[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth
pretty sure a +6 is not possible, but a +5 is.
basically the +2 to support gems cannot be on the bow at the same time as +2 bow gems. its one or the other. +5 bows though, while decent power, are not worth the cost. you're still only looking at 10% more damage, which when you're already doing like 1.2m shaper dps, is not worth the mirrors it would take to buy, or hundreds of exalts to craft. i guess if you have the currency and really want to super min/max, it is an upgrade. with my character and gear, i have 1.285m shaper dps on caustic arrow fully buffed and max wither stacks. with a +5 bow it jumps up to 1.395m shaper dps. i basically mimic'd the current top +5 bow on the game, which is going for 4 mirrors. i am honestly not sure why this is so sought after. here is the PoB pastebin in order to look at the gear i have and such, and compare the bows. https://pastebin.com/bsmzwEqv |
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I tested with my build/gem parameters different Bows with +4/+6 level like you mentioned in your post in PoB fossil crafted Bows +1 Dex, +1 Gem, +2 Bow Gem, 40% NAC-DoT Multi = max DoT 1.34 Mio +1 Dex, +1 Gem, +2 Bow Gem, +2 Supp Gems = max DoT 1.35 Mio the Bows with +1 Str instead of +1 Dex have very similar DoT output Alt/Aug/Regal/ex crafted bow 1+ Gem, +2 supp Gem, lvl20 Vic Supp, 133% inc phys.Dam = max DoT 1.40 Mio I have tested that with all lvl 21/20 Gems, empower lvl 4 For the first 2 bows I reached the highest possible DoT Dps by exchanging Void with 21/20 Vicious Projectile Seems in our particular build the bows with vic20 support amd +3 lvl are not to beat by fossil crafted +4 lvl / mastercrafted +6 lvl Bows. The fossil crafted bows with +5 / +7 level have slightly more DoT output but are usually around 80 to 100 ex +1 Gem, +1 Str, +1 Dex, +2 Bow , +2 Supp Gems = max DoT 1.45 Mio +1 Gem, +1 Str, +1 Dex, +2 Bow , 40% NACDoT = max DoT 1.52 Mio highest DoT Output are bows for 100 ex and higher having +1 Gem, +1 Str, +1 Dex, +2 Supp Gems, 40% NACDoT = max DoT 1.60 Mio but the difference to our currency crafted 8 to 12 ex bows is under 15% |
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" Hmm, I don't see any on sale but here's what I'm thinking. Take a bow like this (which is on sale): +1 to Level of Socketed Strength Gems (S) +1 to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems (S) +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (P) +2 to Level of Socketed Bow Gems (P) Adds 61 to 113 Chaos Damage (P) 24% increased Critical Strike Chance (S) And try to annul the # - # Chaos Damage prefix. Seems if you can do that (1/6 chance, hah!) you could craft in whatever prefix you wanted, including +2 support gems. Would be a crazy +7 in the end! " Thanks for the link and for sharing! So at the end of the day I think a big part of the enjoyment in POE is theory crafting and that's all I'm doing here. If you're going to theory craft you may as well take it to the extreme to see what's possible when currency isn't an issue to get a "max" and then dial it back from there until you hit "reasonable" and then go after that in game. " Man, you guys are amazing, thank you so much for sharing. This is exactly what I was thinking about doing. :-) So it seems NACDoT is worth more than +2 support gems, interesting! Another takeaway is that +2 support gems is better than +2 bow gems, also fascinating. Okay, with this information I will table my experimentation for now. I still think it would be fun to try at least one Faceted fossil craft (with Prime resonator) to see what we can come up with, I'd certainly buy one Faceted for 1ex just to try. If I can figure out how to farm them myself that's even better. Small thing to add, before I saw these posts I decided to try goofing around myself and bought an Elder ilvl 85 bow that had this: +2 Bow (P) +1 Dex (S) Blind Chance (S) Projectile speed (S) My goal (again, at the time) was to try and make the highest # +level bow I could so I first wanted to open a suffix to craft cannot roll attack mods suffix so I can slam in +1 Gem prefix. Only option was to play the 50/50 luck game and try an annul and... it worked! Got rid of projectile speed which is nice but I wanted an open suffix. My plan now is this: craft cannot roll attack mods (1ex) slam on +1Gem (1ex) remove cannot roll attack mods craft NACDoT 40% (4c) Alternatively I could forget the +1 Gems and just go straight to multi-modding (2ex) and add NACDoT + another craftable prefix like +2 support gems. No Vicious and no % chaos damage like my current 7L. Prior to reading Bull's research I was going to craft +2 Supp Gems instead of NACDoT for a +6 bow but according to his data NACDoT is worth more than +2 Supp Gems. Anyway, this was before. Still think it's worth it? Guess I need to do a PoB what-if vs. my current 8ex 7L. Последняя редакция: MochaDragon#7406. Время: 3 февр. 2019 г., 3:35:09
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" thats the thing, im not sure its possible to get +2 support gems with +2 bow gems. there is not one bow in existence that has both of these mods. just because they're different prefix's doesn't mean they can be on the same weapon at the same time. much like how many of the inc spell damage mods can't overlap either, etc. but yes the +2 support gems is better because it effects all gems. empower gets +2 which gives CA +2, and all other supports get +2. where as +2 bow gems will only effect gems with the 'bow' tag, which will ONLY effect CA |
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Guys, I managed to alt spam and lucky regal the attack speed on this elder bow, I think its the mods that i wanted, how do i continue to craft from here on? |
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" craft 18% quality on it, then take it to hillock in transportation rank 3 and make it 28% quality so that you can easily link it. then you can continue to craft it how you want |
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" According to poe.ninja you're not alone in wanting to try PF with CA: ![]() If you look in the guide it has information about running the build with PF. Under the passive tree section of the guide click on "other ascendancy classes" where you can see information specific to PF. AFAIK you're not missing any speed with PF. If anything it can be faster. Flask uptime is important for evasion (Jade), damage (Dying Sun), and speed (Quicksilver), and any other flask you choose to use. Might want to check some of the folks using the PF ascendancy on the site I linked the graphic of above (https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Pathfinder&skill=Caustic-Arrow&sort=dps) and see what flasks they're using. GL! |
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Hi guys, just wanted to share some fun with fossil crafting elder agate amulets (ilvl 81+).
With this one I was experimenting with trying to get both big damage mods on the same amulet. Got it, no life/resists tho: Same thing with this one but while I got a top tier NACDoT the rest is kinda meh: This last one is notable for the str/int included as well as chaos dmg, so far I'm struggling with getting 155 str/int on only 2-3 pieces (rings, amulet, quiver: all the rest are uniques for movement speed): Cheers |
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Crafted for fun in std , we dont currently have that prefix available never actually played ca , i was wondering , the physical damage converted to chaos does effect both the initial hit and the dot yes? Was just rolling something to try out ca with, the suffix i doubt add much compared to some of the other things i could have hit. Whatever army I have, I'll lead against them...
...until I've won or I'm dead. • Level 38 VS The World • https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1929461 • Crafting Service • https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2451155 |
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Hi, caustic Rangers,
I am still not able to craft +2 lvl of support gems because I dont have the craft,m where the hell do I get this craft from? Please enlighten me Thanks Eohlin btw. got a very nice amulet for our CA build seems phase run and cat make me nearly invisible |
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