[3.X] SPECTRAL SHIELD THROW DeadEye (100% phys and 90% ELE. 1,5-2M DPS REALISTIC GEAR non-crit!)

DarkenX написал:
Angry_Roleplayer написал:
DarkenX написал:
How different is the Elemental build from the physical? I've only used a handful of Physical builds in the past, and mostly been a spellcaster, so not sure how conversion and stuff works without seeing it for myself or having it explained better.

Edit: @Angry Did you link me the Phys or Ele build in PoE Planner? I thought it was phys at first, but then I saw Elemental Overload, so now I'm not sure which one it is, haha.

Elemental build mostly use elemental damage, convert phys to elemental and use skill gems that buff elemental damage as well as physical damage. AFAIK elemental damage "double dibs" a bit, but it's hard to explain:
Getting physical damage in conversion builds automatically "buffs" your elemental damage.
Most of the time conversion builds do slightly higher damage than phys builds, but of cause suffer from Ele reflect maps and ALSO phys reflect maps if you still have some phys damage left (like in this build).

i think i linked you ele version

Ah, thank you! I'll take a look at that link!

Also, what links did you use for SST? I can imagine some of them, but others are questionable...

For ele version it's quite tricky
WED, ELE focus, Phys proj attack damage, cold to fire, maim, SST.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Последняя редакция: Angry_Roleplayer#6657. Время: 5 марта 2018 г., 4:34:52
I would have figured something to do with projectile speed, but guess I was way off! Thank you again! About to beat Merveil and get started on this.
Are you sure the weapons elemental Dmg node is working with sst?
Of course not. All Weapon Mods do nothing for the DMG of SST.
This build guide is really lame and helps in no way to level up a SST Ranger.
Don't know what you are talking about. The only node with a weapon specific boost is primeval force; and it only applies to the elemental penetration which sucks, but it's still worth picking due to the high elemental damage u get allong the way.

I found the guide really helpful tbh, I was struggling trying to figure out a way to make SST work since its scaling seemed so underwhelming and so far this has hit the spot. Single target damage is still an issue but nothing too bad so far on mid tier maps. Don't know how this'll translate into higher tier maps; but as long as I can do all the content using SST I'll be more than happy.

Besides the obvious boost from getting better shields as you level up I found that Hrimsorrow gave a substantial dps boost

I'm not completely sold on the potions though. I don't get the chalice and kiara's use.
Последняя редакция: Bolentine#2393. Время: 5 марта 2018 г., 2:50:23
currently level 88 with this build. my advice, just go play frost blades. it does awful single target damage and is unable to do red maps without a large investment of currency.
elemental version of this build is terrible. I'm doing the pure phys one and it works great so far. no problem with bosses and the clear speed is top notch. I'm going for more crit nodes near scion compared to this build, it's much better.
Bolentine написал:
Don't know what you are talking about. The only node with a weapon specific boost is primeval force; and it only applies to the elemental penetration which sucks, but it's still worth picking due to the high elemental damage u get allong the way.

I found the guide really helpful tbh, I was struggling trying to figure out a way to make SST work since its scaling seemed so underwhelming and so far this has hit the spot. Single target damage is still an issue but nothing too bad so far on mid tier maps. Don't know how this'll translate into higher tier maps; but as long as I can do all the content using SST I'll be more than happy.

Besides the obvious boost from getting better shields as you level up I found that Hrimsorrow gave a substantial dps boost

I'm not completely sold on the potions though. I don't get the chalice and kiara's use.

Kiara and Chalice are placeholders, i was just too busy and didn't bother crafting and inserting magic ones.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Added some levelling info, gear and 1-27 tree guys.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Just got into mapping with SST. Using Ahn's as my shield at lvl 69 (1300 armor). 6 linked tabby atm. I have 3 assendencies for Deadeye - Fast and Deadly, Far Shot and Ricochet. I took Fast and Deadly over Gathering Winds as my merc lab because a 30% damage boost looked so much better than the defense.

Clearing trash with SST and Chain is actually pretty decent. It isnt top tier, but ive had worse. I went ele conversion as alot of the good ele nodes are easily accessible. The biggest issue is Solo Target DPS / Solo Bosses.

I thought about going ST for single target with a ele main hand, but what would be the point? Why not just go full ST if I had to switch all the time?

At this point, I'll have to really have to commit and start dumping currency into this character if I want to make the skill work.

Crafting a high base shield doesnt sound too difficult (I think i can hit 2000 fairly easy as there are 3000 based on standard)

Gloomfang would be a nice addition for clear, but does not help single target. Was about 2 ex for this league when i checked.

All in all, i feel like there is potential for this skill but there are so many other skills that are easier to work around... both in price and ease of playing.

Dont try this as a league starter if you're a newer player, it will make you think the game is unbalanced and unfair.

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