[3.2] Captain Americlast - Scion Spectral Shield Throw

I've been having fun with the build as well, although I went assassin rather than slayer. I've mostly been messing around with the Scion starting area and Might of the Meek jewels.

My biggest problem by far though has been mana sustain on single target. With the high base mana cost compared to our small mana pools the mana leech cap just seems really hard to work around at our higher attack rates (I sit around 4aps). How are other people dealing with this?

I've been confused by the gloomfang as well. As far as I can tell neither the in game sheet or PoB seem to be recognizing the added chaos damage. Is it that it's per time the skill has chained? So no bonus on the first target, 15 on the second, and 30 on the third? Essentially the opposite of Ricochet in Deadeye?
bbrownz написал:
My biggest problem by far though has been mana sustain on single target. With the high base mana cost compared to our small mana pools the mana leech cap just seems really hard to work around at our higher attack rates (I sit around 4aps). How are other people dealing with this?

More mana pool or Spirit Void. I don't have 6-link yet, so my mana consumption is fine unless I miss a lot. I was thinking of switching Primal Spirit instead of Heart of the Oak for 31% mana plus the other stuff. Enlighten and more levels will also help.. eventually.

Also should update your weapon at some point (see updated guide). % Phys as extra cold will increase ST DPS a lot, meaning more DPS, thus more leech.
Duallight написал:
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this is the gear im currently running its not GG or anything but I feel like I am really struggling with single target in red maps. I dont know if you have any recommendations on where I should be focusing to up my single target. I have a lioneyes chest which im currently working on getting 6L, which is why im running belly. And im leveling the gems i need for starkonja in my weapon swap to get that set up going but other than that I dont know where my biggest dps gains are going to come from.

any advice you have would be appreciated.

Well you took flash freeze instead of winter spirit, change that to winter spirit. Flash freeze only getting you 2.9% dmg, winter spirit gives you 16% more dmg. No brainer right there.

Simply swapping phys to light instead of inc crit gives you 17% MORE damage

Changing to a 6L chest and adding damage on full life will give you 51% MORE damage

Swapping to lioneye's chest from belly will get you 14% MORE damage

Taste of hate will give you 12%+ MORE dmg

Gloomfang should be for chaining maps only. For single target/bosses you want to wear a rare amulet.

T1-2 phys will get you ~4% MORE
30% Wed 3.5% MORE
Elder chaos dmg as extra dmg mod will get you 13% MORE
13%ias 7% MORE

So even without crit/multi, you're looking at about 27% MORE damage for a well rolled ammy

Replacing your iron ring with a steel ring with just 2 T3 mods (t3phys/t3wed) will give you 2.3% more damage not counting any other mods on the ring.

I could keep going but you get the picture :)

🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
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Последняя редакция: Ahfack#1969. Время: 12 марта 2018 г., 13:47:43
tsunamikun написал:
Vexsanity написал:
What's giving endurance charges for the immortal call?

Nothing. You just need it to defend against oneshots.


standing at t12 mapping right now. Still fluent progress through trash. bosses are okay. with StarKonja(Orb of Storms +Powercharge on crit+curse on hit+elemental weakness) and a single conversation dagger(didn't have any luck until now) i use for things like elder/izaro etc.

changed 4 link in hands to golem+protector+minion resistances to give the hard hitters something else to worry about.

uberlab is easy. If you're afraid of traps change vaal pact to the 20Strength/1% liefe reg node

right now trying to down elder on yellow, but still need a better dagger/sword for singletarget...

definitly a slow leaguestarter but it's getting there.

looking forward to bestcraft a good shield to 30% quality^^

Simply swapping out your ewar's for a 30% princess gives you 8% MORE damage. You can find those for like 1alt-1alch

Phys-to-Light gem gives you about 17% more damage than inc crit strikes at the moment.

hrimsorry is 17.4% MORE damage than your current gloves too.

Rings gotta go man. Level 90 you should be rocking steels or opals at this point. If you're slayer/vaal pact already you gotta replace your ammy too. Gloomfang is great for maps, but really need a rare ammy with good flat phys/extra chaos dmg or wed etc... damage damage damage!

Need a stygian belt

Boots are fine

Jewels could be much better. Several of them are pretty much 1mod jewels. Even a 2mod blue would be better than most of them

Chest is super budget, but 6l so I understand if you just want to hold onto that for the time being.
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Последняя редакция: Ahfack#1969. Время: 12 марта 2018 г., 13:59:51
bbrownz написал:
I've been having fun with the build as well, although I went assassin rather than slayer. I've mostly been messing around with the Scion starting area and Might of the Meek jewels.

My biggest problem by far though has been mana sustain on single target. With the high base mana cost compared to our small mana pools the mana leech cap just seems really hard to work around at our higher attack rates (I sit around 4aps). How are other people dealing with this?

I've been confused by the gloomfang as well. As far as I can tell neither the in game sheet or PoB seem to be recognizing the added chaos damage. Is it that it's per time the skill has chained? So no bonus on the first target, 15 on the second, and 30 on the third? Essentially the opposite of Ricochet in Deadeye?

Yeah I don't think PoB calculates the damage on gloomfang appropriately, and yes it's because the attack must chain in order to gain the increased damage. So if you're wearing gloomfang + Ewars, it gains on the 2nd hit and 3rd hit, but not the initial hit.

I show you at 111pts of 128 at level 85. You should type /passives and do your 2 remaining quests for 2 more passives. 4pts away is essence sap and that can help you a great deal
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Youre awesome thanks for the help :D
Thanks Ahfack and blackdeath for the suggestions. I mostly just use the Ewar's for mapping now, I logged with my bossing 6L and weapon. I'm still working on saving up for that 2 element convert weapon. For now the 6% penetration seems a bit better than what I'd get from a Princess.

Those ideas on the mana problem were similar to what I was thinking. I'm thinking too about grabbing one or two of the 8% mana nodes (16% each with the two Meeks). That should bump my mana leach/sec cap up as well. I'm just glad that it's not too outlandish to think I'm the only one that keeps hearing "I have nothing more to give" all the time.

Unfortunately, I took Oak since I wasn't going the Vaal Pact route, so just 22 bonus skill points for me :(

Edit: I decided to make the jump and picked up a dagger for 1ex60c. No pen, so not a huge upgrade for bossing, but great for mapping. Probably means I'll start running with chain instead of fork and drop Ewar's for maps as well.

Последняя редакция: bbrownz#5353. Время: 12 марта 2018 г., 15:51:04
I have a question regarding hypothermia. It work great while maping, shattering and more damage. But I wonder if it works well against bosses, how long does the chill last and is it long enough to reach that "more" damage?
IGN: TasKitas
Currently clearing through maps and (T8) and it's pretty easy. Bossing feels okay as well till now. Havn't seen it suggested but Brinerot Whalers seem to be pretty good as well. Still using those as my boots but have to switch soon because my Lionseye's Vision is almost ready. Not sure what to get next though. Got around 150c but I could improve on every aspect of my gear. I think a better shield might be the right call.

@Ahfack looked at your shield and with 30% qual beast craft it has 3k armor. This is beyond crazy >.<
Raider for bossing, Deadeye for mapping.
Am i right?

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