[3.2]Abyssal Wander MK III, 6-7.7M Shaper DPS 5.6k -6.2k life, Shaper Kill Vid is Up

tainium написал:

AdFinitum написал:

Edit : Also minor things like reflection glove enchantment, spell dodge boots enchantment, blind on hit on a jewel help a bit with survivability. Furthermore I use Cyclopean Coil as belt - immunity to freeze and shock give safety / enable more unique flasks to use, e.g. The Wise Oak.
I'm going to look into these innovations further. I also wonder if we could do something more productive with the shield.

I'm not sure about that belt. We already get some of that effect from Brine King and the belt loses 1-2 sockets. Wise Oak doesn't seem worth it for my problems.

Blind on Hit jewels - ya! I had 1-2 of those earlier but am having trouble getting that with higher damage jewels.

For boots, I use the 1-160 lightning damage enchant. I'll add Spell Dodge to my search list. WIth that enchant you use, perhaps Atziri's Step?

AdFinitum написал:
tainium написал:
I also wonder if we could do something more productive with the shield.

Personally I stick with Esh's mirror for now - I have my resistances ballanced for The Wise Oak and will only change my shield once I get a good Assassin's mark ring crafted. Other than that I think crafting Aspect of the spider ( possibly on a shield or jewelry ) and using enlighten 3/4 with Wrath and Herald of ice might be a good ballance of offense vs defense. As far as I saw when upgrading Wrath from 20 to 21 an empowered Wrath doesn't really provide too much damage actually while Aspect of the spider will slow enemies by 30% and make them take 15% more damage.
Esh's is just good for clearing...is that right? Perhaps I'm not noticing something about that shield. Aspect of the Spider (or Cat) do look interesting.
I just spec'd out of Acro and put those two points into 5% life each. If I'm still dying I'll spend 6 point on the full Phase Acro cluster to see how that goes.
tainium написал:
For boots, I use the 1-160 lightning damage enchant. I'll add Spell Dodge to my search list. WIth that enchant you use, perhaps Atziri's Step?

No, Bubonic are best in slot giving a huge amount of life and damage. I dont even think the dodge enchant ( 6% ) has a big impact. Total HP is probably way more important.

tainium написал:
Esh's is just good for clearing...is that right? Perhaps I'm not noticing something about that shield. Aspect of the Spider (or Cat) do look interesting.

Yeah - Esh's is only useful for clear - I just can not replace it easily. I will swap to a rare shield once I get around crafting my Assassin's mark ring ( once I got the beasts for a magic imprint ).

What gives you the biggest issues ? In my experience damage is not an issue for the build - so you might want to get more life nodes instead. At lvl 93 I am at 6.7k HP without Acrobatics and without a Granite / Basalt flask and feel pretty survivable. I actually survived in hard maps where the whole squad died. It might be a matter of playstyle too. As I played the built the most important thing I had to learn was what I should tank and what I should avoid. Some bosses I rush and nuke within the duration of a single flask usage ( e.g. Kaom ), others I distract and dodge a bit ( e.g. Daresso ). Running away from the wrong bosses can lead to death due to not leeching, tanking bosses who deal more damage than we leech is deadly as well.

With regards to the belt - it gives decent life and a bit of damage as well ( in my case 45% increased damage for 227 strength ) and I prefer to use Soul of Lunaris for a lot overall damage reduction and Soul of Shakari for poison immunity and chaos damage reduction ) on top of the freeze and shock immunity.

You might also want to adjust your life flask - a bubbling / seething divine life flask. Instant life flasks are pretty important.
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Последняя редакция: AdFinitum#3969. Время: 29 марта 2018 г., 7:35:06
AdFinitum написал:
...I try to craft a shaper ring with Assassin's mark on hit instead of the curse on hit Poacher's setup which would also work on bosses ( ideally followed up by a Aspect of the spider instead of empower on Wrath crafted on a ring or amulett which further boosts damage and survivability ).
I'm considering dropping Herald of Ice or Wrath so that I can have access to more shield options. Having the Shaped mana reservation mod is really limiting. If I dropped the Herald or Wrath, what would the DPS impact be of either one? Has anyone tried it?

AdFinitum написал:
tainium написал:
For boots, I use the 1-160 lightning damage enchant. I'll add Spell Dodge to my search list. WIth that enchant you use, perhaps Atziri's Step?

No, Bubonic are best in slot giving a huge amount of life and damage. I dont even think the dodge enchant ( 6% ) has a big impact. Total HP is probably way more important.

I swapped in Bubonic from my rare Life+Res boots and only gained 20 life. Perhaps it is more worthwhile to use those with double Abyssal sockets but then I lose my CWDT setup.

AdFinitum написал:

You might also want to adjust your life flask - a bubbling / seething divine life flask. Instant life flasks are pretty important.
Yes, I should. I use the crappy Hybrid flask just for QoL so that no matter the circumstance I can always get a bit of life and mana.
i think lack of bubbling flasks is your problem. IF you have survivability problems bubbling flasks work wonders. While playing with this build even granite flask solved my problems(i leveled from 91 to 93 without dying even once) adding bubbling insta life gain from bubblings would definitely bring huge difference.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Ok, I just changed to bubbling. I'm confused, though, because other posts in this thread have said a life flask isn't needed at all.
best jewel i've ever made
Последняя редакция: streej#5374. Время: 1 апр. 2018 г., 5:41:34
First time trying these abyss items shenanigans. The build's idea looks great.
The prices: 6-8EX to get 2Abyss socks on Tomb/Bubonic/Poacher on top of getting the Chest as well. Overall seems pretty achievable to get it in around 10-12EX budget with some mediocre jewells ofc.

Haven't started it yet, but currently ripping my old build(again , LUL ), and was wondering should I give it a try ? It can't be that bad for survivability considering the 6.5k hp pool with acro/eva/high leech/ buttloads of dps too.
Последняя редакция: JayJayFly#6010. Время: 1 апр. 2018 г., 9:24:22
JayJayFly написал:
First time trying these abyss items shenanigans. The build's idea looks great.
The prices: 6-8EX to get 2Abyss socks on Tomb/Bubonic/Poacher on top of getting the Chest as well. Overall seems pretty achievable to get it in around 10-12EX budget with some mediocre jewells ofc.

Haven't started it yet, but currently ripping my old build(again , LUL ), and was wondering should I give it a try ? It can't be that bad for survivability considering the 6.5k hp pool with acro/eva/high leech/ buttloads of dps too.
You can go cheaper than that pretty easily. The build scales very smoothly with investment. Yes, give it a try! My whining about survivablity is almost certainly more due to my own amateurism than any problem with the build. Several folks have beat Shaper etc with it.

I finally found a decent shield upgrade. Hoping the +1 Max Res is worth the tradeoff from higher EV that I had before. Should I leave this shield alone or try to tweak it out with multimod/beastcraft?
tainium написал:
JayJayFly написал:
First time trying these abyss items shenanigans. The build's idea looks great.
The prices: 6-8EX to get 2Abyss socks on Tomb/Bubonic/Poacher on top of getting the Chest as well. Overall seems pretty achievable to get it in around 10-12EX budget with some mediocre jewells ofc.

Haven't started it yet, but currently ripping my old build(again , LUL ), and was wondering should I give it a try ? It can't be that bad for survivability considering the 6.5k hp pool with acro/eva/high leech/ buttloads of dps too.
You can go cheaper than that pretty easily. The build scales very smoothly with investment. Yes, give it a try! My whining about survivablity is almost certainly more due to my own amateurism than any problem with the build. Several folks have beat Shaper etc with it.

I finally found a decent shield upgrade. Hoping the +1 Max Res is worth the tradeoff from higher EV that I had before. Should I leave this shield alone or try to tweak it out with multimod/beastcraft?

what mods can you get on it through multimodding /or/and beast crafting?
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."

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