[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec

Don_Mateo написал:
Nice build :) ! Which pantheon do you take for this build?

Márkusz написал:
CWDT Immortal Call with the Arachnoxia extension which gives a huge amount of heal rate.
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■

Thanks for the build
Zerphi's... 1K hours PLAYED BOIISSS

joke aside nice build
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
hi man i have few qestions:

1.that new mask Indigon for spending at least 200 mana work with bloodmagic? i cant find it in wiki
2.i made ur build and i have almost 7k life with kaom but i just cant sustain degen enaugh my mana with blood rage too keep my flask :/ i can degen 1 flask but secend one regen my mana and im many times fucked.... any idea how too prevent that ? i tryed cast vortex in fight but that was very unfunny expierience when i forgot it abaut it few times
3.u made ur build with few changes in bestiary with shitty gear too being able to take uber dow - u wont be mad when i made video and i credit u in there ?

anyway thx a lot, i love flaks and u revived that flask for me and im very thx too u ;)
i will made some builds araund its just soo good :))

my builds:
Varilecki написал:
hi man i have few qestions:

1.that new mask Indigon for spending at least 200 mana work with bloodmagic? i cant find it in wiki
2.i made ur build and i have almost 7k life with kaom but i just cant sustain degen enaugh my mana with blood rage too keep my flask :/ i can degen 1 flask but secend one regen my mana and im many times fucked.... any idea how too prevent that ? i tryed cast vortex in fight but that was very unfunny expierience when i forgot it abaut it few times
3.u made ur build with few changes in bestiary with shitty gear too being able to take uber dow - u wont be mad when i made video and i credit u in there ?

anyway thx a lot, i love flaks and u revived that flask for me and im very thx too u ;)
i will made some builds araund its just soo good :))

No the helm doesnt work.
Can't tell whats wrong without seeing your gear and stuff
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
I spent about 10+ exalts in sets + gearing up my Ancestral Warchief totem character for this fight. Got destroyed so many times. I am rubbish at dodging, so I decided to use this build.

I did it on my first attempt. Would have been deathless if I had remembered to refresh my blood rage. This build is absolutely insane for this encounter. Thanks for the guide!
IGN - Zginc
Added Deathless Uber Elder video with no legacy gear: https://youtu.be/FCBX27Te238 and updated thread with more optimised gear and some explanations.
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
https://pastebin.com/ww0RngEt here is pob too my char

my problem is i can barerly degen mana regen with blood rage just from 1 flask - i have nooo chance for using 2 of them right now:/ idk how u degen them soo easly

edit: i swap ruby flask for that one with +4 max res, and then i just can degen enaugh both of them with bloodrage - btw 1 flask is almost too much, removing quality from them i think gave me nothing
my builds:
Последняя редакция: Varilecki#2143. Время: 13 марта 2018 г., 19:11:12
Márkusz написал:
Added Deathless Uber Elder video with no legacy gear: https://youtu.be/FCBX27Te238 and updated thread with more optimised gear and some explanations.

Poe Pvp experience
DOES increased life recovery from flask apply to ZERPHI HEAL RATE?

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