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Hi @illyaink. Can you make a step-by-step passive skill tree and Ascendancy of your occultist? Like a 30-60-90 lvl and endgame tree?
Последняя редакция: Ebengrad#0275. Время: 10 марта 2018 г., 18:33:22
I am currently following the Occultist version of this build. A couple of questions :

Is blood rage actually useful during bosses? I understand that you can use it for it's attack speed chips away our health too much, and given that our only source of leech with ghost reaver is from atziri flask (since no watcher's eye). Since we cannot kill in boss fights the physical damage taken might be too much? Or we rely purely on consecrated ground regen? In that case, perhaps it is advisable to take Soul of Tukohama and his upgrade for this?

Since we added Pain Attunement in the passive tree, would it be better to scale spell damage over other sources such as crit multi or fire damage?

edit: changed first part
Последняя редакция: FortuneDayss#7887. Время: 10 марта 2018 г., 18:52:01
does occultist have a drop in damage? seems like inquisitor was much more offensive
I've built it to lvl75 plays itself to full shit the Red Bestari do not make it easy the yellow are almost dead with a blow.

The Blod Avatar can be completely forgotten before the Voltidead are in action

15%phy reflect map one_shot me self lol 6kes boom with a lvl1 frenzy ~700phys dps bullshit

Maybe it is up to me but really good is the build did not have ~ 5ex invest.

Maybe later play again as a scion but since I do not see it that way it is very Tanky.

Последняя редакция: stauch3r#3174. Время: 12 марта 2018 г., 5:08:15
Loving this build so far but I am getting confused because the build went from Scion to Witch. I am playing Scion and would love it if someone could please check my gear and passive tree to see if I am building this correctly. Thank you !

Passive Tree:

My Gear (TymePoet):

Occultist Version:
I don't understand the blood rage.
Are you running all of those purity's at the same time?
The ghost reaver node is only good with the atziri's promise so during boss fights the blood rage kills me. I could use some pointers here if anyone has any.

I have a level 18 blood magic but the health cost is still to high to even run 2 of the purity's. So i put anger in and am just running anger in the blood magic set up and purity of elements,herald of ash and discipline in the other set up.

Amazing build lvl 74 atm but i did uber lab at like lvl 70 with super buffed izaro but due to my damage it was all OK and fast, mapping really easy and fast im doing red maps level 74 so yeah lol, i did not have that easy runs since necro last league cuz i did shaper and red elder with that on like level 78 but yeah spectres(plus pretty big budget), on this build im running vertex with anger-discipline-purity(of your choice)-enlighten(lvl 3) and blood magic-herald of ash-purity(of your choice)-enlighten lvl2 but you dont need to run the enlighten for blood magic so im at 2 purities,anger,discipline,herald of ash. And amazing guide overall everything is understable, it just needs the occultist update and it's all fine.
BTW love warlords mark/flammability as double curse for shavs
I did the build with like 4ex - worst is enlighten lvl3 for all that auras + shavs + poets price and i had my sin treks with 2% regeneration cuz i was running jugg labs a lot but only that is decent what i got(hoped for +1 VD corpse but oh well).
TheRealTyme написал:
Loving this build so far but I am getting confused because the build went from Scion to Witch. I am playing Scion and would love it if someone could please check my gear and passive tree to see if I am building this correctly. Thank you !

Passive Tree:

My Gear (TymePoet):


Your tree doesn't seem bad if you followed guide but you could stabilize it with some refunds and try to go more to the left side of the tree but that's my personal preference and fact i'm playing witch, jewels are really bad(i guess you use them just because of res cap and budget.
Witch benefits with this build a lot from starting point, you just go into templar tree and get tons of energy shield plus damage and stats if you need them.

Do not see your gear, I guess you stopped playing the build or I don't know what happened.

And I wanted to ask the build creator why is the Energy from Within placed in that position and not in the witch area(cuz you get a lot more ES in there if you take right nodes plus some mana and that is convenient), but I guess it's because of old scion placement.
cwalikCZ написал:

And I wanted to ask the build creator why is the Energy from Within placed in that position and not in the witch area(cuz you get a lot more ES in there if you take right nodes plus some mana and that is convenient), but I guess it's because of old scion placement.

Isnt it 40%Es from scion vs 38%Es from wich area?(from you'r tree)
ScottEvill написал:
cwalikCZ написал:

And I wanted to ask the build creator why is the Energy from Within placed in that position and not in the witch area(cuz you get a lot more ES in there if you take right nodes plus some mana and that is convenient), but I guess it's because of old scion placement.

Isnt it 40%Es from scion vs 38%Es from wich area?(from you'r tree)

In the guide you have exact position of the Energy From Within jewel but that adds up 15% ES and if you go witch and take nodes "Cruel Preparation"(it has some res too) and "Heart and Soul" node you can get 38%, of course you take the Melding nodes but you can get more ES if you put the jewel into witch jewel slot and change tree a little bit. And once again I'm playing witch so I go up to the jewel slot and take the way to the left for "Unnatural Calm" + templar tree.

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