[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)
So far, this build is pretty sweet. I haven't played a melee based build in so long so I figured I'd try this out. Honestly I really wanted a super OP strong single target build, and then reading this to find out that it's not as strong as like blade flurry or something..but I don't really want to sacrifice clear speed either. I think it's a pretty good combination of both though. I'm only level 76 right now so I still am missing quite a few DPS nodes on the tree, and a TON of health/survivability nodes.
I only have 3.1k life right now. When I get all the nodes from tree I should be at 4k or so, but to be honest I've only died one time on this character so far. It's very fast, and I kill anything/stun/freeze it before it hits me. Not to mention I have 9 frenzy charges, and 58% chance to DODGE/50% something ish to evade I think. I also have a shit ton of move speed, I just did the merciless lab with ease so I got the onslaught buff too on kill. Also with my curse on hit ring I have power charges up too when clearing. My tooltip damage shows 252k right now with frenzy/power charges up, and with ruthless gem/totem buff for bosses. So 252k tooltip + I have the flasks and everything else I'm pretty sure I'm at 2mil+ dps if I'm not mistaken when fully buffed. Also I do have a watchers eye jewel too, with the "adds X to X cold damage" which is awesome. So for level 76 right now, it's pretty sick. I have some questions though. Should I drop my amulet? I don't know if getting one with life on it would be better because tbh the blind & everything right now is amazing. Like I said, usually nothing touches me at all so even at 3k life right now I am facerolling everything. By the time I raise my level up high enough to start doing my red maps I should have around 4k life at least. Other than that though, what should I upgrade? My claw was around 10 ex I think..pretty hard to get an upgrade for it honestly. I could change out my ring maybe or gloves, but it's difficult to find upgrades for those. Also don't make fun of me playing standard..I had an abundance of currency lol and I wanted to really play an OP build and get OP gear. So I decided just to make it in standard. Not to mention the only good thing about the new league right now is that the market is better since everything in standard is so inflated..but regardless, any feedback is great. I need to wait on some more of my legacy IIQ gear to sell in standard before I can drop a ton of exalts on new gear so this is what I'm working with at the moment. (P.S. the +int on my shaped ring is there because I don't have it on other gear atm. It should be +life there though) edit -- it's 325k+ tooltip now with Atziri's flask up + 3 P.Charges + 9 frenzy charges + totem + vaal haste :P (forgot about my vaal haste/grace) and not too mention, my spell dodge + normal dodge is capped 75% with vaal grace up. It's amazing dude. 3.1k life and I don't die. Granted, red maps will be the real test..if I can find a way to get around 4.5k ish life without sacrificing to much damage, I'll be happy. But right now I just can't see how I can do that without giving up a lot of damage. Последняя редакция: SamBaLam#4657. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 23:39:06
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what kind of claw do you recommend based on my gear? i looked up 330+ pdps ones, but atm i see only 4 with crit chance, from 4-20 ex. i don't know about claw prices so i can't tell if something is a good deal or not. i see a 205 pdps/190 edps (fire and cold) claw for 40c. according to pob, this claw would increase my dps by almost 19k (+15%). don't know if that is even considered a lot or not XD would this be a good replacement for bloodseeker or would i need more dps for it to be worth losing the instant leech over?
Последняя редакция: marshmallowcrisp#1996. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 20:31:00
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" There are a few of them listed in the guide. If you are playing HC I would recommend something to make you tankier though. I really don't see this working in HC. How is it going for you? Don't panic. |
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" I can't really find anything to point out on your character. It may be a boring reply, but just keep working on improving those small things. Fully buffed you seem to be around 850k shaper dps, which is more than enough without using an abyssus (1.4 million if you had one with frost blades enchant). Edit: one thing I could point out is that I would've gotten Fangs of Frost before Claws of the Falcon. Not a huge difference in dps, but should be around 40k or so. Don't panic. Последняя редакция: Fiver#2304. Время: 22 марта 2018 г., 6:44:25
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" The low hp will prove to be a problem in high-tier content. I'm glad it is working out for you so far. Personally I would replace the amulet if I couldn't get your HP higher. A first option may be to try to find more hp on other items (which should be a priority anyway). Giving up dps in order to increase survivability may be inevitable though. There isn't really that much else I can say. You seem to be on the right track of things. Don't panic. |
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" 19k isn't worth replacing Bloodseeker for. I don't really see anything wrong with your gear, aside from upgrading to a rare claw. 4 ex may be what you'll have to spend. You can also search for claws with lower pdps and higher crit. The crit does make a big difference. There's a claw for 3 ex with 324 pdps, 8.04 crit, and 1.94 aps. As it is right now, it would be about a 120k dps boost for you, along with improved attack speed that just makes the build flow a lot better. I would probably invest in this for a start until you can afford a more expensive one. You should really get a Vaal Haste though. It really is an incredible dps boost. The claw I mentioned: http://poe.trade/search/omadomebanagah Don't panic. |
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" Cheers for having a look and the reply - a boring reply is a good thing, it means your guide is easy to follow! |
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Hi is there a leveling skill tree ?
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" Not as such - he lists the order to collect the nodes in the OP; This is just the way I prefer. I’ll just list the key nodes in the order they should be prioritized. There is always room for changes if you prefer to do it in another order, of course. Winter Spirit Herbalism Thick Skin Vitality Void (get rid of this when you get Soul Raker) Vaal Pact (get rid of this when/if you get bloodseeker) Golem’s Blood Jewel Socket Art of the gladiator Bravery Fangs of Frost Primeval Force Jewel Socket Blood Drinker Phase Acrobatics Blood Siphon Force of nature Revenge of the Hunted Soul Raker Claws of the Magpie the life node below Blood Siphon Heartseeker Claws of the Pride All the frenzy charges Written in Blood / Claws of the Falcon |
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" That's actually a really nice idea. Could definitely work. Don't think it would be enough to shock shaper, but idk. Don't panic. |
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