[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth
" Yeah, i read trough this section again and figured out the same. Thanks for replying! |
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Great build, i have lots of fun with it!
I just feel like i "crippled" it a little because im wearing kaoms instead of kintsugi and kept frenzy path instead of phasing. It feels very safe but i think i waste the potential of evasion this way... im at 55% evade / 49 dodge. Is it realy better to stack evasion and profit of kintusgi passive than ~1400 life kaoms adds? |
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October 11th, 2018
Crafting Section: * +3 Bow fossil crafting now has a proper text guide * +3 Elder Bow fossil crafting now has a proper text guide * Minor fixes / adjustments in both bow crafting sections. ===================== Now that i look at it, i should probably make slight adjustments to crafting section. Add ilvl<64 bow crafting and make sections more consistent. However, i don't think i'll do it this league. Master rework is on the horizon in 3.5 and Delve is quite dead at this point (HC is almost a ghost town). Waiting seems like the best idea currently. If you're wondering why i don't have ilvl<64 +3 bow crafting yet, it's because the 6-link bow prices were always so low. It was simply more cost efficient to buy good ilvl 64+ bow and craft it properly than deal with dread essence RNG. " Think of it this way - Kintsugi's passive is equivalent to 25% more life for a single hit. Since you definitely have ~7k life without body armour, Kintsugi gives you same if not bigger effective hp than Kaom's. With all the avoidance this build has, you can rely on the 20% less damage passive to be active whenever you need it (so against hard bosses). For mapping when that passive won't be active that often, 50% global evasion is an awesome bonus to ensure you never get hit twice in a row. Kaom's is still more reliable since the 500 life is permanent, but you give up decent evasion, 6 gem sockets and on top of that you pay a lot for it. Not worth it, honestly. Frenzy path is good as a starter, but as you progress it becomes pointless. There are multiple ways of frenzy generation and other 2 branches give huge defensive bonuses. You don't really need the ~25% attack speed that route gives and movement speed should be the same as Phasing. As for evasion itself, 95% evade chance is massive. Seriously, it's so good. Not only it prevents getting hit but also reduces chance of receiving critical hit. This especially important in Delve. So TL;DR - Yes, Kintsugi and evasion stacking is worth it. Doesn't hurt to try, right? https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides Последняя редакция: DankawSL#2030. Время: 10 окт. 2018 г., 20:40:11
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At first i gotta say:
Thanks for the amazing Guide Description and detailed Information to anything!! Nice work! And to show what i've made out of it so far theres my stuff. Got my bow Fossil-Crafted 3rd try and fused it in 70 fusing (30% Quality luck? dunno), Chaos-Spammed the Quiver and bought the Gloves/Amulets for combined 4ex or something. Got a nice +2 Level corruption on my Kintsugi though. The Helmet with Enchant was 1ex, abberant and Pristine made it what it is. This is how far i've come. just killed Shaper the second Time, Delved to ~300 Depth but struggling hard with Aul at 290. I cant afford a Double-Grace Watcher's eye so thats an Upgrade i cant make. (Last time i checked they were around 22ex) Switching Empower with Damage on Full Life will come soon though, when i levelled one to 3 and it doesnt brick to 2 again :p Anything i've missed to boost further? |
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That's some really good gear out there. Since you don't really need to change any of it except for min-maxing, let's focus on stuff you can upgrade:
* Empower 4 * +3 7-link bow * Kintsugi with better vaal implicit (Crafting -> Chase Shaper/Elder/Vaal mods) First one is a no-brainer, get it and replace DoFL for more dps (keep the gem for later). The second - You have 6-link elder bow already, so that's half-way to +3 7-link. I can't check ilvl of your bow, but if it's above ilvl 80 then you should attempt it. Before you say "But that's my only +3 6-link bow!", calm down. While +3 7-link is obviously a ~40-45% more damage increase, you can't really expect to hit that. You need thousands of alterations or get lucky with Dread Essences. However, there's a way to reliably increase your total dps by ~15%. +1 7-link is still better than +3 6-link. From there, jump from +1 7-link to +3 7-link is only ~20% more damage. Let's get to the point. You should first make sure you have enough currency (at least 2ex and like 2000 alterations + 100 regals). Keep trying to craft +3 7-link using the Alt -> Regal method in crafting section. Keep rolling until you hit something good OR you roll level 20 Vicious Projectiles and 2 suffixes. If you hit the second, stop and finish the craft using the classic +3 bow method, starting at Step 4. If it's not clear, i'll make a usual crafting format to explain it. The two upgrades above should occupy you for a while. Once you get both of them, you can vaal Kintsugi's for 40-50% increased damage or 50% reduced extra crit damage. Awesome upgrades to have. The one you have is good, but the others are better honestly. Other than that, endurance charge on kill boots, Marble Amulet, high HP gloves/quiver. It's mostly min-maxing stuff. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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" Thank you for this detailed answer! i reskilled now in the phasing path and changed to kintsugi. im not farming bosses atm so i think the green nightmare will be enough for frenzy generation and offers some dodge on top. im excited how it works! |
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I'm somewhat new so correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't it be possible to create a 7 link bow that uses lvl30 caustic arrow with the new delve mods?
If you have a bow with: Prefix: +2 bow gems +1 gems +lvl 20 vicious projectiles Suffix: +1 strength gems (delve) +1 dex gems (delve) +1 arrow for good measure you would end up with lvl 30 [21+4(item)+5(empower)]. This would boost your dps by almost 50% of what you would normally achieve. Of course, going by the prices of faceted fossils, this bow would be hilariously expensive. EDIT: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_bow_modifiers link to the delve suffixes for reference Последняя редакция: Nemvar#3394. Время: 11 окт. 2018 г., 20:48:35
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" The odds of making +3 7-link +3 are already very small, and that's only 2 prefixes + 1 that's guaranteed. Anything beyond that is pretty much impossible. If you were to hit even +4 7-link, then maybe even people in standard would mirror it. Technically it's possible, realistically it's not. You can only wait for a single person who's blessed by Chris himself to hit that, then mirror it. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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Still having a lot of fun with this build, and have started pushing content I've never done before (on any character): filling out the white maps on my Atlas, and starting into Yellow maps for the first time. As long as I pay attention and remember to use flasks as I should be, things have been smooth and easy.
I have done all of the mods you mention as ones to look out for without much issue, although I can see how they are only going to get harder as I push higher tier maps. Fires multiple projectiles was especially annoying combined with all ranged monsters. And no regen was just no fun, Divination Distillate did not keep up with my mana usage very well, so I had to take it extra slow. Did the map just fine, just was not an enjoyable experience... will be skipping that mod in the future if possible! Loving that I don't have to worry about reflect maps, it's just some bonus quantity on the map. Hoping to get Uber Lab unlocked (1 trial left to find) and run in the coming weeks. What do you think about grabbing the first 2 nodes of Onslaught path instead of the last 2 of Frenzy? Until I can get some gloves made and drop Frenzy path altogether, anyway. Or is the chance to have Onslaught not worth it without the full path? Thanks again for the great guide, fun build, and everything you've done for the community and me! |
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No regen maps requirea different mapping pace. You have to spam flasks, shoot less often but accurate to spread CA degen. Or just use Mirage Archer for that 1 map, he's actually good since Div Distillate upkeep is trivial.
1st frenzy and 1st onslaught node combo is very much viable. That's what i do personally now as well since this league, even tho it's slightly suboptimal. The good thing about it is instant speed when you kill the enemy aannnddd... that's kinda it. Full frenzy is better, but it doesn't give that much of an advantage either. The differences between the two are miniscule. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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