[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec

Awesome build! never thought of going RF with Poet's pen and Pathfinder
AphexWootz написал:
Desn our ToH screwing our Wise Oak penetration?
Or we using it for more tankiness/ Or you need really low cold res?

If you want to take advantage of Wise Oak's penetration yes, you have to get a really low cold res. Mine is 25% before flasks and others are overcapped. You have to have a good flask management.
Последняя редакция: intre#4184. Время: 23 мая 2018 г., 14:22:26
Hit level 99 with this build last night on the flashback league. I started late. Trying to find the willpower to go for 100 before league ends. I have hit a pretty hard burnout on the volatile dead noises though.

Последняя редакция: AlfredBKnott#2738. Время: 26 мая 2018 г., 5:34:40
AlfredBKnott написал:
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Hit level 99 with this build last night on the flashback league. I started late. Trying to find the willpower to go for 100 before league ends. I have hit a pretty hard burnout on the volatile dead noises though.


I've been playing a similar version in the hc race after my hierophant died.

Currently level 96. I'm running triple purities, righteous fire and ruby and basalt flask (no need for quicksilver with bodyswap). Very safe with 8.7k life, 94/94/84 resists and have been able to facetank things like abaxoth easily.

Gear wise nothing amazing, just decent rares, a Kaom's & xophs amulet. Character name is qwertz_the_poet if anyone wants to look at gear/tree.

Скрытый текст
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Последняя редакция: qwertz#1626. Время: 29 мая 2018 г., 5:40:01
Ascendant choises would be pathfinder and elementalist? I want to try out an adaptation of this build with scion -
Akso, what gem would you use if poet's pen had Culling Strike corruption?
No perandus no flask :(
Get it from card almost impossible.
But here i see perandus map will be..how to get it then:)
isimak написал:
No perandus no flask :(
Get it from card almost impossible.
But here i see perandus map will be..how to get it then:)

Perandus Manor will be back, with 100% chance to get a Cadiro there.
It will be unlikely to get the flask but it's another option.
Should drop fairly often from the unique perandus item chest in the manor. Might be cheaper then last league depending on the drop rate of Perandus Manor cards.
Hope so:)
Dont know about drop from that map:)
Will see what it be:)

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