[3.2] Chin Sol Blast Rain Raider 3m+ Shaper DPS 6500+ Hp [League Viable] Video's Up.

TehShadyGuy написал:
Hey want to say Been playing the build for a few days now (already lv 86?) I'm enjoying the build though I did decide to go the route of Deadeye after sitting down and making some configurations. Currently running with a 6l Belly (swapping it between my cycloner and my deadeye) with a chinsol and 5l Death's Opus. My gear is still a little all over the place due to the lack of a 6l Chinsol+Opus, a Kaom's and a xoph's but all in all still really enjoying the build as a whole.

The Ascendancy nodes I took with deadeye are Tailwind, Fast and Deadly, farshot and ricochet. After punching the numbers in PoB the single target dps went down a little bit but all in all can still boss and clear quickly.

I personally not a big fan of dead eye but yeah there is a distinct advantage of having farshot sometimes you need to dodge 1 shots so you run away to a distance and that puts you outside of close range zone, farshot would allow you to still deal good damage at a distance, however I dont think blast rain would work with ricochet, because as far as I'm aware of, blast rain dont chain.

*pob doesnt always account for all situations unfortunately, like my previous post: PoB shows the bonus you get from rupture, but this build is pure fire damage so is impossible to cause bleeding, but PoB calculations still acts like you can.
Nice build. I'm still leveling it. Couple of questions.

1. What order should I do the ascendancy?

2. Why didn't you take Fervour and Frenetic?

3. If I can't afford 6 links which gems should I leave out for TS and BR?
Последняя редакция: BerekHalfHand#2469. Время: 20 марта 2018 г., 9:22:17
Hey, im trying this build but i have a question.

Why do you put some skill points into clawns damage, buffs, etc?

Thanks for the build! Great so far.
BerekHalfHand написал:
Nice build. I'm still leveling it. Couple of questions.

1. What order should I do the ascendancy?

2. Why didn't you take Fervour and Frenetic?

3. If I can't afford 6 links which gems should I leave out for TS and BR?

1. i would go: rapid assault -> way of the poacher -> avatar of chase -> avatar of slaughter.

2. taking those grants about 5.8% more dps for 2 passives so around 2.9% per passive, but I opted for more life to make the build a bit tankier but you can definitely take those at later levels.

3. Tornado shot replace increased crit, blast rain replace faster attack
RoketNek написал:
Hey, im trying this build but i have a question.

Why do you put some skill points into clawns damage, buffs, etc?

Thanks for the build! Great so far.

Lion eye's fall viridian jewel converts all claw passives in the radius to bow passives.
WindFaLL95 написал:
RoketNek написал:
Hey, im trying this build but i have a question.

Why do you put some skill points into clawns damage, buffs, etc?

Thanks for the build! Great so far.

Lion eye's fall viridian jewel converts all claw passives in the radius to bow passives.

Thank you so much, im really enjoying this build so far!

But I have another question, how do you deal with Mana? Becouse im having so much trouble with it.
Im currently at level 50.
RoketNek написал:
WindFaLL95 написал:
RoketNek написал:
Hey, im trying this build but i have a question.

Why do you put some skill points into clawns damage, buffs, etc?

Thanks for the build! Great so far.

Lion eye's fall viridian jewel converts all claw passives in the radius to bow passives.

Thank you so much, im really enjoying this build so far!

But I have another question, how do you deal with Mana? Becouse im having so much trouble with it.
Im currently at level 50.

You don't have enough leech as you are too low level maybe just run anger only for now, also I have level 3 enlighten linked to anger and herald of ash in my build, so I have around 200 Mana unreserved which is enough for 5 blast rains.
WindFaLL95 написал:

You don't have enough leech as you are too low level maybe just run anger only for now, also I have level 3 enlighten linked to anger and herald of ash in my build, so I have around 200 Mana unreserved which is enough for 5 blast rains.

Got it! Thanks for your time. You bring a lot of help to this new player!
Around how expensive is this build for standard? Can you give a range?
midas717 написал:
Around how expensive is this build for standard? Can you give a range?

20-25ex should be enough.

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