[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec
" Could you be more specific as to why you are unable to do it smoothly. Judging by your gear, it should be fine unless you are running out of flask charges or missing a flask timing. Only thing you should improve on is your mana cost, 400+ is more than enough for any content. With that gear your damage might be slightly lower but you should be able to tank everything. "
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Improve your attack speed, should be close to 4aps, you have 2. Next mana cost 400+. For improving damage a VD +1 Enchant and if possible add wise oak to setup. " Would be a complete waste of flask slot. You need to take damage or do degen first anyway. Use RF if you find blood rage hard to keep up. Why use quicksilver for boss runs anyway. Better to add a wise oak if possible or even a double TOH. Последняя редакция: vvamic#7761. Время: 12 июля 2018 г., 10:07:03
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" Thank you for this great boss killing machine. Have done 50+ Uber elder runs this league using 1-2 tp avg. My Gear, had worse equipment before but still managed to do it smoothly. Now I think not much room to upgrade.
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I have 2 points to mention 1. Heart of flame node is a superior choice to take rather than Explosive impact. It's 3 points more but totally worth it. 2. Better to add wise oak to setup than divination distillate, I can tank everything (expect expanding nova) in a U.elder/Shaper fight without it. I do own a Vitality regen Watcher's eye and have 6.5k hp. |
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" I was thinking of this for mapping not for bossing actually. RF is just a pain for mapping. But yeah for bossing that would be a waste. |
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" Yeah RF can be painful while mapping. You could use these or its upgraded version I myself use Blood Rage and these while mapping. Insane move speed making me take minor hits left and right which keeps my mana at almost 0 most of the time. Flask isn't bad and would be useful if you find it hard to keep your mana low but I would prefer to use some other flask instead if I can manage mana easily via other means. Последняя редакция: vvamic#7761. Время: 12 июля 2018 г., 10:42:18
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" So I am playing HC with this build (im sadistic) and was running kaom's roots for the stun immune, and trying to reduce the chance of player error via not having to micromanage the mana regen as much and focus on the encounters more(since zerphi deactivates upon reaching full mana). Any other way to become stun immune and use those boots? |
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" Only thing that comes to my mind and probably could be fitted into our gear setup partially would be one of the chayula amulets. You could swap between it & xoph for bosses. Even a 50-80% immunity lab enchant on the said boots would be pretty hard to get in HC. Otherwise just wing it without the stun immunity, VD from a safe distance and don't use bodyswap. |
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So after playing the build for quite a while now, pretty much reached peak point apart from lvling up further.
Currently at lvl 92 with 7008life, 30.9k vd avg dmg vs shaper. Facetanking all content in the game apart from phoenix aoe that debuffs you because im too lazy to roll a curse immune flask. (yes even bullet hell in normal shaper i can facetank np) 81/90/81 resists during flasks, not opted for wise oak as its not worth the hassle when using lightning coil. Mana cost on frenzy: 376 Life regen estimated between 25-28k Gear below: 3x fevered mind jewels, 1 watcher's eye with life recovery % while affected by vitality and % fire leech on anger and a rare jewel with %fire dmg, %area dmg, %life. For those interrested in actual numbers completly here's the pob link for my char as of this post: https://pastebin.com/fXmsVJvR |
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" I don't think wise oak is for defense boost alone, I count it as a bonus. The real stat is the fire penetration, With pathfinder you can get upto 23% fire penetration with it. With some changes to tree, a fire penetration watcher's eye, some gear enchants/corruptions and wise oak, One can hit 90%+ fire penetration. Последняя редакция: vvamic#7761. Время: 12 июля 2018 г., 12:50:43
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" Последняя редакция: MarkArne#3546. Время: 12 июля 2018 г., 14:13:23
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" Remove the rare jewel and use a Fevered mind instead to increase your mana cost. I checked everything in your setup. You are using wise Oak to cap your resistances which should be fine but needs full uptime of the flask. I still think it has something to do with flask management coz I can see no improvement other than mana cost for you defense wise. Последняя редакция: vvamic#7761. Время: 16 июля 2018 г., 14:11:24
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