[3.X] SPECTRAL SHIELD THROW DeadEye (100% phys and 90% ELE. 1,5-2M DPS REALISTIC GEAR non-crit!)

Bolentine написал:
Now that we're more than 1 week into the league I can safely say that this build succeeded in achieving what I was hoping for.

Had no real trouble during mapping, can do upto t15 maps without much trouble (almost looking at a complete atlas right now) Fairly tanky build as it is, although I still find myself getting the ocassional huge hit from chaos damage due to my current resistances. I find it very valuable to go with a rumi's concoction build for sustained capped block chance in terms of survival (picking up a few bloch nodes here and there); since trash clearing is obviously not an issue, and having high block chance paired with the high armor values and taste of haste damage mitigation is a great boost on survival.

I ended up going with cold penetration gem over the cold to fire gem,since even if cold to fire shows up as more damage in pob it's not more damage on certain targets that have elemental resistance, and since our current ele pen is low I find it way more valuable to be able to get cold pen over multiple elemental sources of damage. Haven't really tried the ice spear set up for the EO sustain but i'm not sure if it's really worth it that much.

I'm fairly certain that the new loreweave is a great fit for the build as well since elemental damage is way more of an issue than phys damage specially with block cap.

Got an elder kill but no shaper kill so I'm still needing to test the waters there, atziri was a real pain in the ass to kill tbh (not even uber atziri), but izaro on the other hand was no big deal.

The new belt the Nomad is also a great fit for the build, although I'm starting to think that if I were to go with loreweave over belly I'll probably need to consider going with a rare belt for resistances so I can also afford getting some chaos res on some items as well.

All in all, sure, this isn't a tier 1 build, but It serves its purpose and it's a good build to try out the new skill mechanics and it's by no means unable to do content; it might take slightly more investment than your run of the mill league starter, but it works, sort of.

Thanx for the feedback! Very interesting info here! Agree about Rumi as well, since we have quite a bit of block here and there Rumi can potentially be a very safe option in high tier maps. As for ice spear = EO is a crazy dps boost (in fact biggest in the builf). I had high concerns about it at first, but eventually settled up on using it and i think it's worth the node investment. Lorewave is indeed a super cool option for resists :)
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Bolentine написал:
Now that we're more than 1 week into the league I can safely say that this build succeeded in achieving what I was hoping for.

Had no real trouble during mapping, can do upto t15 maps without much trouble (almost looking at a complete atlas right now) Fairly tanky build as it is, although I still find myself getting the ocassional huge hit from chaos damage due to my current resistances. I find it very valuable to go with a rumi's concoction build for sustained capped block chance in terms of survival (picking up a few bloch nodes here and there); since trash clearing is obviously not an issue, and having high block chance paired with the high armor values and taste of haste damage mitigation is a great boost on survival.

I ended up going with cold penetration gem over the cold to fire gem,since even if cold to fire shows up as more damage in pob it's not more damage on certain targets that have elemental resistance, and since our current ele pen is low I find it way more valuable to be able to get cold pen over multiple elemental sources of damage. Haven't really tried the ice spear set up for the EO sustain but i'm not sure if it's really worth it that much.

I'm fairly certain that the new loreweave is a great fit for the build as well since elemental damage is way more of an issue than phys damage specially with block cap.

Got an elder kill but no shaper kill so I'm still needing to test the waters there, atziri was a real pain in the ass to kill tbh (not even uber atziri), but izaro on the other hand was no big deal.

The new belt the Nomad is also a great fit for the build, although I'm starting to think that if I were to go with loreweave over belly I'll probably need to consider going with a rare belt for resistances so I can also afford getting some chaos res on some items as well.

All in all, sure, this isn't a tier 1 build, but It serves its purpose and it's a good build to try out the new skill mechanics and it's by no means unable to do content; it might take slightly more investment than your run of the mill league starter, but it works, sort of.

This is very reassuring to read. Just started out currently level 20 but am hoping to achieve similar results. Glad to read the opposite of all the negativity that's been going around about SST.
chopesh написал:
How do you handle Atziri with this build, we can get rid of 2 chains changing gear. Do you respec to remove chain from the tree ?

Well, if you will be lucky you might not hit that mirror with the 1 chain left. But this is indeed not HC friendly. I would unspec all chains maybe
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Reporting: Levelled to 85 with the build. Had no problems killing bosses or anything. Of cause bosses are non "instant" but very doable. I also reconsidered my thoughts on EVASION in general. Holy shit it can be tanky if stacked a bit (on flasks, etc). Block helps as well. Most melee bosses miss a lot.. like 5-6 times in a row. I am losing steam for bestiary sadly, but will definitely update the build if i find out something importabnt. Once i get to standard i will be issuing the full video build guide.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Interesting choice for SST. Different route than what I've taken on my version of SST, You've got a lot more DPS than me though that's for sure but I wonder how they would compare next to each other.
[3.12] Lab runner build - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2972868
Ulab guide for noobs (Old but Gold) - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2055995
Recorded a demo video for you guys
This is just a small demo of SST in action in T7 Underground River map, so that you will have an understanding what to expect in mid/game. My gear is still very basic and uber lab not done.
T8 Shore: https://youtu.be/1Sby-noBjUQ
i just don't have higher maps atm. god damn alchs lol
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Последняя редакция: Angry_Roleplayer#6657. Время: 15 марта 2018 г., 10:30:52
Angry_Roleplayer написал:
Recorded a demo video for you guys
This is just a small demo of SST in action in T7 Underground River map, so that you will have an understanding what to expect in mid/game. My gear is still very basic and uber lab not done.
T8 Shore: https://youtu.be/1Sby-noBjUQ
i just don't have higher maps atm. god damn alchs lol

I'm running T11-T12 maps with your build atm ( https://pastebin.com/t96rUG10 if anyone is curious). I'm still pretty noob ( I pretty much don't know many uniques or mods :< ) but I know that I lack HP and a bit damage, I guess? My buddy told me to get rid of hrimsorrow, so I could get some damage on rings instead of tripple resistance. I still have a belly of the beast in my stash that I'm trying to 6L ( 300 fusings in :< ) but it just won't happen. If you have any suggestions on what to change, I'd be more than happy.

This is pretty much my first real league and it has been a blast with this build :)

Also, I don't really know if I play the build effectivly.
What I do most of the time is to use all buffs for tailwind stacks and using Flasks at bosses (trash dies instantly anyway, so no need to use flask there) and be as close range as I can get to get more damage off and going range if I need HP or I see big damage incoming from a skill.

Any advice would be appreciated.
amokk написал:
Angry_Roleplayer написал:
Recorded a demo video for you guys
This is just a small demo of SST in action in T7 Underground River map, so that you will have an understanding what to expect in mid/game. My gear is still very basic and uber lab not done.
T8 Shore: https://youtu.be/1Sby-noBjUQ
i just don't have higher maps atm. god damn alchs lol

I'm running T11-T12 maps with your build atm ( https://pastebin.com/t96rUG10 if anyone is curious). I'm still pretty noob ( I pretty much don't know many uniques or mods :< ) but I know that I lack HP and a bit damage, I guess? My buddy told me to get rid of hrimsorrow, so I could get some damage on rings instead of tripple resistance. I still have a belly of the beast in my stash that I'm trying to 6L ( 300 fusings in :< ) but it just won't happen. If you have any suggestions on what to change, I'd be more than happy.

This is pretty much my first real league and it has been a blast with this build :)

Also, I don't really know if I play the build effectivly.
What I do most of the time is to use all buffs for tailwind stacks and using Flasks at bosses (trash dies instantly anyway, so no need to use flask there) and be as close range as I can get to get more damage off and going range if I need HP or I see big damage incoming from a skill.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Get better Ewar's and better Remorse. Your shield armor is on the lowest end possible :)
As for the rest it all seems good! Hrimsorrows can be dropped they are HUGE dps part
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Последняя редакция: Angry_Roleplayer#6657. Время: 16 марта 2018 г., 4:32:50
Yeah, I don't see us getting rid of hrimsorrow at all.

I think the only reasonable change would be eventually getting a huge elder/shaper stat stick that would make us get rid of ewar; once ewar is out there's really not that much need for gloomfang and getting either a really good talisman or a stone of lawar for block chance survival might be a better option. Other than that I don't see many options; also, there's not much damage to be had from rings either way, it's not like we get a lot of benefit from flat damage at all; conversion rings like pyre might be an option, but meh.

Btw, I realized just yesterday that we get no attack speed benefit from blood rage so we're only using it as a source for frenzy charges really. so getting rid of it might bring space for a new 3 link with more utility, something to consider maybe. Alternative it might be an option to just get some kaom's roots instead since with my current flask setup I don't really have an anti freeze potion; I'm not sure if my resists can afford it though; but if we're able to get to 100 all res with them and a good loreweave that might be an ideal situation.

I'd get rid of starkonja if u need more resists, we get virtually nothing from it, meh life roll, decreased damage on low life, and crit chance which is meh given we are using EO. a 3 resists helm is way better IMO
Последняя редакция: Bolentine#2393. Время: 16 марта 2018 г., 10:04:08
If you're open to input:

I've been running this build for about a week now, and I personally picked up iron reflexes. It feels pretty tanky. Since you're grabbing such a high armour or evasion shield, and grabbing some increased defences from shield nodes, it ends up giving some decent mitigation.

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