[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)
Hello, you stated that this is the optimal flask setup since you dont have access to taste of hate, however what flask would you replace with it if you had it? I have a lot of curency to pump into this build and i would like to buy a taste of hate (especially since i am a hardcore player and the defense of taste of hate is just godtier)
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Hello, I'm from Russia so my English is not very good. You can see the profile and explain what is missing, I do not understand PoEbuilding very well, but it shows that DPS 650k, I think it's not enough. Once again I apologize for the text =)
And it's better not to take the Touch of Anguish instead of Lycosidae ?? the attack speed allows you to miss a few times or I missed something?) Последняя редакция: longpass#3262. Время: 1 апр. 2018 г., 12:05:06
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" I would switch to it as soon as I could. And no this build is definitely not harcore viable. " Get a diamond flask instead of a quicksilver flask. Replace white oak with overflowing chalice. White oak isn't good for this build unless your cold resist is your highest uncapped resist, and yours isn't. Get a vaal haste. Get your last 4 ascendancy points. If you can't do it on your own, ask for someone to carry you. Look for new rings/amu/belt. You need to get both damage and more life on them. Preferably high EDAS. Try to get that chest 6-linked or get a new one. The life on it is insane, but it only has 800 evasion, which is really bad. A chest with 90 health and 1800+ evasion is probably better than a chest with 150+ health and less than 1000 evasion. You need to get gems with quality when you can. Your next levels should be towards 'Written in Blood'. Most of those things are cheap, the only thing that should cost you much currency is replacing your chest, but you can get away with that pretty cheap aswell. Jewellery can also get very expensive, but upgrading the jewellery you have shouldn't be that expensive. And you are not on 34k dps. You are closer to 250k. That will get a lot higher when you do some of the things I listed. " Replace overflowing chalice. " Replacing your touch of anguish with a lycosidae would give you roughly 80k dps. Get an ancestral protector. Really good for extra damage vs bosses. Your amulet and belt are both pretty good, but you need to find better rings though. The ones you have does have good damage, but no life. Your body armour only have 811 evasion. Try to get a new one with more evasion on it. 1700+ is ideal. Your claw is pretty bad. It has no critical strike chance on it. Critical strike chance is very important on your weapon. A claw 290pdps and 7.4 crit would do more damage than your 325pdps50edps claw. It's not even very expensive to get a better one. :) I would also recommend adding Frost Bomb to your CWDT - Frostbite setup. Your english is fine dude. And Path of Building can be hard to learn. You just have to keep using it and eventually you'll get it. :) Don't panic. |
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" I haven't been able to play for 3 days now, but I managed to get 2 attempts at Uber Elder last week. Got him to 40-50% both times. I think it's a lot about practice, but it's a hard fight with this build. I'm gonna try again when I have more time to play. :p Don't panic. |
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Really great build, goodjob :)
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What should I upgrade next? I know I've got a ways from listed items but I'm only at 250k shaper dps which seems crazy low for a bit of item difference.
Thanks, Fun build. just map clearing for now. |
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" the difference between 200k and 2mil isn't huge it's just an order of magnitude of 10. Remember everything scales off each other. Get opal rings, get a rare claw, a lyco, some tombfists and darkray vectors with +1 frenzy corrupt. That'll get you to 1mil if you get reasonable rolls. |
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Hello, what do you think that I should improve on my char?
PoB: https://pastebin.com/izYiybZV Thanks :) Последняя редакция: olvini3#3486. Время: 1 апр. 2018 г., 14:45:47
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" Master of arena is good. I have it myself. Your gear is alright. There are always improvements to make though. I would consider getting a Rat's nest and a better claw. When you measure your dps, you click "configuration" and then cross the following: ✓Do you use frenzy charges? ✓Do you have onslaught? ✓Is the enemy chilled? ✓Is the enemy intimidated? Is the enemy a boss? -> Shaper/Guardian Make sure your flasks are active in the items page by checking the checkbox. Make sure you have Ruthless equipped instead of Ancestral call. Don't panic. |
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Hey fiverr, thanks again for the build and all your effort in helping everyone out.
I just hit 91, thinking about doing my first ever shaper soon. Any item upgrades I should worry about before then? I'm thinking probably a new chest with more evasion first. |
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