as a whole. Avatar of the Slaughter: This is a huge clearspeed and damage boost, amazing all around node. Quartz infusion: Some good general survivability and mobility, mostly used because of the node behind it. Avatar of the Veil: So much damage and elemental ailment immunity, it is a huge quality of life bonus and allows more freedom of flasks ______________________________________________________________________________________ Loot this has gotten me (sold some of it, sorry :D)
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(As of 4th jan 2018)
All This AND: 45EX pure 2 more bisco's collars 50 divines Another 2 Kaoms Another Shavs Another Cospri's like 50,000 jewellers (Shaped jungle valley ftw) ______________________________________________________________________________________ My atlas setup and quick guide on shaping an atlas!
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How to shape an atlas: There are 2 real ways to shape your atlas, the first from shaping the map you want to run, making it a higher tier and the second is leaving the map you want to run at its original tier.
Running it at it's original tier: For this you want to remove all maps of the tier of the map you want to run other than the map you want (e.g. if you want to run burial chambers you remove all tier 3 maps other than burial chambers) and remove all maps of the tier above the map you want to run except for those which are directly connected to the map you want to run on the atlas of that tier (e.g. for burial chambers you remove all t4 maps other than relic chambers) This is best for lower tier maps like Burial Chambers as it sustains easily and lower tier maps have less mods that we dont want to run (white maps have 30% chance for mobs to avoid elemental ailments as a mod they can roll whereas yellow and red maps have much higher of this roll, 60 and 90% respectively, and this reduces our quantity of items found due to windripper needing to shatter for extra quantity) and this has a lower initial map removal cost. Running it shaped: For this you want to use a shaper's orb on the map you want to run then remove all maps of the tier the shaped map is (e.g. when you shape burial chambers it becomes tier 8 therefore you want to remove all tier 8 maps) and then remove all maps of the tier above the shaped map (e.g. tier 9 maps for shaped Burial Chambers). This is better if you want more exp and higher level rares (I dont pick rares up or care about exp so I dont do this), however it has a higher starting cost than the other method, requiring a minimum of yellow sextants to remove the map instead of white. My Atlas: ![]() ______________________________________________________________________________________ If you follow this build guide and find it helpful post your gear in a comment to help guide others, If you have any questions please do not hesitate to post them here and I will answer them as and when I can! Stay safe out there exiles! Edit: More tato
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![]() ______________________________________________________________________________________ egg Последняя редакция: gmandonnan#4991. Время: 16 дек. 2018 г., 13:45:58 Last bumped18 апр. 2019 г., 8:10:44
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i like this guide. :)
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Not enough Tatos
Edit: There is more tato Draped in a series of wonderful dreams. Последняя редакция: BIIue#1182. Время: 3 янв. 2018 г., 11:26:11
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one more question
which map u farm, atlas block, sextant block etc? Hi, im busy with my real life job, so please leave pm if you want to buy or offer for any item in my shop.
Im alway online at 10h30PM in GMT+7, but i will try catch if in your time if you want. IGN: WhoFearWillFall |
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" I farm shaped jungle valley, it has a great open layout for crafted breach and general clear as well as dropping "the wind" card so I make around 1 windripper a day to vaal for my +1 arrow then sell if it doesn't brick. It also drops the "The Flora's Gift" divination card which we can vendor the result of for 7 jewellers orbs. The boss is also easily facetankable so you can get extra drops from killing it. The only downside is that it has fewer blocks and sextants you can do on it. If you want to use more sextants I would recommend shaped atoll though the boss is VERY rippy! egg
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Nice guide dude...can u post a PoB? :)
Edit: Thanks for the update with the PoB! Последняя редакция: Balantakos#6065. Время: 7 янв. 2018 г., 12:50:02
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Looks good but I'm low on currency, do you mind if you can upload a budget PoB link? Much appreciated!
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" Added ;) egg
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Nice guide!
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" You're so fast omfg. Still, thanks a bunch! Great guide btw :D |
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