[3.7] Bashtart's Frost Blades Trickster * Oni-Goroshi * Insane Speed & Millions DPS with BF!
Could anyone explain why should we use Faster Projectiles in Frost Blades setup instead of something like Faster Attacks or Added Cold Damage?
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" 1. Oni-Goroshi with higher crit chance 2. Quality on all your flask 3. Better rare gear, more life mainly 4. A ring with 10 - 20 life on hit 5. Dying Sun Flask @DDuka: it is mainly for clearspeed but if you prefer other options that should be good as well. Faster Projectiles will give you faster attack speed, faster proj. means better aoe clearspeed because your blades travel a bigger distance and more dmg. |
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Does chance of double damage works well with this build?
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" Not sure what you mean... ?! |
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Help me coz its my first char in poe and i use this build.Cant beat the fucking uber lab.Izaro sometimes kill me from one atack.What shoud i do?(tried varios of combinations of this build).I tried to get fucking 4th ascendasy passive 10-12 times
Now im trying to beat izaro with iron reflexes.have 4800hp and ~50% of phys dmg reduction Последняя редакция: maribor666#7338. Время: 11 апр. 2018 г., 16:57:40
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" UberLab is more or less a gear&level check and knowing the fight mechanics. You are a new player and only 84 so I would recommend make a few more level before you try it again. Before I make Uberlab normally I try to get +5k life. If you just level 3-4 more level also your gems etc will be higher and everything will be easier. If you don't want to wait I recommend to watch this VIDEO from Engineering Eternity. You can make the final Izaro fight easier when you defuse the traps in the previous ones. |
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" Thanks for answer and for build which make game so interesting for me(started play few times but didnt reach endgame any time). I got it all what and i've got some questions about build.If build based on evasion why we should use arctic armour that increase phys dmg resistance? coz 13% isnt really enough in my opinion. And the second, how does Point blank works with molten strike projectiles?is it true that with conc effect it increases damage op to 50 percent? (sorry for my eng :D) |
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" I mean Aspect of the Avian skill on a rare ring for example. 10% chance on hit to deal double damage. But not sure how double damage is exacrtly calculated |
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" 13% phys damage reduction is significant, and another layer of your defense. On top of that, it reduces all Fire damage hits by the same amount too. With incoming attacks, first you check to see if you block (no chance with this build). Then you check to see if you Dodge (moderate chance with Acrobatics), then you check to see if you Evade (good chance with this build). If you pass any of the above checks, there is no damage taken. But IF the attack gets through all that, then armor, Endurance charges, and effects like Fortify or Arctic Armor are used to reduce the damage taken. FYI, against physical attacks, Arctic Armor is worth roughly 2000 armor, or about the same as a very good armor chest piece (or 3 Endurance charges), and it's like having higher Fire Resist against fire attacks. Lets take your 4800HP character for example; a 5000 point hit is reduced down to 4350 points. That's 650HP you don't need to leech/regen/flask, and that can be a very big deal, the difference between being one-shotted or surviving. Iron Reflexes sucks for us, because we don't have access to all the armor and life nodes on the left side of the tree that make it strong enough to warrant using (or really the points to stack much EV on the tree either) AND we throw away the defensive benefits of our highest stat, Dex. That means Evasion/Dodge is our best bet, and then being able to layer in AA and Fortify on top in case the RNG doesn't go your way just makes it even better, and why TPF is such a solid choice, IMO better than Kaom's Heart by far for a Shadow. You're MUCH more survivable with TPF/AA/Acrobatics/Fortify/Weave and high EV gear than you would be in pure armor and the relatively low life pool we have access to. To make it very clear, 5k life is LOW with Iron Reflexes..because while armor will reduce hit damage, you take just about EVERY ATTACK HIT with no EV and no Dodge. IR's biggest benefit is double-dipping on Armor/EV nodes to stack even more armor, and the convenience of having hybrid gear (easier to off-color, more gear selection) as straight Armor. Regarding Point Blank, yes, it's a HUGE damage booster for Molten Strike combined with Conc Effect combined with Wildfire jewels. Frost Blades suffers a bit from Point Blank though, because damage of the chained projectiles drops off, and FB is a clear skill, so the close range boost doesn't help with clearing, but it's still very effective even with PB so it doesn't matter. Последняя редакция: Capozzi#7983. Время: 12 апр. 2018 г., 13:58:28
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" Oh Aspect of the Avian ... I don't think it is really worth it tbh. |
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