[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Fiver написал:
En3ka написал:
Fiver im lvl 50 now but im seeing in the future i will have problem dps on bosses,frenzy stacks is usseles vs bosses because they are alone and cant stack frenzy charges.Hoq to fix this? i dont want to spend 25 exalted (or more) if i cant kill bosses or take so much time :(

You get frenzy charges when you hit bosses.
Check "way of the poacher" in the raider ascendancy.

"20% chance to gain a frenzy charge when you hit a rare or unique enemy."

ohh nice! sorry !

What do you think about chest " Queen of the Forest Destiny Leather " have ress,hp 65 and 2,1k evasion,but loss movement speed if you have low evasion.
Последняя редакция: En3ka#4479. Время: 11 марта 2018 г., 12:41:47
Hello OP, first of all thx for the previous reply ... it was very helpful.

So I would like some advice again :) Namely what to upgrade next and where to invest points next in my passive tree?

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Overflowing is what we should remplace for taste of hate?
So will that new unique chest (Loreweave) be something to consider for us- no resists or evasion, but raising your max resists to 80 must be a big EHP bump?
Awesome man, thanks for the quick reply. I forgot to ask do you pickup vaal pact if you go for a high PDPS claw over bloodseeker? It's not in your pob but I assume it's because you're still wearing bloodseeker.Thanks
I must be blind or crazy or have overlooked something, but why immortal call? As best i can tell, we don't have a way to generate endurance charges right? so are we really banking 4 slots on the hope that we hit someone who has some?

edit: i should also ask, is there an easy recommended skillswap for dealing with bosses while i work on upgrading gear? I find that i can't even handle T1-3 bosses right now consistently while working on my atlas. The clear is fantastic though, its just a question of my upgrading jewlery and replacing tabula rasa with an actual chest piece.

edit 2: as a newbie, i have no idea how to know whether i should keep minimum level CWDT so it triggers often at low thresholds, or if i should max it out. Can you give some advice here? it looks like your immortal call has maxed CWDT and lightning golem, but immortal is low level, what's the reasoning?
Последняя редакция: zorminster#0402. Время: 11 марта 2018 г., 20:14:02

I just upgraded my jewelry today. Not the best but I don't have that much to spend. What # DPS claw should I try to get as an upgrade to bloodseeker? Currently 89 and I haven't even gotten to red maps yet because I don't buy maps XD
Последняя редакция: marshmallowcrisp#1996. Время: 11 марта 2018 г., 21:33:19
Hi Fiver!
Tell me why we use the Soul of Yugul in the Pantheon, would not it be better to replace it with the Soul of Shakari?
We dont need nore a link ancestral protector with culling strike support?
Thanks again for your work with build!!!
Последняя редакция: Mihrytka#6897. Время: 12 марта 2018 г., 6:38:40
I'm also interested in lore weave armor. Bought one and managed to 6l it, but can't get 3r3g. Best I could was 3g2r1b. With it we don't need to get any ress on other gear. We can look for jewelry with only dmg and life stats. Any opinions?
Последняя редакция: Bronthophobia#2972. Время: 12 марта 2018 г., 8:59:13
Bronthophobia написал:
I'm also interested in lore weave armor. Bought one and managed to 6l it, but can't get 3r3g. Best I could was 3g2r1b. With it we don't need to get any ress on other gear. We can look for jewelry with only dmg and life stats. Any opinions?

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I think it only sets the maximum resist you can have.. it doesn't actually give you resistance stats. You need to still get resist on gear.

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