[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth
Should I focus on getting better MF gear?
Right now I have 9 iiq and 79 iiq, also on Ventors the prioriry should be iiq > iir > res > life, or I got that wrong? |
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September 28th, 2018
Gem setups: * Removed Purity of Ice setup (you can just avoid those wetas in the end). * Withering Rain finally received proper commentary. Videos: * Fixed Primeval ruins link, now it leads where it's supposed to. NEW SECTION: Delve League * What to watch out for in Azurite Mines and how to push build to the max * It's not complete yet, but should be tomorrow * Equipment section is done, Monster section will get few specific encounters to watch out for. * Will include Fossil Crafting section, it's going to be repetitive (Pristine + Aberrant all day) ================================ In other news, i unfortunately died 2 days ago to a disconnect. Right in front of T16 Scriptorium's Shavronne. I knew i was dead the moment my screen froze. Level 97 and 73% xp. I think i'm done with CA for this league, i want to make some shit builds with all the money i acquired. Obviously, there won't be any new videos unless i record them in softcore. " Enhance + Portal 20% quality = 1 second portal casting. Try it, i use it myself. CWDT is way too annoying (had that setup once in past) " There's no reason to add another CA. Try something from optional setups, it has Toxic Rain as an utility setup. " I'm not going to comment on your problems with the game, like i've already told you. The build is actually great for delves, and great for defence. You just don't have necessary equipment. I understand you're playing SSF but that doesn't excuse you from not taking easily available defensive upgrades. You use onslaught flask instead of Jade. No CWDT-Immortal Call setup. None or very low life on pretty much every single gear piece. For the love of god, your 5-link Darkscorn is making you take more damage from physical attacks. How do you expect to survive if you don't care about defence? If you're shooting yourself in the foot, then don't blame everyone else. It will not solve anything. You would spend your time better if you looked at your gear or read the guide fully instead of writing angry comments. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides Последняя редакция: DankawSL#2030. Время: 28 сент. 2018 г., 14:19:01
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Split the post because it was god damn big one. Should slightly help with navigation, i guess?
" I tried Toxic Rain in a weapon swap on my old character with 200% mana regen. Standard +3 bow with empower 4 and lvl 20 Toxic Rain (lvl 27 total). Damage was quite awful despite 45% skill duration nodes and i couldn't sustain mana despite using 1.4 AS base. It's impossible to use with this build, not without throwing out Divination Distillate and investing into mana. I already recommend the non-upgraded version in duelist jewel slot as a solution. Majority of the time, the upgraded Chayula jewel is worth massive amounts of money (blessings are ~600c on HC, dunno about SC). 18% chance is more than enough to sustain frenzies. Bonus dodge is OK but kind of w/e when you have capped evasion. These nodes are not worth spending points. The tree i provide has best damage, life and utility nodes already at level 93. Higher than that, you should invest into jewels which are the most efficient nodes on the tree. " Thanks for the kind words, i'm glad you're having with it so far. Different people expect different kinds of damage. The main CA setup doesn't include GMP because in the end game +1 arrow quiver is enough to clear well. It's still there as an option, it's great if your damage is too high. Your character is ready for maps for sure. 4k life, almost capped resistances (after 30% resistance penalty). You're gonna be fine, especially since you're softcore. Your gloves are REALLY good and probably end up using them for a long time. Boots are also OK, rest of the gear is fine but some could definitely use an upgrade. You should invest into utility flasks tho, the recommended setup i use is very solid. Levelling Leo is a matter of 3 dailies. In HC people from 820 trade kills very often. Sometimes you don't even have to kill anyone (survive 3 minutes on sarn arena). Second best craft is attack speed (Tora 6 i believe, Tora 7 to remove crafted mod) to counter Vicious Projectiles penalty. " Those numbers mean you don't use Div Distillate, right? MF is purely optional, it's up to you to decide if you want to MF or to push build to the limit. Semi-MF setup i provided allows for both without hurting defence too much. For Ventor's, i would personally prioritize IIQ > Life + Res > IIR. The rarity can be negative, but not too much. I would only use Ventor's with both decent life and resistances, otherwise life is too crap or getting resists if too hard. Also, the MF guide is kind of outdated. Previously the build struggled on damage. Now it's possible to make a very fast burial chamber MF build. Will take care of it after Fossil Crafting section. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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Thank you Dankaw for responding, I appreciate it.
I get what you're saying about GMP, useful for those who want to use, but not core to the build at all; especially in end game. I upgraded my belt, more life, and some flask mods, and I'll work on crafting the utility flasks a little better, thank you for that suggestion. I thought the Stygian Vise would be good, but I have yet to see any really useful Abyss Jewels for it. On the rest of my gear, what do you think I need to focus on upgrading first? I'm thinking rings are probably my weakest pieces, needing higher tier life rolls instead of the crafted amounts, and then quiver? I've been looking for 6-link bows, and they seem scarce in the good bases (Thicket or Maraketh);. Would Highborn be okay; 1.45 AS, useless implicit? I've seen a couple of Highborn for relatively cheap that I would just need to scour and start from scratch on. Also, you mention resist cap as being capped with Div Distillate with Elemental Weakness (I think it is), what do resists need to be to be capped in this scenario? And lastly, do you recommend 20 Quality on CA before Vaaling for level 21? Thank you again! Последняя редакция: ryoken0367#2654. Время: 28 сент. 2018 г., 18:08:18
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Quiver, helmet, left ring and amulet are probably your weakest points right now. In that order. Your new belt is really damn good. Stygian as a base is better than any base. However if you get your hand on elder leather belt... then stygian loses.
Anything above 1.4 AS is a good base. If implicit is useless, then it's like no implicit at all - which is the case for many bow bases. Be sure to buy ilvl 64 or above. Being capped for elemental weakness is an additional form of defence against bosses where you can't have 100% uptime on warding flask. Makes you safe in case you didn't use a flask on accident (which happens to me way too often). The cap is 109% without flask, 113% with it. It's good to have quality, but it's not required. If you use GMP then you should just vaal it. If you don't, then you can consider upgrading the quality to 20% with GMPs or use lvl 20 -> lvl 1 with 20% quality recipe instead of vaaling. In your case, just slam them. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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Should I focus on getting Watcher's Eye or Empower/Enhance/Enlighten to lvl 4?
I plan on doing lab runs to enchant my helmet > boots > gloves (gloves last cause I also plan on crafting new ones after crafting the ones I have right now) Последняя редакция: black_dota#4075. Время: 29 сент. 2018 г., 4:54:38
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How viable is this build without +3 bow? Would I be able to comfortably farm low tier maps until I can farm enough currency for +3 bow?
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" You could easily farm low tier without +3. Take a look at the fossil crafting section for the bow. You can easily get +3 with 3 of the common fossils. I got it on my first roll, but realistically it might take you 2 or 3 rolls. Последняя редакция: xanderby#6927. Время: 29 сент. 2018 г., 15:47:20
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" Onslaught path and Watcher's Eye for sure. Cheaper and gives fkton of defence over ~13% more damage i believe (numbers changed this patch). " I run red maps without issues using 5-link +2 bow. Obviously the bossing was slow but everything else was fine. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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Do i place the green dream here?
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